How do you feel about cheat days/meals?



  • angelashay42
    I think "cheating" every once in awhile is okay. As long as you don't go overboard. I think it's important to enjoy a piece of your birthday cake or partake in the family holiday dinner. However, I don't think cheating every week is such a great idea. Instead, I try to find healthier alternatives to the foods I crave. Instead of chocolate, I have a chocolate-flavored rice cake with a tsp of peanut butter or sugar free chocolate pudding or a no-sugar-added ice cream sandwich. Instead of chips, I have lightly salted almonds or salted dried snapeas (they're better than they sound). This tricks your brain into thinking you're cheating when you're really not.
  • blandwriter
    blandwriter Posts: 50 Member
    I've thought a lot about this since reading about "spike" days through the Spike84 group.

    Personally, I didn't get to be where I am because I can handle eating certain kinds of foods well. I also didn't get to be where I am because I was honest with myself about certain kinds of foods. Can I honestly say I can buy a bar of chocolate and eat only a few bites of it at a time? No, I cannot.

    I also never met a rationalization I didn't love. Or a program (until this one) that I couldn't game.

    So, for me, cheating is what it is: Part of an old pattern of lying to myself about food. I don't say this is the way it is for all people, just for me. I don't want to invite a philosophy of dishonesty about food into my life, nor do I want to fool myself into thinking that I can buy certain foods, have them in my home, and stay in control of my food program. This is one reason why I can't do Weight Watchers--because I cannot eat whatever I want as long as it's the appropriate portion size.

    My own personal goal is overall balance, and a day of cheating once a week would throw that balance off. So I can't say I can go for it, or that I would encourage anyone trying to keep it real with weight loss to do it.

  • onewhodiets
    onewhodiets Posts: 67 Member
    I don't plan on having cheat days, but now that I've read about them, if I overindulge, that's what I call it and then I'm able to say,
    "Well, maybe that was a good thing." (based on what some others have said about them having a good effect on one's metabolism). I don't think it would mesh with my psychology to actual plan them, as I have weaknesses that I will occasionally indulge in no matter what and they don't occur at regular intervals - they are random. As others have noted, it is useful to get people's opinions, but the 'science' of weight-loss does not seem to be completely cut and dried and you have to figure out what works best for you.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I found when I was big they helped my weight that I am soooo close to goal they hinder my weight loss.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I personally think they reinforce bad behavior and are not a good idea. Some people do well with them and good for them. For me it would be bad as one would lead to many.

    I still "cheat" but it is with naughty for me food that still fits into my eating plan (calories, protein, carbs are set per day and i have to follow that). If I cheat it is by going over 20 calories or 2 carbs. Still bad behavior that I am allowing but it is very controlled.

    If you don't need that kind of discipline then go ahead with them.
  • TonyCas18844
    TonyCas18844 Posts: 12 Member
    I am doing the 12 week Body for Life program and it allows for 1 free day a week. I am just finishing up week 4 and have already lost 11 pounds and have really been sticking with the program of eating right and exercising 6 days a week. Check out my diary.

    The Free Day is something that makes the Body-for-LIFE nutrition plan unique. One day a week, you have the option to indulge in all the “unauthorized” food of your choice. Pizza, French fries, ice cream, cake and cookies… it is up to you. The logic behind this is that a weekly day of unrestricted eating helps you combat the cravings you may experience during the rest of the week. In other words, it may be easier to say “no” to that donut at the Tuesday morning meeting if you know you can have as many donuts as you want on your scheduled Free Day. A Free Day is also an opportunity to remind you of how you used to feel when you ate those foods all the time. After six days of fueling your body with lean sources of protein, whole-grain carbs and healthy fats, indulging in a fast-food meal on your Free Day may not be as satisfying as it used to be. Here is how else you can use the Free Day to your advantage:

    Save it for your Free Day. If you have a challenge making the right choices at restaurants during the week, try to save eating out for your Free Day.

    Shop on your Free Day. Some people found it easier to do all their shopping for the week on their Free Days. After you’ve indulged in the your favorite foods, it should be easier to make healthy choices at the grocery store.

    Plan ahead. If there is a specific event during the week when you know will make it hard to stick with your nutrition plan, such as a birthday party, business dinner or a holiday, re-schedule your Free Day so that it falls on that day.

    Indulge the right way. Make the most of the treats you crave, and take the time to enjoy them. You may eventually find you need less of them to be satisfied. If you’re going to have chocolate, enjoy a piece of decadent dark chocolate. If you want ice cream, savor the full-fat version instead of a low-fat substitute packed with a bunch of chemicals. Have you been dreaming about a hamburger and French fries all week? Sit down and enjoy the best you can find instead of rushing through a drive-thru.

    Freedom of choice. How you use your Free Day is up to you. Some past Champions chose to just have a free meal, other Champions chose to forgo their Free Days altogether. You may find that how you use your Free Day changes during the course of your Challenge. In the beginning, it may be an all-out free-for-all, but as you become accustomed to how good it feels to eat healthy food, you may find that you no longer crave the junk food you used to look forward to.
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    I always think Im going to have a cheat meal, and then when I sit down with it in front of me I think of all my hard work and usually end up putting it in the fridge for my hubby the next day. Thats not to say I dont cheat, on days where for whatever reason Im really under goal (bootcamp days usually) I will have a higher than normal calorie meal, but it will still be healthy.

    And when I REAAAAALLLLLYYYY want to cheat, I simply make my husband eat whatever Im craving, and I will have a bite :)
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    You'll find that opinions about this are like *kitten*...everyone has one and none are the same.

    To each their own. It works for some and not for others.

