
Hi all, i was just wondering if anyone does karate for fitness? My 5 year old son recently started and gets an awesome work-out. There's not much that can wear this kid out but he is tired after class. I've been thinking about joining a class. Are there any adults out there that do karate? Would you recommend it?


  • miteymom7103
    miteymom7103 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, i was just wondering if anyone does karate for fitness? My 5 year old son recently started and gets an awesome work-out. There's not much that can wear this kid out but he is tired after class. I've been thinking about joining a class. Are there any adults out there that do karate? Would you recommend it?
  • kbirky73
    kbirky73 Posts: 110
    My 5 year old son also does karate (ATA) and there are 4 mothers in the class with their kids. One is a black belt .. she got her kids into it but the other 3 have been taking with their kids.

    Any exersise is good so ... i say go for it.

    Not to mention its great when you can do activities WITH your kids.

    Do it!
    Do it!
    Do it!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    That's an excellent bonding activity to do wtih your child. It's also a lot of fun.
  • anna5479
    I am female, 30 years old and started about 6 months ago, also go with my son who is 8 now. He started going 1st, and almost every time I dropped him off I thought 'I wouldn't mind doing that'. Was very overweight starting ( about 250 lbs), but I just did what I could and its amazing how quickly you get into it, in fact its what has inspired me to lose the weight and join the gym, and now my latest thing is running so I can endure more sparring. I would defo recommend, its fab, I totally enjoy it : ))
  • BigdaddyJ
    I started Taekwondo with my kids, the workout is excellent, so is the philosophy! It builds self confidence and it's realy motivating, I started it to have a workout, now I workout outside of it to get better at it!!

    The school probably a free trials, give it a go!!

    Good luck and enjoy!!
