I seriously need to commit this time!!!!

I have tried time and time again to stay motivated and continue keeping myself on track with what I eat and exercising, but I consistently fall back into my old ways. I make excuses for myself all the time but then hate myself when I look in the mirror. I'm only 19 years old... I should be in good shape. I need to stop telling myself it's okay to overeat or not exercise. I'm not really as busy as I convince myself I am. Any suggestions on how to keep myself accountable?


  • cindym29
    cindym29 Posts: 60 Member
    Check this site literally everyday. Post your food, keep it in your food diary. Your body is going to keep track of what you eat no matter what you log. But logging it is a visual reminder of what you are doing. Eventually you will start to see changes and feel better when you eat healthier and work out. Take it a day at a time, and when you think you're going to overeat or go to your "old ways" then call a friend who knows you're trying to get in shape. You'll find encouragement. Or sign up for something you have to train for...that way you're obligated to get in shape for it.
  • Keeping track of food and exercise every day is helpful. Schedule exercise the way you schedule going to work. Its not negotiable. Weigh yourself once a week to track progress. Write down short andlong term goals. Give yourself a reward for reaching a goal. Say if you lose four pounds in march, treat yourself to a new shirt or a manicure. And forget about what you 'should' weigh at 19. Have you looked around? People of all ages struggle with their weight. It's not just you. Keep your head up! Being young gives you a huge advantage as your energy and metabolism are at the highest points of your life. Good luck to you!
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I fell into that rut for 2-3 years so I know what you're going through and I know how tough it is to pull yourself out of it. Holding yourself accountable are key words because motivation is all in the mindset. As the great Master Yoda once said, "Do or do not, there is no try."

    For the last 2-3 years, I kept telling myself and everyone I knew that I was "trying to lose weight" but the truth was that I wasn't actually doing anything to change the way I ate or exercised.

    A little over a month ago, I went to a health screening where I had a simple blood test done to check a few different things - good cholesterol, bad cholesterol, and glucose. My doctor regularly checks my cholesterol levels so I wasn't surprised when those were fine, but I'd never had my glucose done until this health screening and I was surprised to find that I was in the pre-diabetes range. Picturing a future of pricking my finger every day became all too real to me.

    THAT was exactly what I needed to motivate me to eat healthier and exercise more. I began seeking out lots of guidelines about healthy eating as I added simple cardio workouts into my day (5 minutes dancing to a song, 10 minutes walking at a quick pace,15 minutes jogging in place in front of the TV, it adds up!) Every time I log exercise and see my points for the day change to allow me to have little splurges, I get excited. Every time I say no to something really bad that looks tempting, I feel empowered.

    "Wanting to lose" and "working to lose" are two different things. You have to get yourself in the mindset that you are working to lose and allow yourself to feel proud every time you make good decisions towards your goal. You need to get yourself into the mindset of "doing" not "trying". You need to stay positive and make your own health one of your top priorities in your life.

    You can do it, you just have to keep reminding yourself that you can!