Whole wheat pasta vs. regular pasta?



  • crazedcujo
    crazedcujo Posts: 114 Member
    Credit to all of you who can stomach the whole wheat pasta. I can't at all. I eat regular pasta and I eat it a lot!

    So do I and I'm losing the weight.... they are close in calories so I don't let it freak me out.. I can't stand the taste of whole wheat pasta either.
  • juliedee6
    juliedee6 Posts: 46 Member
    A very important reason why whole wheat products or brown rice is better for you is that it does not digest as quickly. Therefore, the carbs are release slower into your intestines and prevent blood sugar spikes. If you are diabetic or hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) this is very critical. A diet high in sugars and refined flour products is a gateway to diabetes. Those blood sugar spikes overtax your pancreas into producing insulin to burn-up the excess sugar.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I actually prefer the taste to regular pasta now.
    The fiber is great...and it has a lot of protein as well!
  • Happyguy
    Happyguy Posts: 90 Member
    White pasta and white rice for me. There are some great whole grain breads I like though.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    A very important reason why whole wheat products or brown rice is better for you is that it does not digest as quickly. Therefore, the carbs are release slower into your intestines and prevent blood sugar spikes. If you are diabetic or hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) this is very critical. A diet high in sugars and refined flour products is a gateway to diabetes. Those blood sugar spikes overtax your pancreas into producing insulin to burn-up the excess sugar.

    the American Diabetes Association seems to disagree with you
    Myth: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.

    Fact: No, it does not. Type 1 diabetes is caused by genetics and unknown factors that trigger the onset of the disease; type 2 diabetes is caused by genetics and lifestyle factors. Being overweight does increase your risk for developing type 2 diabetes, and a diet high in calories, whether from sugar or from fat, can contribute to weight gain. If you have a history of diabetes in your family, eating a healthy meal plan and regular exercise are recommended to manage your weight.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    Barilla plus, more protein, hard to tell the difference in my opinion........