Anyone used the SL5X5 workout?

So as the title says, anyone used the SL5X5 workout before?

What are your thoughts on this? Anyone gained good results?

I've taken over 6 months off the gym and will be getting back into it but this time properly & i've been recommended this workout.


  • ravihira1892
    ravihira1892 Posts: 149 Member
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member

    It works awesome... You will gain strength.

    I recommend it to everyone thats just starting into lifting...
    only after you're maxed on it do I think people should switch to Madcow...
  • ravihira1892
    ravihira1892 Posts: 149 Member
    thing is i have already done weights/lifting before but because its been so long since i've gone back into it, i feel that i should start from scratch again! Hate the feeling but it must be done i guess.

    my goals: to gain lean muscle mass, increase strength & lose body fat which i think this workout will help me achieve!

    3 times a week for 45minutes each!

    I just need more feedback from people who have tried this! thankyou for your input though :)
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    If you're not starting for the first time, just use the first few times to make sure you're keeping form with lighter weights..
    then jump up a bit faster.

    just DONT jump ahead to your 5rep max right away. give yourself atleast 3 weeks or longer to work up to it.. Jumping from zero back to your max is just asking for injury.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I never heard about that protocol - seems good.
    I'm myself do everything at home since the beginning - no need to tell it's efficient

    my goals: to gain lean muscle mass : no secret : controlled diet
    increase strength : strenght or volume ?
    lose body fat : caloric deficit and controlled diet - no secrets

    In fact you don't need to lift any weights to achieve that, you could split 2 trainnings of cardio (for strength (yes) ) and getting in shape, and 3 strenght trainnings - I work my my body weight - it's enough to achieve your goals.
    Regarding the nutrition - if you have much lbs to lose - you could start the protocol by a cut (20-22% caloric deficit), and increased cardios sessions - maintain it for 3 monts tops - then slightly go for building - even if you haven't drop all the BF you wanted. Strenght mixed with cardio (which will be lowered in the second time) will lead to build muscle and keep developping the strenght you started to acquire with cardio.
    "Train less, but smater" : 45 mn max for cardio, at low-intensity. Strenght : start with 3x 25/ 30, never more than 1 hour.
  • ravihira1892
    ravihira1892 Posts: 149 Member
    Didn't understand all of that correctly.. :s

    Fat loss isn't a big concern, its mainly strength & lean muscle mass.

    So i will most likely follow this routine (StrongLifts 5X5 workout) combined with 45mins a week of low-intensity or high cardio for a good 6 months!

    Monday: SL5X5
    Tuesday: Rest
    Wednesday: SL5X5
    Thursdays : Cardio/Rest
    Friday: SL5X5
    Sunday: Rest

    Regarding my diet that'll be another day which i will need to properly sort out when changing my diet to what it currently is.

    TDEE is currently 2480ish and i'm on 1860 calories atm, this will change when in 2 weeks when i start my diet!
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Didn't understand all of that correctly.. :s

    Fat loss isn't a big concern, its mainly strength & lean muscle mass.

    So i will most likely follow this routine (StrongLifts 5X5 workout) combined with 45mins a week of low-intensity or high cardio for a good 6 months!

    Monday: SL5X5
    Tuesday: Rest
    Wednesday: SL5X5
    Thursdays : Cardio/Rest
    Friday: SL5X5
    Sunday: Rest

    Regarding my diet that'll be another day which i will need to properly sort out when changing my diet to what it currently is.

    TDEE is currently 2480ish and i'm on 1860 calories atm, this will change when in 2 weeks when i start my diet!

    sounds like a solid plan to me.