36 with 2 kids (6 & 3) want to stick with this and lose 25lb

I am 36 with 2 kids. I have tried losing weight on and off for 6 years. Am now at my heaviest and am ready to get the weight off. I am typically good for 2 weeks and then the excuses come back. Really want to see this through this time. Started using a similar app last week and lost 2 lbs without feeling deprived and have burned 300-400+ calories everyday. Hoping to do it again this week. Hope to have 25lbs off before my youngest turns 4 the end of June.


  • Hi! I am 30 with 2 kids (4 and 2) and am trying to lose 15 pounds. Like you, I am good for a week or two then give up. I'll add you as a friend if you want to help keep each other accountable! :)
  • Trophyyf
    Trophyyf Posts: 218 Member
    I'm 36 with 5 kids. Its hard with children isn't it? Ugh... add me if you would like!!
  • Heidi_M78
    Heidi_M78 Posts: 143 Member
    I am 33 with 2 kids (4 and 15months) and need to lose 25kg.

    Add me if you like and we can help offer each other support and motivation
  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    hi I am 36 with 4 kids 14, 12, 5, 3 feel free to add me :smile:
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    My kids are a bit older than yours (7 & 10), but my story is very similar- I could usually only be "good" for 1 to 2 weeks. MFP has been a lifesaver. It has helped focus me and all of the MFP folks are amazing motivators. You can do it!!!
  • Hi 33 with 3 kids 14, 11, and 4 months old. I have 50 pounds to loose. But I thnik MFP might be the motivation I need to finally get to my goal =)