6 months later and...nothing. Help!

Six months ago I weighed exactly 2 pounds less than I do now. Six months of working my butt off and two pounds increase to show for it. I need some serious help.

I started off at a 1100-1200 calorie diet with 300-500 calorie exercise. I gained weight RAPIDLY. About ten pounds worth. Since then, I've gotten some helpful suggestions, and this is what I changed:

1) I tend to eat a bit more and average 1300-1500 a day and exercise more to about 500-900 a day. I take breaks but don't go over my calories.

2) I decreased my massive sodium intake and increased water from 1-2 cups a day to 5-6 cups a day (I hate water so I'm still working on this one)

3) I've moved from doing all my workouts all at once to spreading it throughout the day. Along with this, I try to incorporate cardio, aerobics, and light weight training on various days.

4) I used to get 2-3 hours of sleep. Before you point fingers, this is natural for me and has been so for about 7 or so years. However, I've taken to trying to sleep at least 4-6 hours to rest my body.

Now, with that said, I am 26, female, 5'11'' and weigh 159 at the moment. Any suggestions to help me actually get somewhere rather than spending the next six months in weight hell would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you.


  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    Have you been taking measurements?? Are you clothes fitting any different?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Whats your:

    Body Fat%
    Waist measurement
    How often do you work out

    I'll help you!
  • hollyberry2012
    You are almost six feet tall and weigh 159?
  • LPinTheD
    LPinTheD Posts: 129
    Get Jillian Michaels' book "Master Your Metabolism"... It's full of great info on how your metabolism works (or doesn't) and how food/chemicals affect your endocrine system and weight loss/gain. It's my bible. Good luck to ya!
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    Are you measuring all your food choices to make sure calories in are as accurate as possible? With that, do you use and HRM to ensure calories out is accurate. I generally eat about 70% of exercise calories because i don't yet have an HRM and i like to allow for error. You could be sitting in maintenance and you're 2 lb gain is water.

    That being said, if you have been truly committed to doing all you said in your post (only you will know). I would recommend seeing a doctor to have a checkup. Particular your thyroid. 6m with no progress doing all you say your doing seems odd to me. At the very least you ought to have seen a 1-2 lb loss/month. You probably don't have as much to lose as you think (5'11 and 159), but still ought to have seen some changes.

    Also, have you taken measurements, your weight might have shifted from fat to lean mass. Hence the lack of change on the scale.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member

    1) I tend to eat a bit more and average 1300-1500 a day and exercise more to about 500-900 a day. I take breaks but don't go over my calories.

    Does that mean you eat a total of 1300-1500? Or is that your net calories number?
  • jjmcahill
    jjmcahill Posts: 30 Member
    How much weight do you want to lose...if you are 5'11" ideal body weight I believe is around 140-170 and you are at 159?
  • LPinTheD
    LPinTheD Posts: 129
    I agree, 159 seems like an ideal weight for someone who's 5'11"... I'm 5'6" and looked great at 150 (my current GW). But, everyone is different.
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    You are at a healthy weight. Consider switching to maintenance and adding strength training to tone up unresolved areas. By doing that you'll have to net many more calories than you are currently getting. Give it a try and if that doesn't help, you can stop and go back.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Get Jillian Michaels' book "Master Your Metabolism"... It's full of great info on how your metabolism works (or doesn't) and how food/chemicals affect your endocrine system and weight loss/gain. It's my bible. Good luck to ya!

    I need to check this book out.
  • twynzmom
    twynzmom Posts: 172
    I can't give you any suggestions because I'm having the same problem..weight going up rather than down. But I'm so proud of myself for looking forward to exercise, eating right and drinking more water I could do a happy dance! I know one day I will look back and see the reward for my efforts It won't be a matter of "where did the weight go?" because I now know what it takes to get it off! I made this quote up at the beginning of my journey "the scale is never the best indcator of our efforts" Hang in there!
  • 123jn
    123jn Posts: 1
    What type of food are you eating? maybe you eating too little and your body is in starvation mode?
  • 01divey
    01divey Posts: 50 Member
    just to clarify, you are trying to put weight ON, as in build muscle right?
  • Tmarinari
    Tmarinari Posts: 28
    Has your body got any smaller? I mean did you losse inches. I have a similar problem. My weight does not change very much but I shed inches and get more tone and definition. I have people telling me I look like i lost a bunch of pounds, but i have not. did go down to pants sizes and from an xl **** to a medium. I alsways go by inches, not pounds. Remember muscle is much more dense than fat a pound of muscle occupies less space than a pound of fat. In addition, because a pound of muscle burns more fat than a pound of fat, even at rest, by increasing your lean muscle tissue mass, you're helping your body burn more calories.
  • FinallyFitAce
    Have you been taking measurements?? Are you clothes fitting any different?

    my Thoughts exactly. not losing scale weight DOES NOT equate to not shed'n whatever few pounds that there are to shed on You. if You fit into the smaller jeans...You are on the right path. forget the scale, focus on the inches!
  • hollyberry2012
    Well it's hard to say without you opening up your food diary for us to look at, but I'd say you're body seems to know better than you what is healthy, because your body is maintaining your weight for you.
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I'm not sure I understood the exercise calorie thing-- are you saying that you "eat back your exercise calories"? If not, that may be an issue.

    Also, (not pointing fingers, mind you) the sleep thing may still need a bit of increase, if you can. You're young enough that your body surely needs more than 4 hrs, especially with all of that exercise. I have a problem in that area myself-- I'm a lifelong nightowl, and my sleep has been very short for several years (3-4 hrs). Now that I'm trying to make myself sleep 6-8 hours, I really do feel better. Even thought it was my normal, it wasn't very healthy for me.
  • mommy2girlies
    mommy2girlies Posts: 56 Member
    I'm not going to be to helpful as I'm kinda in the same spot....Except I'm going to start trying (as this is what others told me) Try to fill up mostly on fruits, veggies and protein... Try to eat as many healthy carbs as you can. Oh and for the water, I am the same way! I would only drink 2-3 8 ounces of anything a day...Now I'm trying to stay around 4-6 water, and I wont let myself have juice or a pop unless I'm at 5 glasses of water for the day, and usually by then I'm to tired I don't want any. Oh something to try for water, I used to drink it all the time, but stopped now I just bought a few again...Vitamin water, they have flavors to them, and are pretty good. One container is equal to about 3 glasses, they do have calories but only 50 (and Im sure some other things) but at least finishing 1 is helping you get closer to drinking enough water??

    Anyways, I know I'm not much help, but thought I'd tell ya what Im gonna try
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    How much weight do you want to lose...if you are 5'11" ideal body weight I believe is around 140-170 and you are at 159?
    I believe her goal is 130 according to her ticker. Which I agree is a bit low for nearly 6 foot. That might be why you body is hanging on to the weight, you may have already hit your healthy weight. To tone up though you can do as some have suggested on here, weights etc.

    Good Luck and remember it's not ALL about the scale!:wink::flowerforyou:
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Are you eating back those exercise calories or are you under or at 1000 cals per day????? If that's the case, that could be your problem. I am 5'7", started Jan. 9th. at 187lbs. I try to do 1 hr water aerobics 2x per week. I have lost 21lbs. MFP tried to get me to intake only 1200 after the weight started coming off, but I have kept my calories at 1390 and eat back most of my work out calories. I also have a cheat day a week and the weight is still coming off. Feed yourself:bigsmile: