New to MFB, in need of friends for motivation.

Hey everyone! I joined My Fitness Pal in hopes to loose weight, I discovered this site browsing my droid app marketplace in search of something to aide me in my battle to loose weight. Since graduating high school I have gained that dreaded "freshman 15" and a little more leading me to feel down in the dumps lately. Not only has my weight gain affected my appearance but also how I felt. My days were spent lazily, I felt like I didn't have the energy to do normal mundane tasks anymore. I am currently 20 years old and from Southern California. I weigh in at 132 pounds and am 5'5. I hope to reach my old weight of around 113 pounds.

I am looking for friends to encourage me and I will also try to motivate you as well. Good luck everyone and thanks for reading my story :]


  • rolliepollie087
    rolliepollie087 Posts: 251 Member
    Feel free to add me :) Make it a habit to log in daily! :D
  • JonGrandi88
    JonGrandi88 Posts: 137
    Hello Im always on looking to help motivate in any possible way bc i just started as well so feel free to add me if you like
  • xmisstink89x
    xmisstink89x Posts: 24 Member
    I just started as well. Feel free to add me also. The more the merrier. Since I was 17, i weighed 125 and no more nor less. Now I am 22 and i just got on a scale and it read 145, I was sooo disappointed. I want to reach my goal weight of 125 or less. You can do it, just keep telling yourself that.