people who have done insanity who weigh 150+ lbs, need your

ok, so i did some googling, for real(not that the advertisements arent real) before and after insanity pics. and im very confident this will help me and do some good, and im very excited to start, my only worry is, im a pretty thick girl (154) and it seems like all the before and after pics ive seen are of girls that are generally healthy weight, and just want to "tone up". im new to the whole diet thing i started feb 13th (my bday) and have lost 6 pounds, my goal is 115, ive been told i should concentrate on cardio untill i reach about 130 120 and then add in toning exercises, to loose the fat and THEN tone the muscle? any advice? dont get me wrong im not looking for an excuse, i just want to do this right!!! anyone who has been in my situation please speak up lol i keep hearing all these things from people who werent over weight just want to drop like 15 lbs, so there situations alot different from me who is trying to drop 45, and at my height i AM overweight, so i need to loose AND tone....and im rambling lmao...sorry i can be a jabber jaw!!!

oh i currently do am runs pm runs and mid day zumba


  • bump?
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 582 Member
    It is NEVER too soon to start toning and building muscle.
  • Cat_296
    Cat_296 Posts: 40
    Yup, I agree that it's never too soon to start toning. You don't have to do all of the exercises at full tilt to start with, just go at your own pace, listen to your body and you should be fine...... good luck!
  • I need to lose over 100lb and I started with a Personal Trainer on 11th Jan to lose weight and tone up. I tone the whole body 3-4 times a week and cardio the rest of the week with a bit of crunching and kettlebell thrown in at the end of the cardio sessions. Toned muscle needs more calories I have lost 30lb since 3rd Jan. If you are able to do insanity (I am not sure I can, because I need a knee replacement....) then go for it, like the other poster said; do what you can and you will soon find you can do more than you think! Good luck.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I'm starting week 4 of Insanity tomorrow. I'm 5'6 and my starting weight when I began the program was 177 and is around 172-173 right now. It's definitely doable and you will most definitely have to take breaks in the beginning but that's true regardless of your size. It's intense but I've seen some huge fitness improvements from my first fitness test to my second. I'd recommend it.