
So I am just curious...if I am allowed 1700 calories a day, I eat that many...then I work them all off in a single that ok? I have been burning a lot of least 1000 a day...usually more...then the computer says i have just been allowed to eat.."so" many more...I really dont want to eat more..I have found my happy place for right now...and an 18 pound loss to prove it...Hey BigJUG...I thought men were supposed to lose more than women...well guess what WOMEN RULE!!!! 15 pounds is good...but :tongue: I WIN...all in good fun you see how we do this week....I weigh in every Tuesday...Biggest Loser Hey and you know what else? God Bless you too....


  • aahlight
    So I am just curious...if I am allowed 1700 calories a day, I eat that many...then I work them all off in a single that ok? I have been burning a lot of least 1000 a day...usually more...then the computer says i have just been allowed to eat.."so" many more...I really dont want to eat more..I have found my happy place for right now...and an 18 pound loss to prove it...Hey BigJUG...I thought men were supposed to lose more than women...well guess what WOMEN RULE!!!! 15 pounds is good...but :tongue: I WIN...all in good fun you see how we do this week....I weigh in every Tuesday...Biggest Loser Hey and you know what else? God Bless you too....
  • StartingNew
    That is incredible! you are my new inspiration:flowerforyou:
  • pmj315
    pmj315 Posts: 15 Member
    Wow, how do you burn over 1000 calories a day???? I definetly must be doing something wrong
    my everyday routine:

    Jog 50 mins = 310 cals
    Crosstrainer 13 mins=125 cals
    Eliptical 13 min=140 cals
    Strength Trng 20 mins=100

    Total Cals=675

    I am dead at the end of my workout, how do you go on???? How do you do it????

    Great job

  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    OMG you guys are way more willing to work out than I. 40 min 5 times a week is all that I can handle.

    aahlight don't for get to go in an reset your goals when you lose weight. This will reset your calories to the weight you are now not what you weighed to start.

    Keep up the good work.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    REmarkable weight loss, but to answer your question, and you are obviously a biggest loser watcher, it happens to atleast one person a season, B last season and now Paul from the yellow team. You may have success doing this for awhile but eventually your body will fight back and demand food and nutrition. You do have to eat to loose weight, sounds crazy, I thought it was too, but it is true. If what you are saying is true you are really only giving your body 700 calories of "fuel" a day, the average person needs at least 800 just to sit and have their brain and organs function properly. You will in essence send your body in to a protective mode we love to call the "starvation mode".

    If you are not eatting enough your body will start to feed on it's own muscle, gross but true. This defeats the purpose of your whole process because your body will hold on to the fat in your body to help insulate organs and protect them from extremes and in order to keep your body going the muslce becomes a meal.

    You have had a great kick start to your weight loss, I know it is hard to step back a bit, but it is recommended that for your hearts sake you try to keep your weight loss to 1-2 lbs a week, this will also help you maintain your weight after you have lost it. This will also help prevent too much skin being left behind because you skins elasticity will have a better chance of "bouncing" back if you take your weight loss a bit slower.

    I truly am amazed though, you have really done a lot, and on your own! I really don't want to take away from your success at all my only suggestion is to eat a little more, you may not see such big numbers on the scale but in the long run I think you will see more consistency.

    Ok, and now you have just motivated me to get my butt away from the computer and get on the treadmill, so see, you are awesome! :flowerforyou: