A Strange Thing Happened at MY Gym Today

I went to my Saturday Zumba class as usual and found the Class Exercise room’s windows had been covered?

The class exercise room is about 20% of the gym area. Two walls are all mirrors and the other walls facing out to the rest of the gym have large windows. Most people in my class thought it was weird and didn’t like it. Our instructor said if you don’t like it complain at the front desk – it sounded like she didn’t like it too.

It didn’t really bother but the room seemed nicer, way more open, before. I liked it better as it was. When you enter the gym it definitely looks bad as two big windows are covered-up and it makes the gym look half the size. Anyway I saw the owner as I was leaving after my work out and asked him why he covered–up the windows. He told me women were complaining that men were looking in while they were in class. I don’t get it? The classes are co-ed although most of the time I am the only guy in the classes but I have seen other guys too, so what does covering the windows accomplish? The class exercise room now seems claustrophobic especially when it was a full class like on a Saturday morning.

Thought it was strange – what do you think? Do you MFP women feel the same way? While I have never noticed guys hanging out watching the classes, is it embarrassing to have open windows? BTW -- If anyone should be embarrassed it should be me Zumbaing my fat *kitten* off!


  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    The gym i go to is a ladies gym only but the same thing happened last week apparently some of the girls had complained that there was guys sitting in their cars outside watching us do zumba. I never noticed them but if i had I would be seriously paranoid doing that class so im kinda happy they have covered the windows :embarassed:
  • pamollygram
    I think it sounds crazy. If the women are not liking the guys looking at them they shouldn't be in a coed club.
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    The gym i go to is a ladies gym only but the same thing happened last week apparently some of the girls had complained that there was guys sitting in their cars outside watching us do zumba. I never noticed them but if i had I would be seriously paranoid doing that class so im kinda happy they have covered the windows :embarassed:

    Now I have to admit although I was thinking during the original post "That is dumb, so they are looking, whatever" I would have felt weird if there were people outside the gym staring at the class... Just something about the fact that they are just sitting outside makes it worse. I took karate for a while and sometimes we did demos and I had no problem with people watching me then... or when someone had their belt test and their family was watching (we all help with belt tests since sometimes you need extra people) but then at least they came inside...

    Me if someone inside the gym working out is staring at me I don't really care. I look at some other people too. If I'm looking at you it probably means I'm impressed and wishing I could do whatever it is your doing... like the girl that puts a bench up against the wall and jumps up on it and back down while holding heavy weights.