Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss



  • MrsEb79
    MrsEb79 Posts: 42 Member
    Time to get a new Dr! Ridiculous that they have lab proof that your thyroid is not functioning and they are not doing anything for you. You may also want to have your Vitamin D and Iron levels checked. Good luck with your wt loss! :)

    Thanks for the reply. I had my iron level checked and it's low. So, now I'm dealing with that, too.
  • ccbing
    ccbing Posts: 162 Member
    Add me :) I started off on Synthroid 50 about 6 years ago, then went to 77, then 8?, now I have been on 100mg for about 2 years. I seem to lose weight pretty easliy the first 2 months, but then it get a lot tougher. I know it's possible to lose it and keep it off we may just have to work a little harder. I also have been taking medication for a small tumor on my pituitary gland for about 10 years. So...it's a tricky thing to get all my levels where they should be. But I just stay the course and keep chugging along :happy:
  • ezBrizy
    ezBrizy Posts: 131 Member
    Hello! I have hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto's Disease which has also led to PCOS so I understand the struggle. Hang in there!
  • MrsEb79
    MrsEb79 Posts: 42 Member
    I agree with sackit...go to a reputable endocrinologist. There is a reason they are specialists. I have been living without 1/2 my thyroid for over 20 years and take my meds regularly and also get my levels checked every 6 months now. I re-began my journey Dec 5th and have lost 35 lbs to date. It can be done....sometimes it's harder, but not so much if you are regulated.

    You have to want to be healthy and if you are serious and tired of being tired get to the Dr's...time is ticking by. I'm proof that it can be done and I turn 50 this year so add that to the mix of slow metobolism.

    Good Luck.

    I've been to two specialists. Both insist that my results are normal. I don't understand how this could be. How do I explain all of the symptoms? Am I just meant to have to work especially hard to lose one pound and feel like crud all the time? I'm not buying it. I will go to a hundred doctors if I have to. I might get down about it sometimes, but I will never give up. And all of these symptoms have started within the last three years or so...which is when my second daughter was born. I think that the pregnancy seriously messed up my hormones. I was think all my life, up until about age 25. That's when I started to gain. In the past 7 years, I have gained about 70 pounds. I just don't think that's normal.
  • cjm109
    cjm109 Posts: 264 Member
    add me - i take the synthroid, 10 yrs now, and can relate.

    had 4 biopsies in early january - i now have solid nodes (18mm!) as well as many fluid cysts - thyroid removal surgery pending for later this year.


    *not* looking forward to the throat slit scar.

    <edit> - they also just put me on the prescription strength vitamin d - 50,000 IU once a week, and have me taking iron supplements. i notice i have not been quite as tired since then.

    It's not so bad...the cut looks gross at first but they put it in the crease of your neckline so it eventually fades. Most people don't even see mine unless I point it out. Recovery was fairly easy too.
  • cjm109
    cjm109 Posts: 264 Member
    I agree with sackit...go to a reputable endocrinologist. There is a reason they are specialists. I have been living without 1/2 my thyroid for over 20 years and take my meds regularly and also get my levels checked every 6 months now. I re-began my journey Dec 5th and have lost 35 lbs to date. It can be done....sometimes it's harder, but not so much if you are regulated.

    You have to want to be healthy and if you are serious and tired of being tired get to the Dr's...time is ticking by. I'm proof that it can be done and I turn 50 this year so add that to the mix of slow metobolism.

    Good Luck.

    I've been to two specialists. Both insist that my results are normal. I don't understand how this could be. How do I explain all of the symptoms? Am I just meant to have to work especially hard to lose one pound and feel like crud all the time? I'm not buying it. I will go to a hundred doctors if I have to. I might get down about it sometimes, but I will never give up. And all of these symptoms have started within the last three years or so...which is when my second daughter was born. I think that the pregnancy seriously messed up my hormones. I was think all my life, up until about age 25. That's when I started to gain. In the past 7 years, I have gained about 70 pounds. I just don't think that's normal.

    It's not normal if you eat right and work out to gain appx 10 lbs a year. I agree with the others that you have to be insistant on finding a solution.

    After gaining the weight do you snore?? Apnea could be the culprit for the tiredness too. Not getting enough quality sleep messes with your body terribly.

