
Hey there everyone! My names Andrea and I signed onto the myfitnesspal a couple of weeks ago.
Just wanted to put something up here to introduce myself :bigsmile:
also, I just wanted to ask how long its taken some of you to lose the weight??
I've tried just about everything so im crossing my fingers that this will work for me.

Well I shall be off! Got to head to work! Chow!


  • missnovello
    Hey there everyone! My names Andrea and I signed onto the myfitnesspal a couple of weeks ago.
    Just wanted to put something up here to introduce myself :bigsmile:
    also, I just wanted to ask how long its taken some of you to lose the weight??
    I've tried just about everything so im crossing my fingers that this will work for me.

    Well I shall be off! Got to head to work! Chow!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member

    I lose about 2 lbs a month - so I'm expecting to reach my goal weight next year. Some lose a lot more quickly, but never think slow weight loss is a failure :bigsmile:
  • karilynn
    i started jan 3,and i've lost 14lbs, (averaging 4lbs a wk), but i'm sure it will taper down to 2 lbs a wk, which is my goal anyways (i want it to stay off, so i don't want to lose it to fast). everyone is different, and will lose at a different pace. more imprortantly..you're here!! welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member

    I hope you reach all your goals! Best of luck.