Personal Trainer advice needed

jody664 Posts: 397 Member
So I am supposed to work out with my PT on Sunday afternoons and Wednesday evenings. Last Sunday, he texted me 2 hours before our session and said he wasn't feeling well and could we reschedule for later in the week. Because my schedule is crazy I wasn't able to actually reschedule.....we just did our normal Wednesday session. I asked him on Wednesday how he was, and said, "Fine, why?" Uh you were sick on Sunday? He says, "Oh yeah, sorry.....went out drinking with friends for my birthday and was pretty hungover." Okay whatever. They guys 30 years old, I would have expected a little more maturity than that, but no problem. It's not like I haven't overindulged in my lifetime either.

Today he didn't show at all. No text. No email. No phone call. I went ahead and did my normal cardio routine and came home, pretty miffed.

Is it time to "break up" with my PT? Do I tell the gym management? Should I talk to him about it first? Do I give him a third and final chance......"three strikes, you're out"?

I really do like the guy.....he's quite charasmatic, and I never would have even tried personal training if it hadn't been for the 3 free sessions I had with him. He's given me some really great advice, and I enjoy working out with him. I do know he is a single father with sole custody of his 2 children. But I'm very serious about getting fit and I need a PT who is equally serious about helping me.

Particularly interested in responses from PTs and those who've been in this situation.

ETA: He just texted me and said he had a family member in an accident and totally forgot about our appointment. Understandable. But still wondering how to approach this situation. I really need someone who is consistent.


  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Personally i would ask for a replacement, he is not dependable.
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    Here's my .02 for what it's worth.

    I haven't been in that situation at all, because my PT is amazingly dependable and there for me, so that is where I am coming from.

    I decided on a PT when I realized I could lose and gain 100 pounds forever on my own, but if I wanted it to stay gone, if I wanted to change my life for good, then I needed outside help. I can tell you that I have NO issues flaking out on my own, that's why I reached out, because I needed someone to hold me accountable. Not only is your PT not holding you accountable (because he's a flake) but now YOU are having to hold HIM accountable, and that is INEXCUSABLE.

    You are making the time and effort to get fit. That's a big deal in and of itself, so you deserve someone that is in your corner, no matter what. If you went to a coffee shop every day, and they gave you a bad cup o' joe all the time, would you put up with that, or would you find somewhere that you actually enjoyed your coffee consistently? It's no different. Personal Training is a business...he needs his pink slip. Put yourself first...that's the only way to reach your goals.
  • Lisamba09
    Lisamba09 Posts: 20
    I agree with MHotch.
    NOT reliable at all.
    I have a PT I work out with 4x per week for the past 4 months and she has only canceled on me ONCE!

    ask for a new trainer
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    Thanks for the feedback. I know you guys are right.....I just hate doing it.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I am probably too nice, but I'd give him one more chance. However, I think it would be safe to let him know that you are sorry about the accident, but that you are still disappointed over the situation especially because of the last time that he sort of left you hanging....
  • sar04tamu
    sar04tamu Posts: 27
    If you really like working out with him, then tell him straight up that your time is just as valuable as his, and he needs to respect that. If he reschedules, no-shows, or is late again, tell gym management that you would like a new trainer, and tell them why. He may do this to all his clients and the management may not know the bad rep he's giving the gym. Whether you stick with him or someone new, ask for extra sessions to make up for those he's missed.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I would follow the Three Strikes you out approach, but I would talk to him about it before going to management, especially if you like the guy. Just ask him, do you have time to train me, say you understand things come up from time to time, I guarantee you though if you just didn't show up and he was there to work you out, he would have charged whether you show up or not. I love my trainer, we are actually pretty good friends now, I was just hanging out with him and his family. He charges people if they don't give 24 hours notice, unless there was some kind of emergency that happened. He has texted me a couple times that his daughter was sick or he wasn't feeling good, we just reschedule. He actually showed up sick as a dog once, I told him to go home after about a half hour and finished on my own. He gave me the keys to his studio to lock it up for him.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    If you really like working out with him, then tell him straight up that your time is just as valuable as his, and he needs to respect that. If he reschedules, no-shows, or is late again, tell gym management that you would like a new trainer, and tell them why. He may do this to all his clients and the management may not know the bad rep he's giving the gym. Whether you stick with him or someone new, ask for extra sessions to make up for those he's missed.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    ask for a new trainer and if you make a big enough stink about it they will reimburse you or give you a few more training sessions for free.
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    I am probably too nice, but I'd give him one more chance. However, I think it would be safe to let him know that you are sorry about the accident, but that you are still disappointed over the situation especially because of the last time that he sort of left you hanging....
    Thanks Mary Beth. This is kind of what I was thinking too. I think I'm going to talk to him privately tomorrow (our next session) and explain what I need that I don't think I'm getting from him, see how that sets and then wait for the next slip up.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I would ditch him. In my opinion hes extraordinarily unprofessional.
  • myuva
    myuva Posts: 67
    Completely unreliable.......I would speak to gym management. He is representative of the gym. Things he does or doesn't do, as far as his job goes, reflects badly on the gym. Just my opinion.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    You deserve professionalism, consistency and respect of your time and effort. New trainer time!
  • donnantx
    donnantx Posts: 76
    both times not showing up on a Sunday? Ditch him and find another trainer who is available on your schedule.
  • rayleansout
    rayleansout Posts: 234
    Get rid of him as fast as possible, find another personal trainer that is a professional, not a half a_ _!!
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    If he were mine, he'd be FIRED. Done. Next.
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    You stated that you had three free sessions, if you are still in the sessions give him a third strike, however if you are paying for the sessions SO LONG. He is your employee and needs to act like so. If I got intoxicated and called off work for said reason or failed to show-up without notice, I would be looking for a new job.
    I would call into question his family member being in an "accident" since he has already shown a level of deceit.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I'd give him another chance..
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    The fact that he is getting paid to help you change your life around and push you and such and he "forgot" to let you know today. Yeah I feel bad that he knows someone who got into an accident but If i was an employee and I just forgot to tell my boss someone was in a car wreck my boss will say i dont care you didnt tell me. You are his boss. I know its easier said than done but you need to go to the place where you hired him request someone that is dependalbe and willing to truly help your life get on track. As a personal trainer he should care about his clients wellbeing...and maybe being a single father he shouldnt be drinking himself sick because its hard for most fathers to get sole custody and he should take that privelege and give his kids the extra excuses there!
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    Three strikes? Excuse me? If you failed to show up for an appointment (and then lied about why), would he give you 2 more chances? Or would he charge you full whack for bailing without giving 24hours' notice? If he lied about being ill when he was hungover, then I wouldn't be inclined to believe him about the "accident" either - I know that sounds really harsh, but your health is a serious business and if he is not willing to take it seriously, then I am sure there are other trainers out there who would be more than willing to work with you.