    And I like your attitude...don't let this make you ever stop trying.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I went undiagnosed for years with Hypothyroidism and a lot of damage was done to me. Like everyone else, I gained a lot of weight and had completely given up on any weight loss. I even considered the lap band surgery. Anyway, someone told me about MFP and it has been a life saver for me. I follow the MFP guidelines and I go the slow and steady route of weight loss. I have other medical issues so I can't work out much but I am still losing by counting calories. I take meds every day which helps. I have lost 18 pounds since September 1 which doesn't sound like much to a lot of people but to me it is amazing. I have about 50 to go but I know over time it will happen. Before being diagnosed all I could do was gain weight. It takes patience. Good Luck
  • MrsEb79
    MrsEb79 Posts: 42 Member
    I agree with sackit...go to a reputable endocrinologist. There is a reason they are specialists. I have been living without 1/2 my thyroid for over 20 years and take my meds regularly and also get my levels checked every 6 months now. I re-began my journey Dec 5th and have lost 35 lbs to date. It can be done....sometimes it's harder, but not so much if you are regulated.

    You have to want to be healthy and if you are serious and tired of being tired get to the Dr's...time is ticking by. I'm proof that it can be done and I turn 50 this year so add that to the mix of slow metobolism.

    Good Luck.

    I've been to two specialists. Both insist that my results are normal. I don't understand how this could be. How do I explain all of the symptoms? Am I just meant to have to work especially hard to lose one pound and feel like crud all the time? I'm not buying it. I will go to a hundred doctors if I have to. I might get down about it sometimes, but I will never give up. And all of these symptoms have started within the last three years or so...which is when my second daughter was born. I think that the pregnancy seriously messed up my hormones. I was think all my life, up until about age 25. That's when I started to gain. In the past 7 years, I have gained about 70 pounds. I just don't think that's normal.

    It's not normal if you eat right and work out to gain appx 10 lbs a year. I agree with the others that you have to be insistant on finding a solution.

    After gaining the weight do you snore?? Apnea could be the culprit for the tiredness too. Not getting enough quality sleep messes with your body terribly.

    And I like your attitude...don't let this make you ever stop trying.

    Thanks, cjm! I have done a sleep study and I don't have sleep apnea. I do snore on occasion, quite loudly according to my husband, but this is new as well. My sleep study was inconclusive. I have a lot of awakenings for no reason and terrible insomnia. So, this is another problem I'm dealing with. I've also been tested for iron deficiency, and I do have that. So, now I have that to deal with as well. lol The punches just keep on coming!
  • MrsEb79
    MrsEb79 Posts: 42 Member
    I went undiagnosed for years with Hypothyroidism and a lot of damage was done to me. Like everyone else, I gained a lot of weight and had completely given up on any weight loss. I even considered the lap band surgery. Anyway, someone told me about MFP and it has been a life saver for me. I follow the MFP guidelines and I go the slow and steady route of weight loss. I have other medical issues so I can't work out much but I am still losing by counting calories. I take meds every day which helps. I have lost 18 pounds since September 1 which doesn't sound like much to a lot of people but to me it is amazing. I have about 50 to go but I know over time it will happen. Before being diagnosed all I could do was gain weight. It takes patience. Good Luck

    Don't kid yourself!!! 18 pounds is amazing and you should be proud of yourself! I'd cut off my arm to lose 18 pounds! J/K, but you know what I mean. I'm glad that you are getting the help you need and losing weight slowly, which is better in my opinion.

    I am currently going through the stages of bariatric surgery as I'm dealing with all of this other stuff. If need me, and all other avenues have been exhausted, I will have the surgery. This extra weight is sure to kill me.
  • NicolioRussell
    They actually cut them out now? I had mine disintegrated at the age of 10 by radioactive iodine. I felt like a superhero in the 5th grade, haha.

    I still struggle with this; I stopped seeing my specialist after my levels were "stable" for a couple years.....until my thyroid levels completely tanked and I gained 20 pounds and my doctor had to up my dosage TWICE before supposedly being stable (which is where I am supposedly now) in 2010......however, I feel like the fight is always long and hard. Because of a lack of the thyroid, my body just sucks up vitamins and nutrition that I need for my body, and tis that much harder to lose weight, no matter how vigilantly I track calories or how hard I bust my butt at the gym.

