Any normal people here lol?



  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I eat at least 1440, closer to 1700 to 1900 or more when I exercise. I'm on the last 8 pounds or so, and happy to lose it slowly. I don't feel like I'm on a diet at all.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    lots of normal folks, really. I tend to eat a tad under my limit of 1700 daily, along with 30ish minutes of working out five days a week with a 90-minute sixth.
  • dadoffo
    dadoffo Posts: 422 Member
    1640 Couple of times I went over (during cheat days). Add me if you want.
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    How can those people even walk around?? I feel so dizzy and light~headed on like 1300! My BMR is around 1100 something:noway: ! You gotta fuel the body! Not overeat like a glutton, but, healthy eating! Ya think those people got some "ISSUES" maybe:wink::wink:

    May you all have success in all your endeavors!:drinker:
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I'm not normal by any stretch of the imagination ...

    but I do eat a fair amount more calories. Think my average is about 2k.
  • feellikerain
    feellikerain Posts: 46 Member
    I'm not exactly "normal" (I can be a bit crazy and kooky) but I do love to eat, and never met a calorie I didn't like or want to consume !!

    I don't support the whole I ate 900 calories every day this week and burned 2000 cal each day and lost nothing WHY?? folks!!
    I think it's stupid and unhealthy for sure.

    I see questions like this all the time. It's one thing to ask what your doing wrong if your eating enough an exercising
    But it's just ridiculous to eat such a low amount and then wonder why they feel like crap and aren't losing.
    Personally I think it's common sense. Shock like that is not good for the body nor healthy.

    There are some ways to do it that are healthy. Currently I'm on an 800 calorie a day plan (closely monitored by my doctor, of course). He makes sure that I get all the necessary nutrients and my body isn't having any negative reactions. I drink minimum 64 oz of water, and get 30 minutes of cardio 4 days a week along with some strength training and I've never felt better in my life than I do now. Not to mention this is NOT a permanent situation and will only last a couple more months at most :D

    Granted, I do agree with you that the people who go out and cut the food they eat, thinking they can eat a granola bar for breakfast, a bagel for lunch, and a piece of chicken for dinner and call it a day and think that's ok are completely nuts!

    I do like food (that's how I reached my high weight.. ugh) and I can't wait until I get to start eating a more "normal" amount of calories again, but from my point of view, a few months of a very restricted diet will be worth it in the end and it gives me a chance to distance myself from food and give myself a sort of "reboot". Just wanted to put in my 2 cents :]
  • Deyoge
    Deyoge Posts: 7
    OK, I need to update my pic, but I eat somewhere between 1800 and 2200 a day. Without exercise, and I have lost 16.6 lbs! I am losing between .5 and 1 lb a week. I am happy with that. It took me a little more than 48 years to get lie this, i figure it will be a while before I get down to my goal.

    Please feel free to add me too! i think I am normal, ( in relation to weight loss, maybe not other topics. LOL)

    That is pretty good! You are right to acknowledge the time it took you to get to the point where you wanted to change and it will take a long time and a strong commitment to reverse the course. It sounds like you are on the right track. Just make gradual changes as you go. Instead of going without exercise maybe just take the dog for a walk or start with something small like that because eventually it will take more than diet alone to keep losing the weight.
  • sportyskylar
    id like to think im normal loll!! i have about 1200-1600 calories on a given day. been steadily losing, and im glad to its FAT that im losing and not muscle. slow and steady wins the race
  • bzinke
    bzinke Posts: 5
    I am an exercise freak...but I have a really hard time limiting my food intake! I usually eat what I want and burn it off at the gym. I do need to eat better and that is what I am going for, not eating LESS but eating BETTER!
  • Deyoge
    Deyoge Posts: 7
    I just downloaded the app for the Iphone and have only been doing this since Wednesday. It's taken a few days but now I'm getting the hang of it and have my calorie intake under control. The first couple days it had me clocked at over 4000 calories but I'm down to about 2500 which is the amount the app recommended.

    I lift weights and jog at least once a week each.
  • Deyoge
    Deyoge Posts: 7
    I am an exercise freak...but I have a really hard time limiting my food intake! I usually eat what I want and burn it off at the gym. I do need to eat better and that is what I am going for, not eating LESS but eating BETTER!

    Back in 2005 I was like you. Tear it up in the weight room and jogging hard in the hot sun, but I always ate whatever I wanted to eat. I didn't think it was important eat well at the time but I do now. Maybe because I'm older now and my body isn't what it used to be and I need every advantage I can get.
  • LizV32
    LizV32 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm Normal! add me if you want!!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm seeing a lot of "friends"are going low calorie to where it's
    Completely unsustainable! Im talking 1000 and less! I find that ridiculous to stick to.
    Anyway, I'm looking for normal healthy citizens that would be interested
    In exchanging motivation.(: I need some friends that know what they're doing!
    Not a bunch of people who expect to be healthy living off of 300-1000cals a day!
    Not trying to offend anyone I just think the low cal epidemic is setting up people to fail
    You can add me! I don't follow the broscience.

    I eat carbs.
    I eat after 6pm.
    I don't do cardio everyday.

    Hehe. I eat carbs AFTER 6 pm :drinker:
  • madrap
    madrap Posts: 7 Member
    My Goal is 1500/day, which has me losing a little over a pound a week, which is fine with me. I want to do this for the rest of my life, not just as a "diet". I have already lost 26 pounds, over 5 months. I sometimes eat as few as 1200, but that's only when my choices happen to be lower in calories. I NEVER eat fewer than 1200 calories. I don't usually eat my exercise calories, at least not many of them. I'm trying to eat a varied, healthy diet, with appropriate amounts from all the food groups. I happen to be retired, so I have the time to log all of my food everyday.

    I am a skier, and on days when we ski, I am ravenously hungry, and I eat, but not junk. I have finally reached the point where I can have a box of Junior Mints to satisfy a craving and it lasts for WEEKS. That would have never happened before.

    One of my tricks, if possible, is to research restaurant menu items before getting there, so that I have already selected the best choice for me. That helps me avoid temptation. I also have some kind of dessert every night (but never during the day). I have found the 100-calorie cookie packs helpful, and I love the sugar-free lower calorie chocolate fudge pudding mix from Jello, made with fat-free milk.
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    Im 5'5 , 22 yrs, and have a goal of 1596 calories per day, plus 500 added for breastfeeding. I was eating 1800 per day with 500 for BFing but since loosing quite a bit, I had to adjust my BMR. I agree super low calorie diets are dangerous and stupid. I want to be healthy not skinny.
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 725 Member
    I am eating between 1400-1600 calories and have been losing weight just fine. Personally, I'm not a big believer in the low-cal approach. Most people I've known who do this start off well, and then stall and plateau and get frustrated. But what you should be eating totally depends on your body and exercise.
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    So much good input. Thanks for sharing everyone !
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    i try to stay around 1300, I go over about 50% of the time though :ohwell:
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    Normal, nah not me,
    but in the calorie eating prob yeah, I am aiming for 1600 ish a day, but if I work out enough I use those extra cals. My diet is not the best, but I am trying to do it on a budget, loose weight, build muscle (at least preserve it) and not do too many mixes and shakes...
    I am not rushing the dropping the weight, I have done it b4 I can do it again.
    (an accident put all the weight back on,,,thats my excuse and I am sticking 2 it)
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    I get tired and cranky when I go below 1200 calories. Can't have that... =)