How Do I get rid of my middle??

I work out at the gym regularly. Weight training and cardio. I have very strong legs and butt. My arms are good, shoulder are great. My problem is my middle from my boobs to my hips. What can I do to see results in this area?

Any tips would be appreciated. When i lose weight it comes off my butt and hips which are pretty small to begin with. I know genetics plays a huge factor in this but there must be something i can do.


  • Ruthaw1961
    Ruthaw1961 Posts: 42 Member
    To lose fat, look more to your diet than exercise. Keep up the weight training and cardio as those muscles in your legs and butt are great fat burning tools. Eat clean, lift more than cardio and you will see results...Do not expect it overnight but take your measurements and check every few weeks to see where you are. Good Luck!
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    The only way to spot reduce (lose weight where YOU want) would be liposuction. You don't get to choose where your body puts the fat on or where it will take it off, just keep at it.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I do eat clean, and I workout 5 days a week. My hips and thighs are more toned and so are my arms. I have a mesomorph body type which means I build muscle quickly and have a more athletic body frame.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    No way to spot reduce size. Keep doing what you're doing, minimize stress, and the middle will shrink too.
    Something that helped me whittle away my waistline a little extra was belly dance. There is so much focus on using the hips, abs and butt muscles, it really helped increase the curvaceousness of my body! I wasn't all that much smaller, but the appearance was amazing!
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    Ya I guess you're right is frustrating though, when your jeans don't fit properly but you can't buy a smaller pair cuz you still have the belly. grrr.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    '"t will come off... read here somewhere that the body loses fat largely evenly... the reason some spots seem to take longer is because there is more fat there... where you had less fat, you are probably seeing muscle underneath, where you have more fat-- you will see the muscle when you lose more fat... not sure if this is true-- but it was largely true for me. Your ticker suggests you are about half way to goal weight-- I am sure you have lost a lot of fat in your middle, it is just not as noticeable as other areas--YET!

    Congrats on your progress and stay the course!"

    I have lost in my back and arms. I will eventually post my before and mid way pics. My legs have always been my best feature. Muscular and lean. It's the spot between my breasts and my belly button that drives me crazy.. hahaha
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    No way to spot reduce size. Keep doing what you're doing, minimize stress, and the middle will shrink too.
    Something that helped me whittle away my waistline a little extra was belly dance. There is so much focus on using the hips, abs and butt muscles, it really helped increase the curvaceousness of my body! I wasn't all that much smaller, but the appearance was amazing!

    I have always wanted to try bellydancing. Looks so amazing