Gluten Free!

Hii Skinnies

Got a question:

Do gluten free & wheat free diets have an effect on a faster weight loss?


  • It depends on a couple things:

    1. do you have a gluten intolerance?
    2. are you eating all of the sugary high calorie gluten free products out there?
    3. is your diet made up of primarily fruits and veg?

    If you are eating a lot of gluten free products then it won't really matter. A lot of gluten free products have extra sugar, fat, and calories to make them taste better and they are still processed foods. If you eat a clean diet filled with lots of fresh fruit and veg then you are likely to lose weight faster.
  • Riyam
    Riyam Posts: 25
    Thanks for your reply :))))

    I am not intolerant.

    I am also very conscious of my diet. I don't buy a lot of processed foods or prepackaged meals. I don't consume "added sugar" except the natural sugars such as Coconut Nectar, Stevia, etc.

    I do however have 100% whole wheat breads & Pasta.

    I was just wondering if I start to include a gluten free diet, will it jump-start my weight loss?

    I've recently read that grains such as Barley and Oats along with wheat products are not really meant for digestion and may slow weight loss.
  • yes, they may slow weight loss. I eat a clean high raw food diet. For the past couple weeks I have not been eating any grains and It has helped quite a bit. I did buy some ezekiel bread this morning though for when i feel like I need a little grain, but it is also sprouted which is easier for your body to digest. If you want to eat gluten free you could try it and see how you feel. You could replace the pasta with spaghetti squash, shredded carrots and broccoli(like I do), kelp noodles, ect and as for the bread you could cut that our completely or find one that is gluten free with good nutritional values.
  • bennjammin
    bennjammin Posts: 40 Member
    Wheat free has done wonders for me over the last two months. I would highly recommend it based on my personal experience. The wheat we eat today is a genetic freak. C
    heck out Wheat Belly by Dr. Davis.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,318 Member
    to the OP............are you seriously trying to get down to 84 pounds?

    If so, eat the damn carbs. You're killing yourself.
  • Keladry
    Keladry Posts: 58 Member
    I never realised I was slightly wheat intolerant until last year. Cutting out most wheat from my diet (I still have spelt and small amounts occasionally) has given me SO much more energy. I used to feel like lead all the time and never used to feel good after exercise, I would feel awful for the rest of the day but now I have a tired but still energised feeling after. So now I exercise more! It was a naturopath who suggested cutting gluten out to see how I felt and he said that the majority of people who eat typical Western diets would benefit from eating less wheat.

    It's cutting down sugar which got rid of my bloated stomach though.