Anyone else here 4'11"?



  • Riyam
    Riyam Posts: 25
    hehe. Am I the only one shooting for double digits? 84 is my goal weight.

    I'm a 5'2'' shortie and currently 97

    Hehehe... I weighed 97lbs most of my adult life. (I'm 5'4".) I used to say that I didn't want to weight over 100 lbs because then, if someone asked my weight, I'd have to begin my answer with "one hundred". It was a joke...kind of. ;-)

    In my 30s I gained a little weight, and felt I looked better at 110 lbs, than 97.

    It's all so personal, though.

    Yess. I think after 30, it's definitely better to be at a BMI of 18 or above, it looks more natural. But for younger us, we can get away with with a lower BMI, especially if already too short, curvy & small framed like me for example.
  • I'm 4'11" ..and 1/2" (couldn't leave the 1/2" off) lol

    CW = 103.6
    GW = 95-100

    But I am more concerned with toning now than with losing more weight
  • LadyBuell
    LadyBuell Posts: 164
    I'm 5'. I started out at 198.8. Not sure what weight I want to get down to ultimately but I just want to get to where I look good and feel good.
  • d_89
    d_89 Posts: 30 Member
    4'11 too. I started at 162 and I'm now down by 4lbs. I want to get to about 125 , which was how much I weighed the last time I was satisfied with my body
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I want a group picture, with everyone of you. :)
  • ayamagali
    ayamagali Posts: 167 Member
    You know what, if you look friggin great at 120 and are happy with that, then stay there. I think BMI gives a general idea, but is pretty imprecise. I'm a shorty with an inch on ya, my goal is 100 lbs, but mostly I'm focusing on fitness. If my arms and legs are nice and not so jiggly and I'm still the same weight, I'll be happy. And my belly ponge, haha!!
  • pinkpascal
    pinkpascal Posts: 75 Member
    i'm 4'11.5" :) That .5 makes all the difference. I started at 173 in October and am currently at 163 but have been stuck here a while. I would love to get down to 115. Thats my ultimate goal but i have never been that little before. If anyone wants to add me feel free :)
  • B_Steppuhn
    B_Steppuhn Posts: 44 Member
    I'm right there with ya Im 4 10 currently 152. And want to at least get to 120 but I also have d cups so well see
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm at 4'10.5" and at 133. When I was in my late teens/early 20's, I weighed in at 95-100 lbs. and was constantly told I looked "sick." I'm hoping to get down to 110, but would be happy at 115-120.
  • CottonCandyKisses
    CottonCandyKisses Posts: 246 Member
    I'm a shortie too, 4'11 and a 1/2. I'm 115.8 right now, looking to maybe get to 110. I do have a fair amount of muscle, so if I don't lose alot but get toned, I'll be happy with that.
  • wheezard
    wheezard Posts: 3
    I'm 5' even. I'm at about 113, now. I was 104 before I had kids and when I was doing triathlons. I want to get back to that. I am pretty muscular now, and I do have proportionally broad shoulders and ribs, but I know I have 5 - 10 lbs of just fluff that I can stand to get rid of. It sure is hard to lose those last 10 lbs. Soooo hard!
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    i'm 4'11. i started at just under 150lbs about a year ago, and now i'm down to 117lbs. 115 was my original goal (and i was there for a little while), but i'm thinking i can afford to lose some more pounds. when i was a freshman in high school (was that ten years ago?! wow!) i weighed 97lbs and ran competitively. i'm not sure if i want to go below 100lbs, but even at 97lbs i had a curvy shape.
  • explore5
    explore5 Posts: 2
    Hi I'm 4ft 11 and proud of it as well. People find it difficult to guess my age which is great! I started my weight loss as part of my New Years Resolution and so far have lost 9lb. I would like to lose another 6lb which would take me to 120lb. I can't remember the last time I was that weight so I know it will be a huge challenge.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    4' 10.5" We all seem to count that 1/2 inch. I remember weighing 90 lbs, in fact I saw a picture of me at that weight and realized I looked a little sickly. About 3 years ago I was down to 112 and that was pretty good. A couple years of being ill landed me at 130 so now I'm trying for 110. Since I got better, I am working out again and would rather look toned than sickly so I think 110 is a good weight for me.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    I'm 4'11 and 3quarters! I want to get down to 110. My goal is a body like Hayden Panettiere the actress. We have similar body type. Long torso and shorter thicker legs. I was 115 or so when I graduated high school but I had put on a few pounds from my asthma meds. I think Haydens body at 5foot and 110 is beautiful. Most women my height should be between 105 and 111 my doc said, depending on body type. I was a dancer and gymnast so until I got out of school and moved in with my now husband, I was always in shape. This extra weight is killing me, I know it.
    Hopefully I can get to my goal soon!
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    Feel free to friend me!
  • khara2012
    khara2012 Posts: 1,051 Member
    I'm 4'10, currently 142. I was 98 pounds in high school, until my boobs came in. Once I reached my full C-D cup, my lowest weight was 107 - and that was pretty thin. I'm shooting for 115 - 120, but would be ecstatic if I could get to 110. I'm not sure I will actually ever get there, as like I said, a little top heavy for my height - and I want to keep my curves! I really just want to get some muscle back and look and feel healthier!!:wink:
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Another shorty here

    I am 4'11.5 and I started my journey 2 years ago at 196.5 and I currently weigh 147, my lowest was 138 back in October but my running slacked and I gained 13 pounds which I have been able to take 4 of those off.

    My goal is to reach 129, which is my high school weight(which was 25 years ago) and I thought I looked real good then. Even at 138 my husband thought I looked great but to me I still had alot of fat to lose. So right now I am training for my first half marathon, which is May27, so all I am doing right now is running - once that race is over and I have had time to recover I plan to start weight training. That will really help with the toning.

    Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • cardiolvr
    cardiolvr Posts: 6 Member
    Another 4'11.5" one:-) I have struggled with weight since I was a teenager. All of the women in my family are short and tiny. I think I got all of their fat cells. I was 120-130 throughout college and 145 when I got married. I felt great at 145 but my goal has always been 130-135. Three kids later, I have yo-yo'd between 165-190. I am currently about 180 and trying to move down to 130. It seems like such a long way to go and I have tried so many times. I just have to do it. I would love some friends that understand this challenge of being so short and trying to keep the weight off.