hello need help

hello my name is Billy and I am trying to lose at least 30 lbs. I am a person who doesnt eat health but I'm trying to get better. I have cut out all the sugars like candy and sodas so far so good, but when when it comes to food I don't like veggies and I eat a lot of fatty foods but I'm also trying to cut that as well can anyone help me please. Oh yea I'm a very picky eater any suggestions would be great. I also can use some support cause noone knows I'm doing this. I haven't told my gf or family I'm doing it all on my own.
Thank you in advance.


  • tennisluv33
    tennisluv33 Posts: 14 Member
    I really respect you for the change you are making. It means a longer life and more enjoyment. I, too, am working on losing that much weight. I salute you for doing it for yourself and keeping it to yourself. I think when we announce it, well meaning friends keep an eye on what we eat and maybe remind us about it, etc. That has the reverse effect. Just be cool and surprise everyone. I am losing well on a low carb plan. I can have my fat and am losing easily and NO cravings. You might want to check it out. It works especially well for men.
    Best of everything. Keep in touch.
  • wmjanes
    wmjanes Posts: 8
    Thank you I will look into that
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    You're probably going to have to find some veggies to eat. I know quite a few people who have a hatred of anything green, but they are so helpful when trying to lose weight! Start slow, mixing them in things that you do like. There is such a huge variety of foods out there, just keep trying until you find something you do like!
    Good luck to you!

    I am also on a low carb plan, works quite well for me! But I'm also low fat. I try to get all my carbs from fruits and veggies!