Opinions on Jillian Products...



  • jazzykay1971
    I can't figure out how to add on my calories burned or even figure out how many calories I've burned while doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Can somebody please help me????

    I wear my HRM while doing 30 DS. I burn between 180-200 depending on how hard I push myself.
    Hope this helps! :happy:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    I just came onto the boards to post a whiny tongue-in-cheek "JILLIAN WHY U HATE ME?" note in the fun forum and saw this thread.

    On week 2 of Ripped in 30, and I cannot imagine buying another one of her workouts, let alone collecting the set. Is this one too easy for you?


    OTOH it does seem to be working :)


    I LOVE JM workouts!! I started by finishing shred and THEN did RI30...and I think that if done that way...it builds you up to it!!! RI30 is NOT too easy for me, and I still get sore even doing it today...but my cal burn is way less now then it used to be, and it is def easier then it used to be too!!! just keep at it...it will get easier, an you will fall in love with your results from her workouts...if you do it as it was intended to be done!! GOOD LUCK to you!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I'm doing the 30-day shred, but I'm not sure which DVD to move on to next. I'd preferably like to go from easiest to hardest, or are they all about the same? I have heard Ripped in 30 is a lot harder than 30-day shred?

    I did Shred followed by RI30...and I believe that that is the way it was meant to be done!!! Now I am doing more RI30 with 6W6P...and that seems to be a good combo too!! I would def say shred to ripped though...and then decide what you wanna work on next...either more upper body ST, core, or buns and thighs to decide where you wanna go next!!!

    i do feel RI30 is harer then shred though!!
  • ShalisaClam
    ShalisaClam Posts: 190
    I have "No More Trouble Zones" and I find it to be a killer workout!! I did it two days ago, and can still feel it in my chest, arms, and abs. I am new to strength training, and was able to do it for 25 mins. The whole dvd is actually 40. I thought it was awesome, and I am looking forward to doing it again next week on my strenght training day. I feel like it's working. Hope this helps...
  • stevemcqueengirl
    stevemcqueengirl Posts: 189 Member
    I did Ripped in 30 and you will love it! From Level 2 on up , it does get very challenging. JM does incorporate some moves from 30 Day Shred and some new moves as well.

    I soo love Shed It With Weights - though a kettlebell is recommended, JM says in the DVD that using a dumbbell is just as effective. There is some cardio with this workout. Level 2 is very challening. I am still on Level 1. You will really raise the hearbeat on this workout. I follow-up this workout with RI30 session.

    I just did NMTZ. It was such an effective workout and I have never sweated so much! The core workout consists of 7 circuits. Each circuit is repeated twice. The workout is mostly weight lifting (first 4 circuits) and then transitions to floor exercises which focus on upper and lower body core such as abs, push-ups, etc (last 3 circuits). I did the workout with a set of 4 lbs weights and I am glad I did because it was really challenging. There is no cardio in this workout. You will find a lot of the weight lifting and floor exercise moves familiar because JM uses the moves from 30Day Shred and RI30. There are some new moves that are included in the DVD. I logged it as “Strength Training” and I burned 191 calories though I felt like I burned a lot. I really need to get a HRM! It is a great DVD to use for strength and toning workout and complements the “sister” DVD, “Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism”.

    Hope this helps! Here is to the journey!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Shalisa-thanks!!! that was exactly the type of info I was asking for!!! Pretty sure I am goin with NMTZ...and good luck on your own journey too btw!!!

    Steve-thanks for the tips!! I have already completed RI30 and the Shred...and agree that they are both great workouts...and that RI30 should follow the shred! Def looking for ST DVDs though...so NMTZ sounds perfect!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ah, my favorite trainer!

    I have all of Jillian's DVDs outside of the biggest loser set. 30 day shred started me on the path to fitness and changed my body, I still love going back to it. The 3-2-1 system is awesome, and she brings it back in different but just as effective if not even more effective ways in Ripped. Extreme shed and shred is similar but longer and less intense. Yoga meltdown and 6 week 6 pack are not as tough cardio wise but great for core strength. Killer Bun and thighs really is killer and shoots my heart rate way up (had to stop that one for pregnancy, lol), wonderful toning tpand circuit style stuff as well.

    Outside of 30 day shred, I'd have to say that No More Trouble Zones and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism are my favorite. NMTZ is amazing toning all over but keeps your heart rate up as well, I LOVE it but also HATE it, especially the triceps circuit - OUCH! BFBM is it's sister workout and it's mainly cardio but it incorporates strength as well.

    To round out my review, when I want a quick and simple workout I do her old 20 minute cardio kickboxing DVD. I was not really a fam or shred it with weights. It was ok and the second workout in particular was challenging but I didn't fall hard for it compared to her other circuit videos.

    She has a DVD set out recently that I am going to get for my post-baby routine as well, don't remember the name but I'm super excited about that and the kickboxing DVD.

    I know this is a long post but I'd also like to point out there is a Jillian Michaels workout schedule out there. If I were to make my own it'd combine BFBM, NMTZ, and alternate in circuits like shred, ripped, and killer buns. Her DVDs are so affordable I would splurge shamelessly if I were you!i