    I do not deprive myself of anything but always stay under or right at my calorie goal for the day. If I want a candy bar or a glass of wine, I don't reserve it for a certain day, I have it on the days I have the calories for it. If I have a bottle of wine, but am at my limit for the day, the wine waits. Days like today where I've had three full meals and snacks, but had a gym net is under 700 after all of this. Tonight, I drink wine and still finish the night with a huge deficit.

    By not depriving myself of anything, I find i have great self control when I do want something. I don't call it cheating. I call it a sustainable living plan. I also don't call what I am doing a diet, but a lifestyle change.

    My diary is public if you want to peak at what I've eaten today.
    Good luck with whatever YOU choose.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    What I ate yesterday probably would have horrified many of you. I ate half a pepperoni pizza and that's just for starters.

    When I woke up this morning I knew I'd lost weight just from the way I looked and felt. So they sure do work for me.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Out of control.
    'cheat meals' are what got me to gain all the weight I lost back. I do indulge every now and again, but it always fits under my daily caloric allotment, so I suppose it's not really 'cheating'.

    Just think of it this way. You have 500+ extra cals to piss away when you are at your goal weight, so eat it then!

    But in saying that, if a cheat meal works for you and you're still losing, then go for gold!
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    I agree. I used to do the body for life free days but found all my hard work from the past 6 days go down the drain. Now I just fit it into my calorie budget and go with
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I was doing my cheat days on Fridays..which carried onto Saturday, and then Sunday, and before I knew it I was right back where I started. Ever since I stopped using cheat days I have been doing much better.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    Sure have a cheat day.
    On your birthday.
    At Christmas.
    Maybe New Year's Eve.
    and the rest of the time stick with eating a healthy balance of nutritious, whole foods.
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    I tend to have a cheat meal as opposed to a cheat day because even though I know I'm eating something that isn't great for me I still want to try and stay at or under my calories for the day. And even then, I think sometimes it will be more of just a cheat place instead of a meal. Like we'll have Burger King but I'll get the grilled chicken sandwich with no mayo so I can at least still be healthy (somewhat) while feeling like I'm still getting a cheat because I'm at BURGER KING. Haha

    I'll still eat pizza too. I try to not eat more than 2 slices but even if I do, I know it's okay because I'll either go to the gym that day or make sure that I hit it up the next day. I feel that by allowing myself to still eat the normal unhealthy foods for me in moderation is better for me than completely cutting myself off. This way I don't binge because I've been denying myself. And with 24 pounds lost this year (in the first 7 weeks because I didn't lose anything in week 8) I'd say that cheating every now and then hasn't hurt my weight loss in the least.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Ok, so I have heard a lot of people talking about cheat days or meals and just wondered peoples opinions. My biggest concern for trying them myself would be not having the self control to stop after my meal or day and falling off the wagon.

    If you have tried them do they affect your weight loss? How?

    If not why?

    Thanks in advance!
    Not for me. This is how I plan to eat for the rest of my life so if I want a piece of chocolate or some fries, I'm going to plan my day accordingly to incorporate that into my day. I also don't want to set up the mentality that healthier, cleaner food choices are a chore and that certain foods are a "treat'. Some days for me a treat is oatmeal and cranberries because I like they taste of that, some days it ice cream, and some days it's a nice big salad. I want my reward to be learning to love ALL types of food and manage it accordingly. I don't want a day where I don't think about what the food I am eating is doing to my body.
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    Everyone's different; some people really benefit from using them, I personally don't. To me a cheat day or meal represents defining foods as 'good' or 'bad' food. By 'cheating' once a week it would feel like I was telling myself the rest of the food is something to endure to get to the good stuff. I want all my meals to be good stuff! I'd prefer to eat all things in moderation. But that's what works for me, ymmv.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    I am against them.

    But that does not stop me. And the results are never good.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I take a week off every month for PMS. I have no will power at that time. I gain maybe one one pound of actual weight as 2-3 lbs is water retention. The next week I usually am down by 6. I think it 1) keeps me positive 2) keeps my self esteem from taking that hit 3) and keeps my metabolism guessing 4) I also find out that when I let myself off the leash I still eat rather well as I only gain maybe one actual pound which could be extra water weight as well since I ran a 5K this morning.

    So, I say if you feel the need to cheat (which is actually not cheating) then do so. Just don't do it forever. And stay in contact on here. These people keep you honest. And work out. Never stop exercising. Best drug ever.

    I plan on staying healthy the rest of my life. And it is healthy to indulge sometimes. I am not on a diet. I am eating the way I will for the rest of my life.
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    I personally don't do cheat days but i don't think they are a bad idea. I just haven't done them yet because i haven't seen enough change in my body to trust a cheat day. Also i'm worried i might spiral out of control this early in the game. With that said, this isn't a diet to me it's a lifestyle change. So i plan on eating healthier and living a better lifestyle. I want well rounded nutrition with lots of veggies, fruits, and lean proteins. However since this is my life i'm not going to deny myself foods i want because i'm "on a diet". If it's w/in my calorie goal i eat what i want.
  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 343 Member
    I don't have a cheat day...but a cheat meal and I do it on the days of my Zumba where I'm burning a lot of calories. I've dieted all of my life and have to say that by allowing this one thing in my diet now. This is the longest I've stuck with it and will keep on with the new lifestyle. That's the thing, this is a new lifestyle and if I never could eat a fried chicken leg again, ugh LOL. The reason I'd always quit before is b/c I really really wanted foods I'd been missing. I didn't cheat for about the first month. Now, when I do cheat, I'm more aware and think about it twice and sometimes end up not cheating. But I don't beat myself up if I do. I've also found that even though it's my "cheat meal" I find a way to make it with less calories than normal.