my typical day of food (please share yours!)

I thought this wouldbe helpful to get different ideas for meals and snacks. Please share your starting weight, current weight, goal weight, calories goal, and your typical day of foods!!

SW: 193
CW: 189
GW: 160

I always eat breakfast. My diet used to consist of PopTarts and French toast. Now, I eat oatmeal, and my favorote, homemade egg white sandwiches. I toast a whole grain English muffin (no butter!) And cook 1 slice of microwaveable bacon. I then crack an egg and seperate the egg white, season with lots of black pepper, and microwave, covered, for 30 seconds. I then top with a slice of Kraft Singles 2% American Cheese, for a grand total of 200 calories!! Its my favorite, most energizing breakfast!!

For my mid-morning snack, I have a few options; sometimes, its a piece of fruit with a rice cake. Other days its Reduced Fat Wheat Thins with Weight Watchers cream cheese cups. I feel a pang of hunger around 10:30 am, so these smacks usually hold me over until lunch.

For lunch, I like to get creative; salads, wraps, chicken, fish, cereal. My latest favorites have been Gortons Grilled Lemon Pepper Fish with brocolli and brown rice, and a side of chive cottage cheese. Its amazing!! If you don't do seafood, boneless, skinless chicken breast is a perfect substitution. My other favorite is a simple bowl of cereal.. Special K Protein Plus (I do 2 servings for a total of 200 calories and 20g of protein), with a half a cup of 1% lowfat milk, a sprinkle of organic granola, and a sliced banana. Its probably the most hearty bowl of cereal you could ever have!!!

For afternoon snack, I do another piece of fruit (not everyday, ill explain at the bottom), and a Greek yogurt. Sometimes ill also have a cheese stick..

For dinner, ill be honest, I eat whatever my mom makes on most nights. If shes making my dad an omelet, I opt for some chicken breast with wheat pasta and veggies, or fish. If its something I'm not crazy about, ill whip up something meaty and filling. Its either chicken, fish, pork, or Campbell's Select Harvest soups (which are fantastic by the way)

I usually try to not eat after dinner, but when calories are left, ill have a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich or a few cups of natural popcorn.

OK SO MY REASON FOR NOT AS MANY FRUITS, I'm allergic to many tree fruits, including apples, strawberries, peaches. This makes me nervous to try others. Unfortunately, my favorite, grapes, aren't in season yet but I will definitely be stocking up!!

I consume water (or water with Crystal Light) at every meal/snack. No sodas, and very rarely, juices.



  • kaseyAnne425
    Also, feel free to look at my diary to tell me if I'm doing anything wrong!! I'm new!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'll go with a weekday, as they're always pretty much the same.

    SW: 174
    CW: 157.4
    GW: 120
    CALORIES: 1300

    Breakfast is 60g of cereal, with skimmed milk.
    Lunch is four crackers with three slices of WW cheese and with five slices of cooked chicken.
    My evening meal is turkey spaghetti bolognese or chicken, potato and veg.
    For my snack, a packet of cassava chips. Usually, I have the snack mid-morning.
    Plus, I'm drinking two litres of flavoured water a day, and will have anything from biscuits to chocolate to fruit or something extra added to my evening meals to cover the calories if I work out.
  • maccabbes
    Well this is my first week but doing great, feeling great. Here is what my day looks like:

    SW: 139.5
    CW: 137.5
    Calories: 1590

    Breakfast: 1 over medium egg no oil, no butter with a dash of hot sauce, every other day I have 1/4 cup cottage cheese and then grapefruit and coffee.

    Mid-morning snack - Usually a protein bar

    Lunch: Salad with no cheese or dressing but lots of veggies and sometimes meat

    Mid-afternoon snack: carrots and PB or celery and PB and usually a piece of fruit

    Dinner: Really whatever I make for family I eat just watch my portion size

    Late night snack: More fruits and veggies or protein bar, however hungry I am.

    These tips were given to me by a fitness guru....we will see how they work for me. Week 1, 2 pounds down
  • KLavallee322
    KLavallee322 Posts: 86 Member
    SW: 150
    CW: 146
    GW: 138

    For Breakfast:
    Bowl of cereal w/ 2% milk. The serving size is 3/4 cereal but I always wake up STARVING so I do 2 servings of cereal w/ 1 cup milk and it keeps me happy and full and is still low calorie.

