Any Atkins dieters on here?!?



  • Jenna1972
    Jenna1972 Posts: 26 Member
    I have been doing a modified paleo diet with Atkins concepts thrown in that make sense and work for me. When I cut out the sugar, my energy increases, my joint inflammation decreases, and I am slowly but surely losing the weight. The best part about low carb is how it affects my appetite. I am no longer famished after a long swim or dying for foods that will raise my blood sugar. I'm not diabetic, but I chose to eat a paleo diet to help keep me from possibly becoming prediabetic. My glucose before Jan was 101 and my cholestorol was 223. I was retested last week and now my glucose is 88 and my cholesterol was 196. I don't need blood pressure medicine (Doc was threatening in Jan.) If it's so dang dangerous than why did my doctor congratulate me on my improvements?

    I am also very aware of fiber. If I am going to have something higher in carbs (I get 1 cheat day a week) it has to have a significant amount of fiber. Vitatops are good, popcorn, dreamfields pasta, multigrain bread. If I know I'm going to want chocolate, I eat a Russell Stover Toffee square...70 calories and they are almost too sweet for me now that my tastebuds are finally in sync. I do eat meat everyday, but as I lose weight my cholesterol should lower as well. If it doesn't than I will increase my fiber more.

    I think the most important thing you can do is monitor HOW your changes affect your body. Any diet change can be healthy, but if it negatively impacts your blood's not the right one. I go back to my doc in 3 months for retests. That is what will determine my diet changes...not because something is popular or unpopular. I couldn't give a flying fig whether something was popular on here or not! I am here to gain information and inspiration, and give it in the (few) instances I might be of help to someone else.

  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    Add me! :-)
  • shakaramwheeler
    I've done Atkins before and was very successful plus it is recommended with my lapband. I lost over 100 pound but gained about 75lbs when I got pregnant. I have lost 40 and I'm fighting hard to get the rest off. So this Saturday I am going to go for it again :) Plus I'm doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution 90 day program.