    It's a slow process....but if you are patient, you can certainly work through it.
  • AActon28
    AActon28 Posts: 32
    My recent blood tests revealed that I was suffering from mild hypothyroidism. It runs in my family and both my maternal grandfather and mom have it and treat it with armourthyroid or synthroid. I guess it makes sense that I am getting it... I do Insanity and cycling and have not lost nearly as much weight as I had anticipated. Im a bigger guy and assumed that 4-5lbs/wk was feasible but I can assure you it is not. I try to use other measures of health, like resting heart rate and blood pressure, as motivation to continue working hard. For instance, I track my recovery heart rate on a weekly basis (i.e. do an aerobic activity for at least 8 minutes and check your max heart rate then completely stop moving, or lie down, and check your heart rate again after 60 seconds). When I first started my diet and exercise routine on 09JAN2012 I was at 160 bpm max and 128 bpm after 1 minute rest (32 bpm recovery heart rate). Yesterday I was at 162 bpm max and 91 bpm after 1 minute rest (71 bpm recovery heart rate). Obviously, my cardio health is MUCH better but I have only lost about 20 lbs in this same period; a small amount for a 27yo male with a starting weight of over 250, but at least it is in the healthy weight loss range (1-2 lbs/week). Still, not exactly the ideal results for as much hard work and time I put in. My suggestion would be to just stick with it and take it a day at a time. Your pants size is a poor reflection of true health.. find a measure of inner health to benchmark your true achievements! Best of Luck!
  • dajostev
    dajostev Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone, I have had hypothyroidism diagnosed for atleast 13 years. I have always had a problem losing weight but have never really done the calorie counting before. For years I have been using the synthetic thyroid medication (synthroid), even when my levels said they were in the normal range I would often need naps during the week, I sleep almost 9 hours a day and only work part time (3 hours). I also still had the brain fog(that's what I am calling it, almost feels like you have a constant sinus infection and can't think quickly or clearly). In August last year I had my doctor (only go to my family doctor, no specialist) change my medication to the natural thyroid (was called dessicated thyroid at one time). It has taken 6 months to get the right dosage, blood test every 6-8 weeks. I now find I do not have brain fog, have only taken naps maybe 3 times in 6 months. I am also finding I am losing my 1-2 pounds a week as long as I stay in the calorie intake, I have only been on the program for 3 weeks now. It is also easier because my husband is also on the program. Good Luck and Don't give up. Joanne
  • fishgoddess
    I have Hashimoto's thyroid disease. It's a form of hypothyroidism, only you get antibodies that destroy the thyroid gland. They have to do an antibodies test to determine if you have Hashimoto's. Finding a doctor who will actually do the antibody test is usually a chore. Most just think if you are in their happy little "normal range" on the lab slip then you are fine.....wrong! Has anyone done an antibodies test on you? If you are not diagnosed correctly your symptoms will not subside. I take thyroid meds daily and have never lost a single pound since being on them (12 years). The bad part for me is that I also have MS and many of the symptoms are the same, so it takes a special kind of doctor to figure out the bottom line. And by special I mean "one that gives a rats a** about finding out what is wrong" I wish you all the best and would love to take this MFP journey with you if you'd like. I joined a week ago, feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.
  • onesparrowflies

    *not* looking forward to the throat slit scar.

    It isn't bad after the first year. I can barely even see mine anymore and no one else has noticed it in years.
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    If you think it's your thyroid keep after your doctors! I had one tell me after baby #2 that the reason I couldn't loose weight is because I ate too much and I was lazy. Right. I was eating less than my 2 year old at the time! I also physically couldn't make my self stay awake and would sleep for 4 or 5 hrs a day and 10-12 at night. Nice doc. So I went to a different one who couldn't figure out why I felt so bad either. It wasn't untill my VERY thick hair had started falling out in clumps, and I developed softball sized knots in my back that he decided to test my thyroid. He got me on meds and I feel way better. He also said he thinks I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. If I don't get enough sleep for 6 or 7 days in a row, I'll go back to wanting to sleep all day. He then has to put me on phentermine to boost my energy levels back up. So I try really hard to get enough sleep.

    So now what do I do to loose weight. Well, it's hard of course. But, I've had 5 kids and gained 40-50 lbs with each and managed to loose it each time. (still working on baby #5 right now :) ) I make sure I get enough sleep, 8-11 hours a night. I take my thyroid meds correctly. I take Centrum for energy vitamins in the afternoon. I excercise most everyday. I watch what I eat, like trying to eat healthy with minimal sweets. I try to limit carbs like bread and white flour. I try to get carbs mostly from whole wheat and leafy green veggies. Those are some of things I do. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want.

