Increased you calories? Tell me about it here....!



  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    I think there is a misconception in this thread. Too many people associate gaining weight with gaining fat. That is not what is being suggested. The recommendation to increase calories and go to a heavy lifting routine is simply to increase lean body mass.

    If you are looking to add muscle, then you have to eat at a surplus to your TDEE. Muscle building does not generally occur at a deficit to TDEE. And, Ladies, you will not gain "big bulky" muscles. Testosterone levels are not high enough for that. Bulky muscles occur because of the excess fat on top of the muscle. Since she is already quite lean, the next approach would be to add calories over TDEE and lift heavy for a period of time. At some point, then it would be recommended to drop calories back down to cut excess BF and show off the lean muscle that was gained.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Please don't be afraid of gaining weight. When it's muscle, it just makes you look sexier.

    I weigh three pounds more in the February picture than I did in July.


    Five pounds more than I did in September.


    And eight pounds more than I did twelve years ago in my mid-20s.


    My waist is the same size as I was in 1999, but my hips are narrower now, and more streamlined. My bum is higher and rounder. My boobs are bigger. My skin looks healthier and the dark circles under my eyes are gone. Back then, I couldn't run a quarter of a mile. Now I can easily do a 10k. I eat about 2000 calories a day, strength train 2-3 times a week, and run 3-4 times a week.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    It's all about lean muscle mass. It's what controls your metabolism, your insulin, your immune system and your organs. The more you have, the better your life will be. The more you have, the less prone to injury you are as your body doesn't rely on ligaments and joints. I haven't been sick in over 1 years since I started lifting frequently and I have 12% body fat. And you want further proof that muscle makes you look better, below are two links I always use for women.

    BTW, I use the same approach as Dan, and i have helped well over 100+ people on this board alone on the eat more lose more principal with a 97% success rate and the only reason it's not 100% is due to medical conditions that are beyond my ability. Also, I am a 5'11" 200 lbs guy at 12% body fat and my BMI is considered overweight. I will let you make the distinction.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
  • Carebear530
    Carebear530 Posts: 49 Member
    I agree you should eat more & don't worry about weight. At this point you should worry about toning & forget about the scale. If you eat in a healthly manner (not candy, chips, etc...) & work out you will gain muscle not fat. When I used to run track & cross country in school I was about your weight but would gain about 5 lbs. It was because I was getting stronger & I looked better at the higher weight. You can't tone at your current weight without adding weight because muscle weighs more than fat. Have you seen the picture of 5lbs of fat vs 5lbs of muscle? Muscle looks much better.

    Your eating habits & thoughts on gaining weight are normal for an ED. You may want to speak to a dr if you are still struggling with this.
  • I am training for a 1/2 marathon June 3/12 and also to climb Kilimanjaro in Aug 2012. I am and have been having a terrible time at figuring out how many calories to consume a day to ensure I loose 1 - 2 lbs a week. I am over approx. 20 - 25 lbs. Can someone help me>??

    I am active:
    Mon - Run / Tues Spin/ Wed Run/ Thurs Spin/ Fri Off/ Sat off / Sun Long run. All workouts are 40 - 70 mins long

    I am 38
    5 foot 6'
    Weight 168 lbs
    Body fat of 31.0 %

    I have been eating the suggested 1200 calories a day, but am not loosing much if at all in 2 weeks. I think I need more.
    I would like someone to please HELP ME!! UGH
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Can someone run my numbers too, I just upped my calories but am still confused...

    Age: 33
    Height: 5'5''
    Body Fat%: approx 26% I think
    Weight: 130lbs
    Waist measurement: 29inches
    How often you workout: 3 half hours strength training sessions per week plus 1.5 hours cardio and 40 minutes dynamic yoga

    I don't so much want to lose "weight" as I want to lose fat and inches. I set myself to MFP's recommended level for 0.5 lbs a week for a sedentary person (1370) and have been eating my exercise calories back as per my HRM but still find I'm regularly hungry.

    I have just upped to 1530 today but i guess before I start eating that I'd like to know if i could eat even more. :-)
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    Please don't be afraid of gaining weight. When it's muscle, it just makes you look sexier.

