Hi... i just started MFP about two weeks ago and i'm doing great (i I've been eating as healthy as i can and i've been exercising every time i have a chance to. I was never a junk food addicted however i would have an occasional pizza here and there but nothing too crazy. Lately i've been craving Mcdonald's fries (:embarassed: it's bad i know) and i don't know what to do.

My question is when did you decided it was time to introduce the "cheat day" into your diet and what sort of things would you eat.


  • I don't know how it works for everyone, but I have a rule. If I'm absolutely craving something I'll eat a very small amount of it. I crave ice cream. A lot. So I'll usually let myself have a bite or 2 and put it away. I think I started this after a week or two. The first couple of weeks I was really strict and began making myself crazy. I do add the extra cheat bites into my calorie count for the day though. So far it has been working for me. And I find I crave the bad stuff even less.
  • you know one point of time I just started craving for sweetened condensed milk, I dont usually take that. But thats because the body is lack of sugar hence the craving. Its important that you have your "cheat day" so that you would not give up on your diet, dont be too hard on yourself. I dont know, i see this as a long-term thing (as in MFP) so thats why I still eat what I crave for but just a little bit of it, just to satisfy myself. But always make sure you exercise so the extra consumed calories is burnt. :)