    Morning Snack:
    Depends how hard I was able to work out. If I did 1hr of cardio I will usually make a bowl of oatmeal (1/2 cup) and slice of some strawberries in it.

    I usually will do something like Eggs & Avo with whole wheat toast or I recently discovered the healthy choice cafe steamer meals. They are really good and full of fiber & protein so I stay full. I recommend the Chicken Margherita...MMmm

    Afternoon Snack:
    I will do a banana or a chewy granola bar

    I like to cook turkey burgers w/ homemade sweet potato fries, chicken w/ brown rice & a salad, whole wheat pasta w/ sauce & salad. I will pretty much eat anything for dinner but I try to be very conscious of portion size and also try to think of healthier things.

    Desert: I usually have 1 reese's peanut butter cup. It satisfies my sweet tooth and 1 cup is 100 calories so I don't feel like I'm destroying my day by having one.

    I only drink water. No sodas or juice at all.

    I am eating about 1600-1800 calories a day. But after breastfeeding & exercise my net calories is usually around 1100-1200.
  • privatetime
    privatetime Posts: 118
    My typical day of food is as follows...


    - 1cup steel cut oats with maple syrup or cinnamon or quinoa, or sometimes fennel soup or peanut butter toast
    - coffee with sugar (oh, how I've tried to drink it black) (I started drinking coffee when I started trying to lose weight. Some suggest you can burn up to 15% more calories if you drink 1 or more cups of coffee.)
    - a piece of fruit (usually a banana or an apple)
    - half glass of acai juice
    - seed shot (a shot glass with layers of different seeds, such as sunflower, sesame, and raw organic pumpkin seeds


    - 1/2 to 1 cup of curry lentil soup
    - bowl of baby spinach with tomato w/balsamic glaze, plus 1/2 glass of grapefruit juice


    - 2 Tbsp spicy hummus w/4" wholegrain pita
    - 1 cup edamame plus 1/2 glass of grapefruit juice
    - 1/2 glass of tomato juice plus 4-10 nuts (Brazil nuts, almonds, black pepper pistachios)
    - 'Bounce' spirulina energy ball
    - crudite plus 4-10 nuts


    ...could be any one or combination of lunches or snacks.
    - vegetable pasta or rice dishes
    - large spinach salads wth nuts
    - homemade fennel soup


    I rarely eat "dessert". If I want something sweet, it's probably a vegan chocolate bar. I make vegan desserts maybe 5 times per year.
  • stormyous
    stormyous Posts: 157
    I'll go:

    CW: 166.4
    GW: 145 ish.
    Cal: 1400

    Breakfast-Cherrios,Skim Milk. and coffee

    Lunch-Sandwitch (light bolona) with a teaaspoon of light mayo on Itailan bread.
    Small Orange or 100 cal yogurt partfe.
    5 reduced fat ritz crakers
    some diet dreak

    Dinner- whatever my mom or dad makes in small portons.

  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    SW: 215
    CW: 215
    GW: 150
    CALORIES: 1600

    Breakfast -
    Biscuits & sausage gravy
    Oatmeal w/ blueberries
    (2) Hard boiled eggs, bacon & instant grits
    Multigrain waffles w/ fruit & honey topping
    2 egg scramble w/ spinach, tomatoes & turkey sausage
    (2) Hard boiled eggs & bowl of DRY cheerios w/ blueberries

    - A can of water packed tuna over bed of mixed greens w/ Sesame Ginger Soy dressing
    - baked chicken breast w/ baked sweet potato
    - Baked Tilapia w/ a salad
    - Meatloaf & baked sweet potato
    - Chicken Tortilla Soup
    - Hamburger & fries
    - Baked salmon, brown rice and a veggie
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I am pretty boring and eat just about the same things everyday for breakfast and lunch.

    Kashi cereal or oatmeal with almond milk. Sometimes I will have a egg on a piece of toast.

    Lunch: Chicken or egg salad or turkey on a 100 calories sandwich thin.

