Binge Eating - HELP!

I am posting this here because I need support rather than talk about food!

Has anyone else gone through a phase where they wanted to eat EVERYTHING? Where you are starting to slip back into "fat thinking" and say "I'll eat this crappy meal, then get back on my diet tomorrow." ? I'M STARTING TO GET LIKE THAT AGAIN!

HELP! I don't know how to get my motivation going again! I go to the gym, but FOOD has been singing my name lately and I can't seem to resist!

How do you resist the temptation to binge?


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Sometimes we fall. Don't stop logging. Add everything that you eat. You will get your motivation back after seeing all the red after a while. Don't get discouraged.
  • disciplineisgood
    disciplineisgood Posts: 36 Member
    Pay close attention to what is going on in your life (i.e. extra stress, period, etc.) I am not a big "logger," but I do find it very helpful during times I am struggling. You'll get through it and back on track. We believe in you!
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    Thank you :)
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    Yes I do! And so far I am up 20lbs from it! I tell my self "This one time isn't going to make any difference" but it does! I think the cause a stress mixed with the need for instant gratification. I didn't have too much of a problem with this until I quit smoking. And if I quit eating I start compulsive shopping! Instant gratification. I do think meditation and exercise both help to releave the stressors that cause the compulsions. The trick is to do it BEFORE you give in!!!
  • catattack13
    catattack13 Posts: 117
    write down what you eat and what you're feeling when you eat it. if there are feelings other than "hunger", work on those feelings. find a hobby to replace eating. read, crossword puzzles, rock climb, learn ninja skills, etc.
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    write down what you eat and what you're feeling when you eat it. if there are feelings other than "hunger", work on those feelings. find a hobby to replace eating. read, crossword puzzles, rock climb, learn ninja skills, etc.

    Learn Ninja skills lol
  • chammich
    chammich Posts: 104 Member
    There are certain foods that trigger me and I can't stop eating anything after I take a bite. Mine is cheese and anything carby. I feel your pain. Hang in there :)
  • lafitz1
    lafitz1 Posts: 4
    Wow, me too! I think I'll be fine and then bam I'm eating 8 cookies instead of one!
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    By the way, you are an extremely cute girl so knock it off!
  • kate_mariebug
    I completely understand. I battle this everyday. This is what I do - GET OUT OF THE HOUSE/or wherever the food is. Being in the same place as it only makes the craving worse for me. Distract yourself - drive around aimlessly, read, drink lots of water, anything. It will be worth it in the end. Remind yourself why you're doing this. dont give up and dont give in :)
  • joaniepol
    I've been in the same boat as you, but for many more years! I'm looking for answers too. Staying at or under my calorie limit is very hard for me, but I find that tracking (honestly) what I eat seems to be limiting the damage. My binges are smaller and more contained by awareness. I can't claim to have solutions, but I'll tell you what I'm doing to try and make a difference. A few days ago, I started going to a quiet spot in my house and putting on a chanting CD, then doing some neck exercises. It's just a start, as I want to add ChiGong exercises and weights to my routines. But, at least I'm doing something positive. I'm also extending the dog walks to 30-45 minutes, instead of 10. Baby steps for an old chick, but there we are! I feel good about doing something, and not being overwhelmed by my own goals. I think the real goal is to find ways to enjoy life more, for me find more joy. But I am taking it one day at a time, and not expecting miracles. Someone in my little group of friends on this site puts up a thought for the day, which I like. I thought about doing the same and I found a little book on my bookshelves called "Buddha's Little Instruction Book"' and read page one today. I'd like to share it: "Live every act fully, as if it were your last". I'm looking for some wisdom in how to live better, and wanted to share.
  • renstwin
    renstwin Posts: 66 Member
    Is there something you have been wanting to eat that you are denying yourself that is causing an urge to eat EVERYTHING? Sometimes this happens to me. If this is the case, why not let yourself have it? Log it, exercise to earn it, eat it, and enjoy it! Sometimes this helps me stave off a binge.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I imagine you must be suffering a bit of diet fatigue right now. I don't know how long it's taken you to reach your new weight but it can't have happened overnight.
    Are you bored with your eating program? Is there something you can change food-wise while still staying within your calorie allotment that'll help you feel more satisfied?

    What an amazing feat you've accomplished so far! I've never been able to stick it out long enough to lose that much weight so I salute you!

    There are two books that I know helped a fellow dieting blogger and that I now have in my library as well:

    Eating Less by Gillian Riley
    Refuse to Regain by Barbara Berkeley

    There might be something within the pages of both books that'll help you find your answer.
    (the blogger has lost over 100 lbs and has not had one single binge in almost 2 years now using methods described in the books)

    Hang in there! Your success so far should show you that you are indeed more than capable to solve your current issue.
    Best Wishes to you!
  • jbassettFAT
    start chugging water ...brush my teeth...go out side...find something i really like to do. chew gum.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    My binge eating problem has led me to see a therapist. In the last 2 months, I gained anywhere from 10-15lbs from it. One thing i can suggest you do is find something you really like to the next best thing? Another way i escape from stress is running. There are other days i lock myself @ the Gym and come out with enough calories to have a small pig out session..:laugh: if exercise isn't the answer, and your having a really tough day..maybe watch a funny video. sometimes they say laughter is the best medicine. Hope that helps. I really can relate to what your going gets so bad i completely isolate myself..i dont come on to MFP or call any of my real friends and I don't log anything or write it down..I really should.
  • samandlucysmum
    Use your food diary to look up days when you were succesful, then write a shopping list, an go get it, don't have the 'wrong' food in the house, and then you can't eat it.
    You have done really well so far on your journey, don't be discouraged, you can do it.
    How about getting out for a bit when you get peckish, or find an activity to do that takes your mind off bad eating.
  • mesalem
    mesalem Posts: 10
    Been there, done that!! What I find sometimes helps me is logging the foods I want to eat BEFORE eating them. That way I see all those calories on there and it helps make me aware of the amount of damage I might make.

    Plus, you've done an AWESOME job of losing weight, try to remember what it was like before starting your weight-loss journey. How was it like climbing a flight of stairs, how easy it was to lose your breath, how hard it was to shop for clothes...etc. Then remember how easy it is to slide back into that once that scale starts climbing up again. You DO NOT want to go back there!!
  • MenaMena
    MenaMena Posts: 232 Member
    Get out of the house, away from readily accessible food if you can. We are on our way to the park, no food there.

    and drink water too that helps also.

    Good luck and hang in there.
  • alibaba77
    alibaba77 Posts: 17
    this weekend is a rough one for me as well... As much as i hate to say it I wish i were working rather than sitting 5 ft from the kitchen.... Go get a pedicure, ultra relaxing... I think I will do the same:-)
  • donnabullen
    donnabullen Posts: 47 Member
    I think we have all been there at some time in our lifes!! Write down everything you eat /drink then take a good look at what you have consumed...Calories, fat etc, it worked for me. Now if I feel the urge I shuff a Rice cake in my mouth :))). You could also try something high in protein. I find drinking 2 litres of water a day helps. Keep motivated and good luck in your weight loss journey. x