Curious if others bother "completing" entres



  • Willpowerofsteel
    I click that button, just for fun. It also makes me happy on the days that I go over my goal by a few hundred calories, to see that I would still lose weight even if I did that every single day. Psychologically, that is helpful to me, so I don't feel like a prisoner to my calorie goal - it's all just information, I can do what I want!

    And it's not going to be spot-on accurate - as body weight fluctuates due to a lot of other factors besides actual fat loss. But I find it encouraging to see that over a 5-week span, I could lose x number of pounds of real, actual fat if I stuck to my goals.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I log everything, no matter how bad it is (I logged a piece of toblerone I had for breakfast yesterday).

    That's why I'm on this site, to use the diary.

    And I always, always hit "complete this entry", it's a way of stopping myself snacking again before bed :wink: .