We'll call this...JULY GOAL CHALLENGE!!



  • stephaniek
    I just started and am impressed by everyone's motivation!!! My timeline for losing weight is a little different, but I'd like to join in anyway. I have my 20 year h.s reunion in early June and I'm looking to lose 20 pounds by then.
    Unfortunately, I have recently had abdominal surgery so I can't lift wieght at the moment, but I plan to do 40 minutes of elliptical trainer 5-6 days a week. I 've done three days so far (and we've had the machine for over a year...sad, huh?...well, I have done it more than three times, but not consistently). I'll slowly add weight training in as I can. I will be doing all of my workouts at home as I have a 2 and a half year old that I stay home with.
    So far, so good. My calories have been a little high, but I can change that pretty easily. I eat a pretty good diet and am a Registered Dietitian if anyone has any questions. I look forward to being accountable to a group and you all seem so supportive and nice.
    I am writing from Bothell, Washington....anyone in my area?

    Good luck to everyone and thanks to Kistinbee for setting this up!

  • erin1205
    Hey everybody!

    Checking in (a little late)...hope everyone is having a good weekend so far and bracing themselves for today's temptations! :smile:

    My weekly schedule looks like this, but I am considering adding another class-maybe RPM. Kistinbee-you take RPM-how do you like it? I have heard from many that it is great, but I am totally intimidated to walk into there!

    M-75 minutes cardio (30-walking/running 45-elliptical)
    T-60 minute Bodypump, 25 minute cardio (usually walking)
    W-75 minutes cardio (30-walking/running 45-elliptical)
    Th-60 minute Bodypump, 25 minute cardio (usually walking)
    F-75 minutes cardio (30-walking/running 45-elliptical)
    S-60 minutes of cardio

    This schedule isn't too strict. Sometimes I take Wednesday off and then workout Sunday. And, my husband just started going to the gym with me. I did the couch to 5k last summer, and now he is doing it. So sometimes I will run with him instead...I'm all over the place!

    And for those asking about Bodypump-I highly highly recommend it! I can totally feel a difference in my strength. When I started the class (in Novemberish) I couldn't do a single push up. In fact, I couldn't do half a push up on my knees! My upper body strength was nothing. But now, I can do 10 pushups-and I am so proud! I just added 2.5 pounds on all my reps last week also!

    I'm excited about this group. I need the accountability to keep going.

    Good work everyone! "See" you all soon! :happy:

  • erin1205
    Almost forgot a couple things..

    I started (a week and a half ago) at 185. I officially weigh in on Wednesday mornings and last Wednesday was down to 183! This Wednesday, i am hoping to be 182.

    Kistinbee, how was the wedding? Hope you had a great time!

    Anyone in Northeast Wisconsin? I'm in Green Bay trying to stay thawed out right now! :laugh:

    Ok all, enjoy your Sunday!

  • laxgirl
    count me in!

    M- basketball game: 50 mins (about)
    T- Lacrosse practice (30 min), basketball practice (1.5 hours)
    W- Basketball game: 50 min
    Th- Lacrosse practice (30 min), Basketball practice (1.5 hours)
    F- Basketball game: 50 min
    S- hopefully the gym (2 hours)
    Su- Lacrosse game: 40 mins

    I'm looking to lose about 30 pounds by June, though a more realistic goal for me would be about 20 pounds. In total, I want to lose about 40-45 pounds, but that goals for around Sept.
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    Yeah me too! Looking to lose about 25 lbs hopefuly by June and if not then July! I weigh myself on a friday morning so will post then.

    Monday - 40 mins Cardio, 45 mins weights, crunches etc.
    Tuesday - body pump and toning exercises
    Wednesday - 40 mins Cardio, 45 mins weights, crunches etc.
    Thursday - body pump and toning exercises
    Friday - 40 mins Cardio, 45 mins weights, crunches etc.
    Weekend - body pump and toning exercises or something else like skiing or swimming!
  • erin1205
    Alright, I got on the scale this morning and was down 2lbs! 183 on 1/30 and today-181!!!

    I was thrilled and I can't wait to see myself break into the 170s-hopefully next week!

    Just wanted to share my good news. Have a great day everyone!
  • kap1970
    I know this is late and I am not sure if you are still on the site but I am a certified Pump instructor. The ONLY reason someone should not be seeing results is because they are not pushing themselves hard enough. By the time you are 30 seconds into the song you should be feeling the weight, by the time the end of the song is over you should be not able, or to the point of almost not being able to do another set. Unfortunately I have seen a lot of pump instructors that don't push their class to the limit, there for you need to push yourself.

    After teaching for 2.5 years I still feel and see results. BP changes the exercises and program every 3 months when your body gets "Used" to the routine. So there should be no way you don't feel or see changes.

    If you have any questions let me know and keep pumping, having fun and most of all PUSHING HARD!!