Need help :(



  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    Why should she be consistent? As long as it averages out to the right amount, it is the same thing. You don't have to eat the same amount every day.

    You're asking me why someone who's trying to lose weight should be consistent?

    Is this really a question?

    I'm trying to get her to stop from stalling in her weight loss, not continue to be frustrated. =) She needs to start being consistent.
    Can't she zigzag her calories and have enough of a deficit to lose 2lbs a week? 1200 on day 1400 another then 1100 then 1600 as long as your deficit is the same at the end of the week? Sometimes this confusion will help kick start things as well.

    Editted to add I am not looking to start an argument. I am really just wondering if the exact number has to be that consistent as long as the deficit is the same at the end of the week?

    I agree. Also in a non argumentative-way. Just wanting to hear this perspective.

    ^^ I'm with this as well. That is all.
  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    I agree never lose hope. I havent lost much in two weeks. In fact i lost .2 and my fiance just reminded me how far I have come and told me not to quit. You just have to work with it and see what helps you lose weight because everyone is a little bit different. Some people are not affected by sodium. I for one am really affected by sodium. It causes me to hold water.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Why should she be consistent? As long as it averages out to the right amount, it is the same thing. You don't have to eat the same amount every day.

    You're asking me why someone who's trying to lose weight should be consistent?

    Is this really a question?

    I'm trying to get her to stop from stalling in her weight loss, not continue to be frustrated. =) She needs to start being consistent.
    Can't she zigzag her calories and have enough of a deficit to lose 2lbs a week? 1200 on day 1400 another then 1100 then 1600 as long as your deficit is the same at the end of the week? Sometimes this confusion will help kick start things as well.

    Editted to add I am not looking to start an argument. I am really just wondering if the exact number has to be that consistent as long as the deficit is the same at the end of the week?

    Her TDEE is over 2800.
    Eating at 1200 is a deficit of 1600 which is way too high.

    There is no need to drop lower than 1800.
    I get that. I agree with the TDEE that high she does not need to drop that low. I didn't mean those #s specifically I just meant zig zagging. Her calories for 7 days however is12600, assuming 1800 calories a day. Sso if one day she eats 1400 why can't she have 2200 the next? I'm not trying to be argumentative. I have just heard of zig zagging as a way to break a plateau or to not let your body get used to or adjusted to functioning at just 1800 calories a day so her metabolism does not slow.
  • chunk1691
    chunk1691 Posts: 90 Member
    i think 8 pounds in 1 week is fantastic, ive only been losing 1 pound a week, lol.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    i think 8 pounds in 1 week is fantastic, ive only been losing 1 pound a week, lol.
    0.8 not 8 lbs.
  • girlontheseesaw
    You have had a little reward for your efforts - the weight has dropped even if it's not as much as you hoped.

    I reached my goal weight but I still fluctuate a fair bit. As a woman, I expect my shape and weight to change with the time of the month.

    Keep on sticking to your goals and maintain a good level of exercise and the weight will continue to drop. Some weeks it will fly off more than you expected. Trust - it will happen.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    Chrissie, Try and lower your salt levels this week to 1500 and see what that does and drink lots of water.

    I'm not saying this will sort it but I find I don't lose when I've eaten a lot of salt.

    I've lost 46lbs and I have been where you are now.

    It's worth a try.
  • davenportk83
    davenportk83 Posts: 44 Member
    I dont snack between meals. ....... ( I suggest changing this habit)

    I have been steadily losing but found that when I added a mid-morning snack and an afternoon protein bar ( usually after workout) my weightloss quickened.

    The morning snack is usually around 100 calories and the afternoon protein bar around 150 calories. My intake for the day usually varies between 1200 to 1400 calories.

    Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    Your $0.02 = priceless!!!
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    Re: the discussion about consistency, I have 2 more cents.

    First of all I don't think the person who first brought up it up was concerned about a couple hundred calories a day difference, but rather there appeared to be frequent fluxuations of 1000 + calories.

    For me personally, I am trying to learn what appropriate meal portions are, and I want my stomach to learn to be satiated on less volume. If I go way over and way under many days a week, while the net calorie count for the week might be appropriate, my eating habits which I am trying to change are probably inappropriate. Again this is for me personally, but I believe it's why I have never been able to keep the weight off. (Lose 10 lb, gain it back, freak out, lose it, rinse. repeat.) Again, I don't think anyone here thinks a difference of a couple hunderd calories a day is a huge problem.