Anyone get the "You're fading away"?

I went out to dinner with my mother and my step-sister. Now, I've seen my step sister a few weeks ago, and honestly the scale hasn't moved and neither has the measuring tape, but she gets in the car and is all "You're still losing weight? Don't go too far". I just took it as a compliment. The same day I'd gone shopping with my mother and she was also saying how I was looking skinny and not to go too far.

I know that they're just concerned and this isn't at all a mean thing, I just think it's kind of funny. At 5'5" and 139, 30% body fat, I'm not skinny, but I am more slender than either of them and maybe that's the difference? Anyway, I just asked them to respect me in so far as I'm not going to go to far, no ana or mia, just trying to get some inches and body fat off. I'm doing this healthily to be healthy.

But does anyone else get this?