Calling all 5'9" ladies!! (:

So I wanted to know what your goal weight is? Maybe give your current and goal weight. And how your planning on reaching your goal or how you reached it. Along with advice for other people, or motivational things to keep going.


  • mlwatts2
    mlwatts2 Posts: 247
    So I'm not 5'9", but I am 5'10" so I think that's probably close enough :) Goal weight is something I really have struggled with. I started this journey at about 194ish. I always felt terrible and hated my body in anything I put on. I am a opretty active person, even before the weight loss. I worked out often but basically ate or drank all those calories right back on. I am currently at 177 and really see a big difference. Even my smallest pants are starting to get to big and that is an amazing feeling. I even tried on a bikini the other day and wasn't completely disgusted. Lots of people say the see a difference and most days I agree but sometimes I still struggle. Like I said before I truly enjoy exercise so I have continued to do so quite often. I attend various classes several times a week kickboxing, step aerobics, and insanity. I also did a 5K a couple weeks ago and am going to try running a bit more on nicer days. I have 3 smal kids so fitting it all in is pretty difficult. I stay under 1200 calories and don't eat back my exercise calories. I have splurged here and there but get right back on it after the splurge. Right now I am aiming for about another 13 pounds. That would put me at a total of 30 lost and at about 164 lbs. I don't know if I will be happy there or not but that's my starting point! I know it's worth it and I can do it! So can you!!!
  • Leanne926
    Leanne926 Posts: 158 Member
    I am 5‘9 also.. Started out at 198lbs. Just posted under Success stories 31lbs down with pics where I ann now. My before pic was closer to 180, I didn't get one at 198.. My after was just last weekend at 167lbs. I am still at 167 more but my goal weight is 140. That might change with the weight lifting I started but I would still like to get close to that.
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I'm 5'10" and have always been pretty athletic. The problem is that my inability to cope with the stress and abuse of pregnancy and child rearing led to about 100 lbs of exess misery (which I lost 2 times and am on the long trek to do it again after my 3rd and last baby).

    I got up to 278.5 with each pregnancy.
    I quickly dropped down to 178 after the first, 189 after the second and plan to get down to 165 and stay there now that I'm DONE.
    I'm currently at 240 exactly a year after my DD was born. So, I got a ways to go, but it doesn't bother me this time because I know I'm making changes and habits that I can keep forever. MFP is part of the life-long plan, and I'm coping better with exercise and social stuff vs stuffing my face. :bigsmile:
  • xafricanqueen07x
    xafricanqueen07x Posts: 98 Member
    I"m 5'10 started out at 330, currently 230, would ultimately like to be between 155-160, but i HAVE A HUGE BONE FRAME, SO i'M GOING TO TRY TO GET TO 170 AND SEE FROM THERE. I was 240 for a year because of splurging and yo-yoing and I"m now trying to get bac to eating 1200 calories a day more or less and exercising so I can finish off, I hope to be at 170 or +/- 10 by September 1st when I start graduate school. I want to start fresh and thin. I've been 16o before when Iw as really young and looked very thin so we'll see :)
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    I am 5'9" as well. My starting weight was over 250 pounds and I currently weigh about 172 :):):) My target weight is 150 but, pretty much like everyone else on here I plan to reevaluate as I get closer and closer to that number. My main goals right now aren't so much about weight, but rather about fitness and toning. I am currently training for my first half marathon and I am so excited about that :) I plan on being somewhere between 145 and 155 as my final destination :)
  • EmRobo
    EmRobo Posts: 146 Member
    I am 5'10'' and at the moment 187lbs, lost 19lbs already. I want to be about 11-11.5 stone so about 154-164 lbs max

    I was nearly at my goal in 2009 when I was 12st 4lbs (172lbs) and I was feeling really good, prob more toning up to do with a little more weight loss

    So I am not going to set my exact target yet but would like in the region of 160-164 ish
  • 1981simm
    1981simm Posts: 123 Member
    I am 5'10" but I started at 242 I've always have been a bigger girl but when i looked in the mirror on Jan 4th this year I just said yuck 4 yrs ago when i got pregnant with my baby I weighed 216 and ended pregnancy at 215 I have lived a very sedentry life style since... I set a goal at 175 just the top of healthy range because I can't see being smaller than that... currently I am 216 and not giving up 26 lbs is a good loss for my first two months:) good luck everybody
  • leahalissa
    leahalissa Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 5'9", started around 275. I'm down to 215, and my first goal is 180. Ideally, I'd like to be 160. I'm muscular and naturally curvy, and couldn't imagine ever weighing less than 160. I've got a 1350 cal limit I think, usually under. I work out hard on days I know I'll be out drinking later in the evening to balance it out. Run 5 miles a day a few times a week, or hike with my dog. I also eat on a low glycemic index diet after I was diagnosed with PCOS. Limited sugars and carbs. But my main focus is portion control, and everything in moderation. To supplement my exercise experience, I have a FitBit to keep me in competition with myself. Lastly, I take many daily vitamins to make sure I get the proper nutrients. It helps me stay aware and happy :)
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm 5'9''

    Started out at 183lbs, got down to 162lbs before getting pregnant (currently in my first trimester).

