I didn't make my goal....sad

megan145 Posts: 67
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
well...today is the first of May....and I didn't hit my goal. My first mini goal was to hit 179 (to be under 180) by May 1st and I didn't even hit my 10lb mark :frown:

I'm disappointed in myself...but I have lost 9 lbs and my clothes are fitting better...I even got into a pair of jeans that I couldn't wear 3 weeks ago.

Next mini goal 169 by June 1st.


  • megan145
    megan145 Posts: 67
    well...today is the first of May....and I didn't hit my goal. My first mini goal was to hit 179 (to be under 180) by May 1st and I didn't even hit my 10lb mark :frown:

    I'm disappointed in myself...but I have lost 9 lbs and my clothes are fitting better...I even got into a pair of jeans that I couldn't wear 3 weeks ago.

    Next mini goal 169 by June 1st.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Just my opinion but I wouldnt set goals with specific dates...instead set 5-10lb increments with no date to reach them....its less discouraging.good luck:flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    well...today is the first of May....and I didn't hit my goal. My first mini goal was to hit 179 (to be under 180) by May 1st and I didn't even hit my 10lb mark :frown:

    I'm disappointed in myself...but I have lost 9 lbs and my clothes are fitting better...I even got into a pair of jeans that I couldn't wear 3 weeks ago.

    Next mini goal 169 by June 1st.

    From what I read I think you did great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give yourself credit!!! What's one pound??? Nothing!!! Take care!!! :flowerforyou:
  • :noway: Dang...9lbs...CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!!!! :flowerforyou: You were only 1 little lb from your goal...you practically made it...and I'm sure you will make your next goal...gee...that will be 19 lbs....you goal sounds very similar to my goal! I started dieting last week...weighing in at 184 and I want to get to 164 by June 26th....I like the young lady's comment about not setting a date...but I set that date to get to 164. Keep up the good work!!!!! :glasses:
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    Keep up the good work! You're doing great! :drinker:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Celebrate that you have lost 9 lbs - no need to be sad over 1 lil ol' pound. Really - we need to appreciate our accomplishments more, I think!! So:

    Good job - 9 lbs is awesome!!! Way to go - keep up the good work! :drinker: :drinker:
  • kbirky73
    kbirky73 Posts: 110
    I felt that way for a while too at certain goals i didn't make at a certain time. This is for life .. and i'm sure you are going to live long and healthy ... it's one day .. one weigh-in ... there will be another soon and i'm sure it'll be gone .. with maybe an added one ...

    Keep up the good work!!
  • megan145
    megan145 Posts: 67
    thanks guys :D. the only reason why I set the dates is because I'm going to Florida June 20th and I would like to hit my half way mark by then......we'll be on the beach and I'm sure pictures will be taken :::eekkk::::
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Setting dates and setting goals isn't a bad thing!! I didn't mean to imply that - but you did really good!! If mini-goals motivate you that is great - use them. Just don't let being sad over missing it by 1 lousy pound send you off the wrong direction!! :flowerforyou: I bet you'll look great by June 20th!
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