    Dinner: I eat a ton of chicken cooked in different ways. Usually the main coarse is about 400 calories and I have a salad.

    I get the remainder of my calories from my snacks.

    Cottage cheese is my favorite snack right now.
  • crobertson87
    crobertson87 Posts: 34 Member
    SW: 248
    CW: 218
    GW: 150
    Calories: 1200

    Oat Bran Cereal with banana or strawberries or Michalena's Lean Gourmet Breakfast stuffed biscuits (when I'm on the run)

    Midmorning snack:
    Kroger Carb Master Yogurt (Delicious flavors and only 60 cals and 4 carbs per container!)

    Subway 6inch sandwich, salad or homemade sandwich with deli turkey and 45 calorie-a-slice bread
    string cheese or baked chips

    To encourage my husband to eat better I've been letting him pick out recipies from my low cal cookbooks
    we have 2 Taste of Home Comfort Food Diet cookbooks and a Betty Crocker 300 calorie or less dinners. Also loving trying the and Hungry girl recipes. He picks out 5 meals he thinks he will eat then I shop accordingly and that's what we eat each night. A few recent fave's have been Comfort Food Diet: Dijon crusted tilapia, Turkey tetrazzini, and homemade turkey pot pie! The hubs is also a new fan of spicy sweet potato fries that I bake in the oven. He asks for them all the time. We also cook with a LOT of venison since the hubby is an avid deer hunter and that lets us cut a lot of fat from our meals because the streaks and ground meat are so lean!
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    Sure thing. I'm 5'4" (on a good day).
    SW: 129
    CW: 122
    GW: The same(ish), just more muscular and defined.

    Daily calories: 2200
    Daily protein: Around 120g
    Daily carbs: Around 220g
    Daily fat: Around 80g

    I usually have a big breakfast (a huge bowl of cereal - almost always Kashi - with milk and fruit, which adds to around 600 calories total) and dinner, and graze all day long in between. My snacks throughout the day are usually fruits, nuts, trail mix, and beef jerky. Anything portable and marginally healthy/high protein. Dinner is usually around 800 calories of something with protein and carbs -- often a Trader Joe's frozen meal supplemented with extra chicken or veggies. And *always* a small portion of chocolate or other dessert.

    Plus I lift heavy weights about 3 days/week and walk to and from work every day.

    <-- Proof that women don't need to eat 1200 calories and live in the gym to be slim and healthy :smile:
  • girlnamedlee
    girlnamedlee Posts: 96 Member
    Breakfast: Strong, black coffee. Oatmeal or an English Muffin breakfast sandwich made with a light muffin, 1/4 cup egg whites cooked with bacon crumbles (real bacon, found in the salad topping area, 25 cal per Tbsp & enough for this) & crushed red pepper. Either option is around 150 calories.

    Morning snack: Light yogurt (80 cal) or a mini bag of popcorn (100 cal)

    Lunch: This varies. If it's not leftovers from the previous night's dinner, I'll usually have a tuna salad sandwich on light (40 cal/slice) bread or soup. I try to get in enough carbs, calories & protein to support my workout, since that happens mid-day.

    Afternoon snack: Fruit, a low cal granola bar (special k, snickers marathon, fiber one...really whatever is on sale).

    Dinner: This is usually my big meal & will have some variation on chicken, turkey or fish, a potato, quinoa or pasta (ronzoni smart taste is my go to) & 2 servings of vegetables.

    Dessert: Sugar free Jello with Lite Cool Whip or Blue Bunny no sugar added ice cream. I have a sweet tooth.

    This usually tallies to 1200-1400 calories. I track each meal via the android app & plan the next meal accordingly.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    My lunches and dinners vary quite a bit--I really don't have a typical for those. However, I do try to have two servings of veggies with lunch and dinner. This week it's been carrots, fresh green beans, and now we have broccoli and snap peas for the next few days. I also try to have a fruit with lunch--apples have been going down well for the past few days, I have one left and then I have a couple of days of strawberries left. The meat and carb in lunch in dinner vary a lot--chicken, fish, homemade pizza, pierogies, and lean ground beef, and a couple of Smart Ones have all been in the rotation this week.