    My original goal weight was 160lbs, but after I have the baby, I'm aiming for 155lbs. I'm naturally athletic and muscular, and when I got married I was 155lbs (everyone said I was really slim at that point)

    I do spin classes, zumba, run sometimes, and weight train. When the weather is nice I take regular hikes.

    I found that eating more calories helped me lose faster. I started MFP at 1200 calories, but eating 1700 gave me better results.
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    Hi, 5'9, 22 years old here. I started my "fitness journey" about 5 weeks ago at about 148 lbs and am realizing more and more as I go on, that for me "goal weight" is sort of a fuzzy target. Originally I chose 130lbs simply because that was my pre-college weight, but I'm not completely set on that.

    I started out at 27% body fat and am now down to 23%, but my weight has only changed by a few pounds. So I'm not focusing on the scale anymore. I can definitely tell a difference in my muscle definition and my endurance and strength when working out, and ultimately I think that's what matters.

    Of course the scale is a greater indicator of progress for people with a lot of weight to lose, but I thought I'd put in my 2 cents as someone whose goals involve gaining muscle more-so than losing pounds.

    Good luck other tall ladies! :)
  • vbgal95
    vbgal95 Posts: 5
    I'm 5'9" :) YAY for tall girls! My starting weight was 204 lbs. but I'm now at 174.5 lbs. My goal weight is 145 lbs. Just like everybody else here I plan on reevaluation and seeing if I could get down to 135 lbs.! I've also been doing MFP for 2 1/2 months now. I'm a pretty active person playing volleyball 4 times a week and I just completed the 30DS.
  • Nikki206
    Nikki206 Posts: 69
    I think it just depends. I would be super happy to get to 170 and reevaluate. I don't want to be super skinny and to be honest I can't even remember what I looked like at 150. My goal is to just be healthy. I'm trying not to focus on the number just my health and to be able to shop in the "normal" cute sized clothes! =)
  • Nikki206
    Nikki206 Posts: 69
    OH and I'm actually 5'10" but I figured that would be close enough =)
  • Febes24
    Febes24 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm 5'9 started mfp at 264 currently plateauing between 210-214 but my goal weight is 164 no refuse to go below 160..
    I'm not trying to be super skinny tho. Just lean nd toned.
  • MaryRose84
    MaryRose84 Posts: 67 Member
    i notice the other 5'9" ladies on here want to be below 170 .. i cant see myself smaller than like a size 9 which i would be at around 185 ish. I was 270 lbs at my biggest now 225 ish size 14. i like a womanly shape and i dont want to be thin just healthy. set goals and phases and when you get there you'll know it !
  • juliesauber13
    Howdy! 5'9". Highest: 250 (right after I delivered my daughter in 2009). Lowest: 135 (too thin, borderline anorexic in 2005/2006). Goal: 145-155 :) Right now: 190
  • angebrun
    angebrun Posts: 35 Member
    The smallest I ever was was 156 and I was pretty happy there. I think I have my goal set up for 150, or maybe 160? My starting weight was 280 and I'm 31 lbs down at 249. 9 more lbs until my pre pregnancy weight of 240, which is my next goal.
    I try to set smaller goals.
    My first was 10 lbs.
    Then 10% total weight loss, which I just met (and plateaued at for a month, argh) which was 28 lbs down.
    My next goal is a total of 40 lbs down- pre pregnancy.
    I'm thinking my next small goal will be another 10%, which at that point will be 24 lbs.
    The smaller goals help me break it up :)
  • angebrun
    angebrun Posts: 35 Member
    i notice the other 5'9" ladies on here want to be below 170 .. i cant see myself smaller than like a size 9 which i would be at around 185 ish. I was 270 lbs at my biggest now 225 ish size 14. i like a womanly shape and i dont want to be thin just healthy. set goals and phases and when you get there you'll know it !

    That depends on body shape, I'm sure- my smallest weight of 156 was a size 10 (and a few select 8s). When I was 185, that was more of size 14-16 (I'm 249 now and a size 20)
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Hi, 5'9", started MFP at 187, currently 171. My goal is 150 is or size 8, whichever comes first.

    I'm trying to overcome a bad track record of yo-yo dieting, so I'm focused on creating a sustainable lifestyle change above all else. All-time lowest weight was 123 (that was NOT pretty); highest was 205.
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm 5'10" and currently 184. My goal is ~165 with 22% bf. I set my MFP profile to lose 1 lb per week and I'm sticking to that. MFP sets my daily caloric goal at 1510 and I eat back my workout calories. I enjoy food and the occasional glass of wine far too much to starve myself.

    I don't want to be skinny fat! I was about 160 lbs when I did Ironman 3.5 years ago and I wasn't that ripped but I also didn't have this big belly that seems to have developed since then. My plan now is to do a mix of walking, P90X weights videos and triathlon sports. At the very minimum, I am doing a 30 walk each day. I am currently in week 2 of 13 on this plan.
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