stop drinking 8 cups of water (because it's "good"), and get



  • Loseweight1980
    So, buying water from somewhere doesn't cause a draught, dude, lack of rain does.
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    So, buying water from somewhere doesn't cause a draught, dude, lack of rain does.

    It does when you drain the entire lake. dude.
  • amyhollar
    amyhollar Posts: 107 Member
    Stating that drinking 8 cups of water a day will flush the water soluble vitamins you need out of your body is one of the most absurd things I've read in these forums. Ridiculous.
  • butterfliespink
    "Yes, it can. It flushes your water soluable vitamins out of your system. People remember to take potassium after exercise but not after drinking mass quantities of water. "

    Then take a multivitamin. Sheesh.
  • AlbionLass
    AlbionLass Posts: 136
    I just keep an eye on the colour of my urine to guage my level of hydration, I get my liquid all kinds of ways, mainly coffee most days if I'm honest but water, tea of all kinds, milk, diet Cola...Bacardi lol.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member

    We Americans are so greedy for water we are buying it from third world countries causing draughts in tiny villages.

    Bless your heart :flowerforyou:
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    (Okay, people who live in glass spell-checkers shouldn't thrwo typos. But I just couldn't hepl myself.)
    We Americans are so greedy for water we are buying it from third world countries causing draughts in tiny villages.


    Holy cow! We're causing people in tiny third world villages to play checkers! Heavens to Betsy!

    What's next? We'll be creating small currents of air in their huts and other enclosed spaces? (We won't them draw up blueprints & techincal drawings will we? That would be just too horrible.)

    Especially when so many of those places are already suffering such terrible droughts.

  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    (Okay, people who live in glass spell-checkers shouldn't thrwo typos. But I just couldn't hepl myself.)
    We Americans are so greedy for water we are buying it from third world countries causing draughts in tiny villages.


    Holy cow! We're causing people in tiny third world villages to play checkers! Heavens to Betsy!

    What's next? We'll be creating small currents of air in their huts and other enclosed spaces? (We won't them draw up blueprints & techincal drawings will we? That would be just too horrible.)

    Especially when so many of those places are already suffering such terrible droughts.


    I love you.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    My body NEEDS water. I feel like crap when I don't drink enough. You can go days and days without food.....but the same is not true about water. What does that tell you??
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    People who post on these forums and have no educational background except a single google search really need to be careful about the advice they give. Please people do your own research... and no don't just stop at google. Dig deeper. Check your resources. You can make yourself very sick if you follow the wrong advice.
    The "Drinking when you're thirsty" comment is just flat out wrong. Nutritional scientists will tell you that need lags behind thirst. You need more water than you crave. This is fact. If you are exercising you are almost certainly in a dehydrated state. Ask any professional athelete who is serious about performance and they can tell you about hydration. Water consumption has EVERYTHING to do with digestion. It has EVERYTHING to do with your health and it has EVERYTHING to do with weightloss. Take a class, read a book, ask someone other than google for legit information.

    Thank You................I have been educating myself for years, the more I learn.........the more I evolve.

    I see people on this website complaining about dry and itchy skin, constipation issues and other digestive issues, skin breaking out, etc............if half of these people would increase both their water and fat intakes the majority of these issues would go away.

    Also, to those of you that say I get water from the foods I eat......... How many of you are eating that many vegetables and fruit for it to really count as part of your fluid intake?

    I would tend to believe people saying this from those that eat a very heavy plant based lifestyle, but not people eating the SAD (Standard American Diet).

    I don't have dry itchy skin, constipation, or digestive issues. I do get at least 8 cups of water, just some of my water has caffeine in it. There are studies involving tens of thousands of people showing that coffee significantly reduces risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

    As I've said before, infants are able to stay hydrated and grow despite having very littlle if any plain water.This is because our bodies are capable of extracting water from just about any fluid.

    I can agree that not all sources that are on Google are accurate; however many websites are considered reputable sources. I'm aware that you do not think that these sources are reliable,but not sure why you think that the "research" you do is considered superior.

    Just because something is written in a book doesn't make it more true that if it's on a website.

    And once more, the OP clearly stated if you like drinking 8 glasses of plain H2O (or more) if it helps you lose weight, great:flowerforyou: . It's just not really neccssary for it to be plain water to hydrate.
  • Loseweight1980
    drought   /draʊt/ Show Spelled[drout] Show IPA
    1. a period of dry weather, especially a long one that is injurious to crops.

    Yeah, has nothing to do with what people are doing. I'm not saying it's right to drain a lake and deprive other people of water, but you are not using the word correctly.
  • kaylamayers
    kaylamayers Posts: 26 Member
    Finally, someone else who knows the truth. There is no evidence drinking 8 cups of water does anything to loose weight.

    There is also no evidence that it does NOT help with weight loss. The jury is still out on this one!

    This is true! I know it has helped me lose a bunch of weight!
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I drink water because I like it.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    My booty is sore from squats today.. I need a massage.

    What's this about 8 cups of water?