    Breakfasts: Usually oatmeal (not the packets) with brown sugar, a banana, and steamed skim milk for my espresso. Once or twice a week I have an egg, with a few slices of bacon or a sausage patty. If I work days, I will eat the banana on the way to work and have the coffee with the oatmeal or else cereal on my first break at work.

    Water--throughout the day. Coffee (I make espresso at home with steamed milk) usually 2x a day, but that gets in two servings of dairy. I am prone to kidney stones from calcium, so I need to watch that.

    Snacks: Sorbet or a bit of chocolate (helps me stay on track, I don't feel deprived) with that second latte makes me feel rather decadent. Occasionally it's a serving of pretzels. Gotta have my snacks!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member

    1 cup of Nonfat Fage Greek yogurt (small packet of PureVia added)
    1 cup strawberries
    1/2 cup blueberries
    1/2 cup Nature's Path Organic Pumpkin Flax Granola

    No morning snack


    Turkey breast with laughing cow light cheese on a whole wheat sandwich thin
    baby carrots, steamed veggies or a salad
    Sometimes I'll eat leftovers from the night before

    PM snack:

    Peanut butter with an apple or maybe a banana
    Or a small piece of light string cheese


    Chicken breast (or thigh)
    Sweet potato
    Veggies or a salad

    The only liquids I drink are water (sometimes with Crystal Light), warm water with lemon, green tea
  • Stazed
    Stazed Posts: 55 Member
    5' 8
    SW 170
    CW 142
    GW ?
    calories around 1600

    Breakfast - cereal, skimmed milk, small banana and handful dried fruit
    morning snack - cereal bar or apple
    lunch - wholemeal roll with ham/ tuna, salad
    afternoon snack - protein bar (keeps me going through though my workout , i train after i finish work)
    post workout - protein shake
    dinner - lean meat/ quorn, steamed rice and lots of steamed veg, low fat yoghurt

    thats about it really
  • skshephe
    skshephe Posts: 2 Member
    SW: 152 lbs
    CW: 146 lbs
    GW: 130
    CALORIES: 1200

    For breakfast-
    I either have a veggie scramble (1 whole egg, 1 egg white with atleast 1/2 cup of sauteed veggies- it's always helpful that they are already diced and ready to go) topped with salsa
    or my new favorite is 1 cup of kashi go lean and 1/2 of fat free cottage cheese and 1 diced kiwi- a little salty and a little sweet- TONS OF PROTEIN- I'm not hungry in the least until lunch!

    For lunch-
    1 mini pita with 2 slices of deli turkey with lettuce and mustard, 1 cup of chopped broccoli, 1 cup of bell peppers and 2 tablespoons of hummus
    or campbell's light harvest soup

    Afternoon snack-
    Depends on how hungry I am, either a grape fruit or a protein bar- or sometimes both!

    For Dinner-
    If I'm the only one eating and I didn't have eggs for breakfast I usually will poach an egg and serve it over sauteed veggies and top with spagetti sauce- it sounds weird but I really like the gooey egg middle and the tomato sauce combo!
    I usually try to have atleast 2 big servings of veggies and a protein (chicken, shrimp, fish, turkey) or a BIG salad of raw veggies with chicken, no cheese, dressing on the side.

    I drink coffee with fat free creamer for breakfast and water all day, soda water at night with dinner for a treat. Eating like this keeps me mega full and I find myself craving clean yummy veggies at the end of the day!
  • hctucker69
    hctucker69 Posts: 8 Member
    I am 5ft 5 1/2

    When i started using this site I was around 9stone and am currently 8 stone2 i think (maybe 8 stone 3)!

    I feel much better and do sometimes have an odd bad day if its someones birthday etc but i do not eat as much of it or eat less in the day to outweigh

    My days always differ but today I have had:

    Breakfast - 2 egg omelette 1tbsp of butter to cook in (salt and pepper to taste) and peppermint tea

    Few glasses of water

    Lunch - Half can of tuna with lettuce and cucumber followed by a weight watchers vanilla yoghurt

    Afternoon snack - Banana and cup of lemon and ginger tea

    Tea - Chicken breast with carrots and sweet potato

    More water!!!!

