Quit sweetener gain weight...argh...

SO, I quit artificial sweeteners. Totally. I used xylitol for about 2 weeks in my coffee, now I drink it with just cream(unless it is really strong, I add one sugar packet). I dont like the xylitol. I have tried 2 kinds and it has an odd taste. I would rather go without.
While I am super proud of myself for quitting, I am packing on pounds. Over the last year, I lost 62 lbs! I was so excited. I quit sweetener, and have now added weight back on. I am assuming my problem is my sweet tooth is not being satisfied.
I was adding sugar to things i never did before, such as my oatmeal, and honey to my tea and are cutting back on those. No more sugar at all and just a teaspoon of honey in my tea in the morning. I cant go black on that.
Any suggestions?