Back and ready to lose some weight!

Hi, I'm 46 with a 3 year old (yes, that's right an older mum lol). I logged on earlier in the year but then got side-tracked, had a half-hearted attempt at following WW with a bit of SW thrown in and put on half a stone. I am now back, with a new determination and a new mobile (so I got the App too). Happy for you to add me and we can support and encourage each other ;)


  • hmeliaw
    hmeliaw Posts: 99 Member
    Good luck! I fell off the bandwagon too and understand all too well :( I'm a weight watcher convert and am hoping that I can get rid of this weight ONCE AND FOR ALL. Let's do this!!!
  • OhioMade
    OhioMade Posts: 48 Member
    Hey, happy to add you... I am 45 and returning to counting calories after "fallin' off the wagon" over a year ago, I am finding this site is amazing, so I know you'll do well.:smile:
  • cherlea33
    cherlea33 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there! I'm 44 with an almost 3 year old and a 4.5 year old. :smile: It's fun being an older mom, but has it's challenges, as the pregnancy weight has hung around longer than I thought it would. I tried this a year ago as well and I'm back and doing a bit better this time, as I'm sure you will too.