100lbs lost 60 more to go!

Hey fitness pals! Im a 30 yr old single mom of two whose been overweight my whole life just about. On my 28th birthday I had a wake up call. I saw pix of myself from my bday and i didnt believe it was me. I couldnt believe i was "that" big! I mean i knew i was a "thick" girl but these pictures clearly showed i was FAT. I made it up in my mind that I would lose 100lbs by the time I turn 30. So I started this crazy starvation diet for a hot 2 weeks and failed miserably. I joined weight watchers and went to 2 meetings and never went back. I tried atkins for a hot 3 days and gave up. until i just said you know what **** it. Im just supposed to be fat. Another birthday came and went and here i am 29 yrs old and still FAT. idk what but something changed for me. I was literally tired of being a fat girl. I was just down right sick of it and ready to do what i needed to do to lose the weight. and so i did it! I lost 100lbs and i felt fantastic. So the summer came and i couldnt wait to party and show off the new 100lbs slimmer me. I stopped exercising as much and i started eating junky foods again and before you know it 10lbs packed back on like that! It pissed me off! so I said ok this is something that im going to have to work at for the rest of my life. I was more determined than ever. and then.....i injured my back lifting weights. Herniated disk. ouch. I was down and out for about 3 months and pack on another 9 lbs! Devastated to say the least. So now im in physical therapy and my back pain is manageable and i now know how to modify all my workouts to accommodate my back injury. So now my goal is to lose this 19lbs i gained plus an additional 40! It sucks to lose 100lbs and still be overweight according to my BMI. I just want a normal BMI and i want to be healthy and fit and feel good about myself inside and out. Any encouragement you can provide is greatly appreciated. I need all the help i can get. lets fight this battle with fat together and win damnit!


  • dibdobw
    dibdobw Posts: 89 Member
    You have done so well! You sound like a determined lady so dont lose heart or hope. Im sure you can lose the remaining weight!
    Debbie x
  • jacquirich
    jacquirich Posts: 105 Member
    You have done wonderfully losing that amount and despite injuring your back you only gained a tiny amount. I have 94lb, I have tried diets before but normally give up around the 20-30lb mark
  • jbizzle523
    Thanks guys!!!!
    Its sooooooo incredibly hard but I cant give up. Ive come to far. It sucks when you're a "foodie" like me and you learn the hard way you cant work off bad eating habits. they go hand in hand. I appreciate the encouragement I really needed it today ( as i sit at work desperately wanting to ravage the vending machine) but now I dont want those bag of doritos and that 3 musketeer!
    Jacq, dont think about the past just focus on today. Yes you dieted before and it didnt work but dont beat yourself up because you didnt give up. Youre back at it again. Just get through the day. and if you make a bad food choice just remember how it made you feel. and tomorrow is a new day to try again....I believe in you! :smile:
  • monyhanm
    monyhanm Posts: 4
    Awesome job!!! I am just beginning my journey to lose AGAIN (similar story), but I'm 44yrs old. How did you change your eating habits to be able to lose. I need encouragement too.
  • jbizzle523
    thank you!!! Well i became a vegetarian....which helped tremendously. I havent had meat in almost 2 years and im never going back :)