Ex-Boyfriend Contacting Me Again. Best to Ignore Him?



  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Pay back the loan as soon as you can. Tbh I honestly don't know why you borrowed money from him a few months ago after all this, but it's done now, just pay it back as soon as possible. Then ignore him completely. If he keeps hassling you, change your number.
    It just sounds like he wants you when it suits him, when things aren't quite going right with the new GF. He knows you'll come running back. Put your foot down, you deserve someone better than that in your life.
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    Ignore him!

    My ex broke up with my in October. Tried being friends then he just told me to never contact him again. Then at Christmas he text me wishing me a merry christmas (Ignored it) and again at new year! What happened to the never speak to me again?
    Anyways I ignored him. And cos i didn't reply back. He used to excuse of wanting his hat back...a really old rubbish hat you can buy for £1!!

    I basically just told him, to leave me alone. He came to my flat! Buzzed and luckily my friend was with me, and she answered because I was washing my hair. She told him to leave me alone.

    I then got countless text saying he wanted his hat back.
    I text him saying i was going to leave it at the gaming cafe he goes to. And he replied with "What you can't look me in the face and give me it back?" Which I ignored. And then gave the hat to the gaming cafe....not heard from him since!
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Focus on getting your own new boyfriend. Exes are exes for a reason.
  • Josedavid
    Josedavid Posts: 695 Member
    Are you seriously asking us for advice? Just read your post in loud tone and you will find the answer... if you still dont find it... then you need help...

    Yes, this is a very mean comment but... wow... I discarded other meanests comments just not to offend :)

    Have a great Sunday!
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Life is too short for jerks. Tell him you are fine but prefer not to remain in contact and then ignore him. Don't get tempted into a discussion or justification of your action. You own him nothing except the money, consider making arrangements to pay that automatically in small installments or through a trusted third party. The confusion about why he remains in contact is stopping you from moving on. It doesn't matter why he does. Whether he still has any feelings for you or not, he is a user either way. You can't get over him until you stop contact. Don't check the dating site, visit his FB profile oranything else that maintains this toxic addiction. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    This is the thing that makes me mad. It seems guy never move on, guys, move on and let the girl go. It sucks for the next guy she dates because the jerk wont leave her alone and the women wont ignore him because they think they can be friends or he needs someone and before you know it, the new guy either gets hurt or cheated on. Guys, if you dont want to be with a woman, get a life and move on,.
  • kriskaryl
    kriskaryl Posts: 120 Member
    From what you wrote about his behaviors...multiple ex-gf's in a short period of time...this guy is obviously damaged goods. He's broken and no amount of duct tape or crazy glue is going to fix him. Someone needs to put a post-it note on him warning the next girl about his many flaws. Pay him back the money and fast. I like what a previous comment said about MAILING him a cashier's check. No explaination, just a simple Thank You. You don't owe him any explainations for anything. Then delete his info from your phone and block him socially.

    Then work on fixing you before you try to add anyone else into the mix. Any man coming into your life at this point will have to deal with your obsession of the ex or try to be a super hero...and that can only last so long before he gets tired and moves on.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Short and sweet....pay back the loan as soon as you possibly can, then be completely done with him.
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
  • achief192
    achief192 Posts: 192
    Ignore him!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Only a dog goes back to it's own vomit. nuff said
  • Metamorphasis555
    Thank you very much for your input everyone. I really appreciate it. You've all given me a lot to think about.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Weren't you the same one that was complaining about this guy contacting you on your birthday and all that? I think you secretly like the attention and just need to close the door instead of playing back and forth with this guy that is "so obviously not into you." You let him back into your life and then come here asking for us all to tell you what a jerk he is. I kind of think you're playing him a little more than you'll admit and either need to put up and shut up or cut him out.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I could have written this thread back in October. But instead I wrote this one

  • xXKatrinaXx
    xXKatrinaXx Posts: 234

    He clearly isn't serious about wanting to be with me

    On the other hand, clearly I guess he doesn't really care whether or not he loses me forever or else he wouldn't have let me go in the first place.

    I think you answered your question right here!! I say ignore him!!
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    Baby let me tell you I've been in deadend relationships and that is what this is. He won't let you move in because you are his safety net. He doesn't want you but doesn't want you to move on either. Please take a step back and put your joy, happiness, and peace in the forefront of your mind. Let him know you only need to talk about the money owed unless you can find a go between or someone who can loan you the funds. Trust me when you love yourself you won't let some joker keep you in this yo yo game. Best of luck!
  • askme12
    askme12 Posts: 155 Member
    I don't get it..don't you value yourself more???? Why keep up with this bull? Just leave him be set up some sort of payment plan with online banking and pay him when you have the money..you won't even really have to talk to him. Why oh why to women do this to themselves..because he's not really doing anything to you that you aren't LETTING him do....he will do what he can while you let him feed his ego..and destroy yours. Its not only that he's not worth this bull....its that NEITHER are YOU!

    BELIEVE you are worth much more and you won't have an issue any more.


    Pay him back, then change your number!!!
  • candyparkerdamsel
    I had been all over the internet trying to find someone who could help me out with my situation, I loved my my husband so much but he never loved me rather he goes out with other females then one day I found <EMAIL REDACTED> in the internet where he had helped many women who had the same issue with me, when i contacted him he said he will help me and just as he said. my husband consatred fully on me and he stopped all his bad harbbit I was astounded because so many say they are the best but can't back it. but prof realy suprised me till today

    Mod edit: Removed personal identifying information
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    If you are wondering why he keeps contacting you, it is not because he loves you or even wants you. What he wants is for girls (even you) to want him. He will be prepared to put in just enough effort to keep you and the other girls on the hook. You make the situation worse by responding to him. Borrowing the money from him now means he owns you because you are obliged to keep in contact with him, even if you don't want to be in contact with him. (Sorry, tough love.) Even though you know the steps, I will tell you: 1. Go to the bank or go to your parents and borrow enough money to pay him back in entirety. 2. MAIL him a bank draft, money order or cashier's cheque (do not send a personal cheque). Include a terse note thanking him for the loan, that you have moved on in your life, you would appreciate that he not contact you in future as you will not respond. DO NOT provide any personal information in the note, no details at all about you, the money, where it came from or in what manner you have moved on in your life. It is none of his business and everything he knows about you will only encourage him to find ways to keep in contact with you. 3. Call your best girlfriends, tell them you are taking a night off from MyFitnessPal as you just lost 175 pounds of dead weight, drink some wine (or whatever) and explain to your girls that you are done with that jerk.
    ^^ Listen to wisdom.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I had been all over the internet trying to find someone who could help me out with my situation, I loved my my husband so much but he never loved me rather he goes out with other females then one day I found prophetharry@ymail. com in the internet where he had helped many women who had the same issue with me, when i contacted him he said he will help me and just as he said. my husband consatred fully on me and he stopped all his bad harbbit I was astounded because so many say they are the best but can't back it. but prof realy suprised me till today
    You bumped a thread from MARCH to post something completely incoherent? :noway: How many pages deep was this buried anyhow?