stop drinking 8 cups of water (because it's "good"), and get



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I tried to make this point last week and got flamed for it, so good luck.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    All I know is drinking 8-12 cups of water makes me feel better. Honestly, I find that to be all that matters.
  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    perhaps i should have made the last line of my post the first: the point of this is not to get you to stop drinking if you're happy. it's to let you know you don't need to, if you don't want to or don't like water (like me).
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    She's right! You should drink not 8 a day! DRINK 16 cups a day! Not sure where you get this info but your body is make up mostly of water. When you are not drinking it is causes dehydration. Go 3 days without it and let me know how you feel about water after that!
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    Yes, you would have to drink gallons and gallons of water for it to hurt you. I think the biggest problem with the 'drinking water' thing is that most people think you HAVE to drink water. If you like water, then drink it. If you don't like drinking a lot of water, then anything that is liquid or turns into liquid once it enters your body counts. However, unless the coffee, soda, tea is decaffeinated, it will not count towards your daily goal because it is a diuretic. That goes for anything alcoholic. To give an idea of what turns into liquid once it enters your body is jello, ice cream, etc. I am a kidney transplant recipient, I see my nephrologist every six months, he is the one who let me know I didn't have to down 64 oz. of water, but could use the above to get my daily quota.
  • tammyclinch
    tammyclinch Posts: 103 Member
    I ask Dieticain she said 8 cups is important more if i feel ok with it ... it is up the the person
  • Glamour60Xtreme
    I drink 16-22 cups a day. Not dead and I feel so much better.

    agree :) I drink between 1 and 2 gallons a day :) Makes me feel SO much better!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    No one will ever get me to believe that drinking plenty of plain water is not good for you. And in order to drink too much, you have to drink a LOT or drink quite a bit in a short amount of time.

    If we drank more than the kidneys can handle over a day's time then we wouldn't eat. There is nothing wrong with drinking 10 or 12 cups of water.

    I disagree with coffee, tea, soda, etc being counted as water also as it is not plain water.

    Most people that increase their water intake find they have more energy, better moods, clearer skin and better digestion and elimination.

    Water is important to the human body.


    I find that the more water I drink (I drink on average 10-12 glasses a day, sometimes more if I'm working out extra hard), the better I feel, the better my skin and hair look, and the harder I can work out. But that's just me :)

    And in the summer time, well, it's over 100 degrees for a few months straight here, so I drink an insane amount of water just because it's HOT.
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    I love water...its soooooooooo refreshing!!

    I drink it because I want to, not because Im supposed to.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    What if you do it because you like to drink water? The other crap people drink now a days is not near as healthy and since this is a fitness site (mostly promoting healthy eating habbits) I'll stick to my water

    The OP clearly made the point that if you WANT to drink water that's great. But there's nothing wrong with not doing, which I agree 100% with.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    perhaps i should have made the last line of my post the first: the point of this is not to get you to stop drinking if you're happy. it's to let you know you don't need to, if you don't want to or don't like water (like me).

    You are spreading misinformation to people. It is harsher on the kidneys to not drink much water than it is to drink plenty of water.
  • cath_thegreat
    I can never seem to get that much pure water down in a day. I drink a lot of herbal tea, and I like to think that this is just as good. Sometimes I find if I drink this much water I flush the potassium out of my body and the muscles in my feet and legs cramp up in response.

    The net/net is probably that you have to do what feels right for your body, but you won't die/get sick/not lose weight as effectively if you don't glug water all day long. I just like the feeling I'm flushing out the toxins!
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Everyone has to drink what the feel comfortable with.

    Personally I love water. I used to hate it. Now I can easily drink 10 500mL bottles in a day. Some are more and some are less.

    I wouldn't count things like coffee, pop and juice as water intake but that's just me.
  • xraygeek
    xraygeek Posts: 34 Member
    The thing about coffees, teas, sodas, etc...they contain caffeine and other additives (even the "decaf" has caffeine), and caffeine can dehydrate you. There is a point in time where too much water is officially too much water! Cells denature and things kind of turn into that senator off of X-Men where he turned into a puddle...not quite as dramatic though.

    I have heard varying points of view of water consumption, and I think it should be based mainly off of your pee. As odd as that sounds! If your pee is a light yellow to clear, you're hydrated. If you're sporting anything darker than lemonade, you better be drinking water. And the "thirst" trigger is your body telling you that you're dehydrated.

    I've talked to doctors--most suggest 64ounces a day, minimum. I've also talked to doctors about weight loss and water. They suggest half an ounce for your weight. I weigh 196lbs, so according to that, I should be drinking around 98 ounces of water a day. I don't always get that number, but I get my minimum 64.

    Overall, you can get your liquid intake from food sources like fruits and veggies and by drinking coffee and tea, but putting something as wonderfully clean and pure as water into your body honestly can't hurt it. We all say that we have to eat in moderation--we have to drink in moderation too! Drink as much as your comfortable with, hopefully with a minimum of 64 oz a day.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I would also serious contest that drinking more water makes your skin, hair, mood or digestion noticeably better. You have to be pretty dehydrated for those things to be compromised.
  • xraygeek
    xraygeek Posts: 34 Member
    And when I say "tea" I'm mainly referring to black tea. Herbal tea is not caffeinated.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    She's right! You should drink not 8 a day! DRINK 16 cups a day! Not sure where you get this info but your body is make up mostly of water. When you are not drinking it is causes dehydration. Go 3 days without it and let me know how you feel about water after that!

    :happy: :drinker:
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I try to drink 100 ounces of water a day :drinker: My skin is awesome and I can pee like a horse. Jealous?
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Hmmmm... to each its own - before there was coffee, tea, soda, etc... there was water, it was what was provided since the beginning of time for us Humans to drink - how much, how lil of course is debatable - I myself believe in drinking plenty of water, it makes me feel good about myself - makes my skin look better, doesn't make my teeth yellowish - i am sure you get it by now...
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    The amount of caffeine in tea has a negligible diuretic effect.
    While we are not he subject, green tea actually has more caffeine in it than black tea, and all types of camellia sinensis tea have some caffeine in, even white tea. Oh, and black tea actually contains more antioxidants than green.