    I weigh three pounds more in the February picture than I did in July.


    Five pounds more than I did in September.


    And eight pounds more than I did twelve years ago in my mid-20s.


    My waist is the same size as I was in 1999, but my hips are narrower now, and more streamlined. My bum is higher and rounder. My boobs are bigger. My skin looks healthier and the dark circles under my eyes are gone. Back then, I couldn't run a quarter of a mile. Now I can easily do a 10k. I eat about 2000 calories a day, strength train 2-3 times a week, and run 3-4 times a week.

    This! Judging by your pictures, you're not necessarily underweight, but you have no muscle tone! When you under eat, your body holds onto the fat and burns the muscle (12 years ago that was me to the extreme). Being slightly muscular is way more attractive IMHO, as the post I've quoted illustrates perfectly.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Hey all,

    For the last goodness knows how many months I put myself on an extremely low calorie intake of 800 a day. I was exerising approximately 600 of that off a day. Yes I lost weight, a good amount too, but I now realise it wasnt healthy or benifitial for my body. For months I was struggling to eat above 900 calories but have now bitten the bullet and am currently trying to get as close to 1200 cals a day as I can.

    So basically, what im asking is whether anyone else has been in this situation and what was your outcome? How easy or hard did you find increasing your calories. How did you do it? How did you feel about it? Did you gain weight when increasing cals or did you lose? Let me know!

    Cheers all x

    Eat your calories plus the ones that you burn in exercise and you will lose weigh and be if MFP has you eating 1200 and you work out and burn 500...then you should eat 1700 calories....
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Please don't be afraid of gaining weight. When it's muscle, it just makes you look sexier.

    I weigh three pounds more in the February picture than I did in July.


    Five pounds more than I did in September.


    And eight pounds more than I did twelve years ago in my mid-20s.


    My waist is the same size as I was in 1999, but my hips are narrower now, and more streamlined. My bum is higher and rounder. My boobs are bigger. My skin looks healthier and the dark circles under my eyes are gone. Back then, I couldn't run a quarter of a mile. Now I can easily do a 10k. I eat about 2000 calories a day, strength train 2-3 times a week, and run 3-4 times a week.

    I've been waiting for you to chime in. :) I'm working on eating more now and trying to be patient.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Can you run my numbers too? :)

    Age: 29
    Height: 5'3''
    Body Fat%: 22%
    Weight: 132 lbs
    Waist measurement: 30 inches
    How often you workout: Right now I run 4x per week to train for a 10k. My schedule varies each week but I'm running at least 30 mins -45 mins 3xs per week and then have a long run on Saturdays. This past Saturday was 60 mins.

    Forgot to say that right now I'm set at 1380 calories (plus I eat ALL my excersize calories back) to lose 0.5 lbs per week. I was at 1200 and then upped it almost 2 weeks ago because I stalled out and that really wasn't enough calories for me.
  • goyabean
    goyabean Posts: 28 Member
    I have to agree with you. A woman can be 115 with no muscle mass and look disgusting or she can be 115 with muscle mass and look hot. She needs to eat the proper amount of calories so she can gain muscle. Skinny does not equal sexy nor does it equal healthy. She needs to be healthy and if that means putting on 15lbs of muscle then that's what it means but depriving her body calories she is not giving it the fuel it needs to produce muscle so in effect she will be forcing her body to actually break down muscle to give her energy to live. Does that sound sexy or healthy or what???
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Michelle - Between 1800-2000 calories a day

    Lisa - ~ 1600 calories a day

    Dawls - 1800 caloires a day.

    If anyone wants the detail behind it, hit me up. BTW, you wouldn't eat back exercise calories, but if you find yourself not losing inches or weight, you would increase your calories by 200 or even if you are hungry, you can do that as well.
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    listen to Dan, he knows his ish!!
  • Dan;
    Can you please tell me your theory behind my calorie intake. I am soooo frustrated as nobody has ever given me a answer on nutrition while being a very active person. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR HELPING ME!!!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Can you please tell me your theory behind my calorie intake. I am soooo frustrated as nobody has ever given me a answer on nutrition while being a very active person. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR HELPING ME!!!


