Water weight?

Do you weigh every day? Also what causes you to gain temporary weight?

I put on 1.5 lbs from yesterday even though my sodium was low and I ate around 1500 cals.

I did have flank steak-did that do it? Not enough water? Help me and tell me what foods/things create temporary gain


  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I used to weight everyday....now I'm too afraid to step on the scale lol.
    Anyway, ANYTHING can give you a "temp" weight gain. Not enough water, too much water, TOM approaching, too much sodium, even exercise as your body holds onto water to repair muscles.
    My opinion? If you want to weigh everyday go ahead, but only log the losses from the last weigh in. Never log a gain. This way you can watch the down trend. As long as there is a downtrend, don't worry about a slight gain here and there.
    I have never personally looked into it, but I'm pretty sure there's no way to prevent the natural fluctuations of weight your body will have. Although, I sure wish there was! Lol.