Ready for a second or third or fourth try!

Hi there! My name is evolve1587, I joined MFP in 2010 and followed for a few weeks then I was moving to start a career and kind of left dieting on the side. I'm sick of the yoyo dieting, I'm sick of the restrictions, this time I want to do it in a healthy balanced manner.

This is my plan, I am so out of shape that I will do 4 times per week at 20 mins to start, I don't want to injure myself. And I want to track all that I eat, while balancing work.

I work out of town and sometimes stay at a relative's house, this makes it much harder and discouraging since she's much older and still has the YOU NEED TO EAT LIKE NO OTHER, FILL UP ON POTATOES AND MEATS, she's terrified I'll starve, even if I reassure her every single time I'm there.

If anyone wants to join up forces and bounce ideas off each other, I'd be more than happy to!
I hope to collaborate with anyone who is at the same starting point or wants to give support to somewhat of a newbie!
Have a great day!
- Evolve1587