    You need to fuel the machine!
    You dont eat enough and workout consistently at some point your body will attempt to slow you down.

    Cortisol is a catabolic hormone.
    Catabolic is the opposite of anabolic!
    Anabolic means "to build tissue."
    Catabolic means "to break down tissue."
    People who eat right and workout right and arent too stressed have good levels of testosterone in their systems.
    Also eating proper fats and drinking 2% or whole milk is ideal for this!
    Fatty fish and meat are delish!!!!
    This builds muscle!
    for those who are eating too low and screwing with hormones because of improper diet.
    Or stressed out all the time...cortisol is higher in the system!

    On a metabolic level the body will first target active tissue.
    Active tissue consist of parts of your body, and organs, that burn calories or use energy to survive.
    Fat is not active tissue.
    So once you have burned the maximum amount of fat your body can burn in 1 day your body switches gears on a hormonal level and searches for easily burned fuel.
    Glycogen is first on the list.
    Fat is second.
    Lean mass is third.
    If your body is in a defensive mode like when eating below BMR, the time between glycogen burn and lean mass burn is very short.
    This is because fat is used as a storage and the body will try to hold onto as much storage as possible.
    By targeting lean mass and other active tissue, the body can drop BMR lower to slow you down and use lean mass as fuel.
    People who lose 2lbs or more and are not in the Obese II and Obese III category are burning lean mass and thus creating smaller versions of their former fat selves.
    These people look fine in clothing but once they strip down, they are skinny-fat!
    These folks have a body fat of appx 20% or more but are at or below their perfect weight.
    People who eat at or below BMR will plateau and start having Ghrelin issues if they arent working out!

    I'll also point out that people in the Obese II and Obese III range, 35-50+ BF%, contain enough ATP in their muscles to generate energy and are the only people who can "grow" muscle while in a caloric deficit.

    If you fall in this range and arent lifting heavy weights, you need to start a program yesterday!

    Also be very careful if you are OII and OIII and drop calories too low.
    Targeted lean mass can also mean the heart because its a muscle.
    If you have any damage to the heart and the body starts using it for fuel you can die!

    so to use a fun analogy....

    I'm giving you my 20 year old car.
    It has 1/8th tank of gas and a little oil in it.
    Now drive it 200 miles without stopping for fuel.

    Goto Fat to Fit Radio.
    Use the Military Body Fat tool.
    Then use the BMR tool.
    The BMR tool gives you exact calories for your activity level.
    Add 20% to those calories to find out your TDEE.

    Do these numbers every 5% body fat lost or 5lbs lost and youll pass with flying colors!
    Eat the ****ing calories you burn!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Please don't be afraid of gaining weight. When it's muscle, it just makes you look sexier.

    I weigh three pounds more in the February picture than I did in July.


    Five pounds more than I did in September.


    And eight pounds more than I did twelve years ago in my mid-20s.


    My waist is the same size as I was in 1999, but my hips are narrower now, and more streamlined. My bum is higher and rounder. My boobs are bigger. My skin looks healthier and the dark circles under my eyes are gone. Back then, I couldn't run a quarter of a mile. Now I can easily do a 10k. I eat about 2000 calories a day, strength train 2-3 times a week, and run 3-4 times a week.


    You look amazing!
  • Tattoos_and_Tea
    Tattoos_and_Tea Posts: 529 Member
    Wow! Thank you all so much for your advice, comments and taking time to look at this thread. Hope you dont mind but I have added a few of you as you are EXACTLY the type of people I need on my journey! Thank you x
  • Yori1
    Yori1 Posts: 142
  • srogers01
    srogers01 Posts: 29 Member
    Can you run mine too?

    Age -34
    Height -5'5"
    Body Fat% ? (36 I think)
    Weight -190.8
    Waist measurement-31
    How often you workout - I take an hour long kickboxing class 3x a week, and an hour long zumba class 2x a week, and strength training 1-2x a week depending on my schedule.