Breast feeding

So I am a mom of 5 and I Just had #5 2 months ago. I started at 235 and I am now 185. I think alot of it was water retention. I am wondering how to add in my addtional calories needed for nursing. I am not really sure how you figure out many many calories addional or if I just eat the same and see if I am losing? I know they said that when you nurse you need an additional 200-500 calories. Do I just not add those or add those and exercise more? I talked with my dr. and he said it was fine to watch my diet and lose weight. That I just shouldn't do it to fast. Any suggestions?????


  • hehawwolfley
    So I am a mom of 5 and I Just had #5 2 months ago. I started at 235 and I am now 185. I think alot of it was water retention. I am wondering how to add in my addtional calories needed for nursing. I am not really sure how you figure out many many calories addional or if I just eat the same and see if I am losing? I know they said that when you nurse you need an additional 200-500 calories. Do I just not add those or add those and exercise more? I talked with my dr. and he said it was fine to watch my diet and lose weight. That I just shouldn't do it to fast. Any suggestions?????
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    You can go in and manually change how many calories you need. Under "Goals" I think is where you can go. I would eat when hungry for a day or two and see how many additional calories you're taking in. I think the most important thing is to watch the QUALITY of what you're eating not so much the quantity. Although, I have a friend who is nursing and uses it as an excuse to eat 3500 calories a day. Pretty counter-productive in my opinion but it's her body!
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    You can manually change the goals, or use the deficit MFP has for 1 pound of weight loss a week, or even 1/2 pound, and see how you feel. Make sure to eat back your exercise cals!!!

    And yes, quality!!! of food is very important.
  • mommyof2boys
    I know when you loose weight to fast that toxins get released into your milk. My #2 baby is going to be 5 months and I breast fead for the 1st 3 months but I had to stop because he spit everything up and had to be put on a special formula... When I was breast feeding I was on the atkins diet and I didnt count calories just carbs. So good luck <3