    I have around 1.5 L of water per day and then sometimes snack on items such as weight watchers jelly, weight watchers crisps, carrot sticks etc x
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    SW: 231
    CW: 165.5
    Calories- 1580

    For breakfast I have hardboiled eggs or cereal( usually great grains), with yogurt and berries. on weekends I will do pancakes/waffles and eggs

    Morning snack is usually a granola bar, all-bran or fibre 1. I usually put peanut butter on my all bran bar

    Lunch, if I am awake for it (I work nights)Is soup& toast/crackers, smoothies, chili, whatever I feel like really

    Afternoon snack ( can you tell I have kids?) is usually a fruit or veg.

    Dinner is usually some sort of meat &veg. Last night we had black bean burgers, shrimp and rice with lime juice.

    I drink 8-12 cups of water a day, I drink my coffee &tea black unless I treat myself to a latte.
  • Michelle650
    Michelle650 Posts: 218
    I usually have pretty much the same thing for most of the week and try and change it up at the weekend!
    Here are my stats:
    Highest weight: 186lbs
    Current weight: 168.6lbs
    Goal weight: 130lbs
    Calories: 1450-1500

    Porridge with 100ml of light milk, a tsp of sugar and half an apple grated!

    Bacon sandwich with mayonnaise made with wholemeal bread! Also an apple and a kiwi!

    200g potatoes, 100g carrots, chicken fillet.

    1-2 cups of tea, maybe have 2 slices of wholemeal toast with butter and marmalade!
  • MissVegasxx
    I switch mine up constantly and don't count really strictly but here goes

    Highest Weight: 133-136
    Current weight: 123-124
    Goal Weight: 120

    Breakfast: 1 cup all bran or multigrain cheerios with a bunch of strawberries sliced on top and almond milk
    Mid morning snack- Coffee or a bunch of water and usually a pastry of some type *muffin, banana bread, rice cakes with PB and banana spread on top, etc and sometimes a piece of fruit*
    Lunch: Tuna in a wrap or on whole grain bread with a carrots and celery cucumber on the side
    Snack: Smoothie usually or yogourt or granola bar it varies
    Dinner: Whatever my mom makes so always changing, pasta, steak, chicken, fajitas etc etc
    Dessert: Fiber 1 bar if I didnt have it earlier, sometimes 2 maple cookies, fruit, vitatop, frozen yogourt etc
    Dinner: Whatever my mom makes always changing
  • SCUBAMomofTwo
    Starting weight: 172
    Current weight: 162
    Goal weight: 150
    Calorie intake: 1500 calories

    Here is a typical day:

    Meal one (upon waking): EAS AdvantEDGE Carb Control in Chocolate mixed with a cup of coffee PLUS two cups of coffee with FF half and half.

    Meal two: around 10 a.m. : Sandwich thin with one egg/one egg white, 1/2 small avocado (30-45g), 1/2 red pepper (roasted by me the previous day) and Sraichi sauce.

    Meal three: FF greek yogurt (vanilla) with 100g strawberries and 50g blueberries

    Meal four: Atkins Peanut Caramel Bar, banana or 100 calorie pack of almonds (two of the three).

    Meal five: 1/2 large roasted chicken breast (about 4 oz) or other lean roasted meat or seafood; 1/2 cup brown rice or 100g roasted yellow or sweet potatoes; 8 roasted asparagus spears; green salad with LF or FF dressing which includes lettuce, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, a couple of olives, sometimes garbanzo beans or feta cheese; sometimes 1/2 or 1 full serving of fruit (pears, berries or melon usually).

    Meal six: SF pudding made with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and sometimes spiked with a little whey protein powder. If I don't have this I also like to snack on dry kashi cereal with raisins and almonds or a bag of microwaved popcorn.

    I know it seems I eat a lot...but I maintain my weight with anywhere from 1800 to 2200 calories; I don't exercise consistently although I am trying to improve on this. I give myself more leeway on Saturdays, when I often have a beer with dinner, share a dessert with my hubby or go to the frozen custard stand with my kids.