need help on 30DS



  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    everything gets easier as long as you keep at it, modifying moves is perfectly okay, just keep moving.
  • stephl21uk
    stephl21uk Posts: 123 Member
    im on day 11...level 2, day 3....and believe me it gets easier....i was exhausted after the warm up the 1st day but push through it and do as much as you can and try and do a bit more every day!! i'll warn you now tho about the muscle pain on day 2-4 but by 5 your fine and i get no muscle pain at all and i really go for it....good luck...and keep going!
    in my i lost an inch from my waist last week and off my thigh so it really does work xx
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    press pause instead when you need a break and then play again, that way you are getting the whole workout in.

    it does get easier, and then it will be super easy (it's not tough enough for me anymore)
  • daniivdean
    daniivdean Posts: 105 Member
    I did day 3 level one today and it's easier already you can do it hang in there :)
  • trina433
    trina433 Posts: 96
    yes it gets easier!! you gotta keep at it in order to see results today is day 8 for me and i feel my endurance is better and my legs dont hurt as much :) good luck!! :smile:
  • deeswife
    deeswife Posts: 7
    Today was my first day back doing it after being sick for awhile and it was really hard and I couldn't finish it, but I was surprised that I was able to do some of the strength training with no problem. After the first few days, it'll be a piece of cake.
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    Day one for me tonight after I get my little one in bed. Wish me luck!!
  • JulesR42
    JulesR42 Posts: 6 Member
    It definitely gets easier and it does work. I have stayed on Level 1 for 12 days now - too scared to try Level 2!!!

    I am determined to go for it tomorrow and try it !

    I will let you know how I get on :-)
  • Aireyma
    Aireyma Posts: 55
    I'm on day 2. I do it every other day bc that works best for my schedule!! I've started it before and yes, it gets easier!! well, maybe not easier... you get STRONGER!!