    But bottom line to me is you know your body. If you think something is wrong with you, then something probably is. Keep on your doc or find one who is willing to listen to you.
  • PrettyVintage
    I was told by an emergency room doctor in 2010 that I had hypothyroidism, but my endocrine doctor dismissed her diagnosis and won't provide me with any medication. I've tried other doctors, but they won't either. I just keep getting bigger and bigger. I developed menorrhagia in 2008 when my TSH level started to elevate after being treated with radioactive iodine for Hyperthyroidism. I had to have a blood transfusion. All any doctor will do is supply me with birth control pills so I don't have to have another transfusion.
    The pills are awful and have turned me into a food-eating machine for 4 years now. I've got about 13 other symptoms of hypo, but nobody but me and my family seems to care. My primary care doctor actually told me to stop coming to see her if I'm going to keep bugging her about my thyroid. My TSH level was 4.8 in November, that sounds normal, but given that I suffered from hyperthroidism from age 16-22 that went untreated until I was 23, my thyroid is hardly normal.
    I am trying so hard to lose weight, and did lose 10 on a 21 day fast in January, but it's so hard. I just want to eat and eat and then I can't stand myself.
  • csw001
    csw001 Posts: 3 Member
    I'd love to join this group.....I have Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism and currently take Levoxyl (used to take synthroid). I see an endocrinologist to check my hormone levels and adjust meds as necessary and these days I feel pretty normal - except that during my "big sleep" (the lethargic period) I gained 30+ lbs. I was already slightly overweight, so now I have a chunk to lose.

    Right now I'm just doing an hour of cardio each day and keeping the food/calorie diary.

    I joined MFP a long time ago and then dropped off. Just started back 2 weeks ago and haven't figured out how to "friend" yet. Thanks to whoever started this post =)
  • MrsEb79
    MrsEb79 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi everyone, I have had hypothyroidism diagnosed for atleast 13 years. I have always had a problem losing weight but have never really done the calorie counting before. For years I have been using the synthetic thyroid medication (synthroid), even when my levels said they were in the normal range I would often need naps during the week, I sleep almost 9 hours a day and only work part time (3 hours). I also still had the brain fog(that's what I am calling it, almost feels like you have a constant sinus infection and can't think quickly or clearly). In August last year I had my doctor (only go to my family doctor, no specialist) change my medication to the natural thyroid (was called dessicated thyroid at one time). It has taken 6 months to get the right dosage, blood test every 6-8 weeks. I now find I do not have brain fog, have only taken naps maybe 3 times in 6 months. I am also finding I am losing my 1-2 pounds a week as long as I stay in the calorie intake, I have only been on the program for 3 weeks now. It is also easier because my husband is also on the program. Good Luck and Don't give up. Joanne

    Congrats on your loss! You should be very proud. I'm glad you finally got the answers and treatment you needed.

  • MrsEb79
    MrsEb79 Posts: 42 Member
    I have Hashimoto's thyroid disease. It's a form of hypothyroidism, only you get antibodies that destroy the thyroid gland. They have to do an antibodies test to determine if you have Hashimoto's. Finding a doctor who will actually do the antibody test is usually a chore. Most just think if you are in their happy little "normal range" on the lab slip then you are fine.....wrong! Has anyone done an antibodies test on you? If you are not diagnosed correctly your symptoms will not subside. I take thyroid meds daily and have never lost a single pound since being on them (12 years). The bad part for me is that I also have MS and many of the symptoms are the same, so it takes a special kind of doctor to figure out the bottom line. And by special I mean "one that gives a rats a** about finding out what is wrong" I wish you all the best and would love to take this MFP journey with you if you'd like. I joined a week ago, feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.

    I did have the antibodies tested and they are normal. So, I guess that rules out a thyroid problem all together, according to my doctor.

    I hope you love this site as much as I do. It's been really helpful to meet people who are struggling with the same things as I am.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Yeah, for 10 years I was on medication, but the docs were only keeping me just barely in the "normal" range. I got my bnew doc to upp my meds and I do feel better, although weight loss isn't any easier. I don't know if it's hypothyroidism or willpower, but this stuff is not easy.