I think I am undereating?

So I think the reason I am not really losing weight is that I am undereating. I aim for 12-1400 calories a day and I burn another 200-400 through exercise. My BMR is about 1650. I thought upping my calories might help but I'm scarerd to gain weight? I was thinking of maybe taking a few days off from diet/exercise to have some higher calorie days to amp up my metabolism but I really have no idea what to do please help!


  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    Don't be afriad to eat more. I am 5'5, eat around 1500 cals per day and lose. add in some high calorie items like nuts, avocados, butter and enjoy :)
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    The exercise is one of the things driving your metabolism. Dont stop that. if your eating 200-400 below bmr and not allowing calories burned in exercise you are probably eating too far below BMR. Just follow MFP you can adjust after 2 weeks if weight loss doesn't happen but you need to trust the numbers.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I have a similar problem. I KNOW i am under-eating (roughly 800 cals a day) which i know is way too little. The only reason for it is i don't know the right kind of foods i should be eating as i dont want to have too much fat/sugar....
  • Jane92394
    Jane92394 Posts: 74
    Hey thanks for answering, just to clarify I should eat back exercise cals?
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    If you feel you are eating too little, up your intake. If the worst happens you can drop it back down after a couple of weeks. It's all about trial and error. I know when I started on here I was 168lbs and 5'7" MFP gave me 1200 cals to lose 2lbs per week. This worked in the beginning but I was constantly hitting plataeus because it was too low. I upped to 1700 cals and have since reached goal weight of 133lbs. I upped again to 1900 to maintain. Although I'm still working on that number.
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    I have a similar problem. I KNOW i am under-eating (roughly 800 cals a day) which i know is way too little. The only reason for it is i don't know the right kind of foods i should be eating as i dont want to have too much fat/sugar....

    Try googling something called Michi's Ladder. It was a food list put out by Beachbody.com in some of their earlier workout programs. It gives you lists of food, borken down into 5 tiers. The top tiers consist of the foods that are considered the most healthy and the lower tiers not so good. It also indicates which foods are carbs, fat, protein and so forth. It may give you an idea of what direction to go. Also check out www.whfoods.com. It's a great site on healthy foods.
    Hope this helps
  • Jane92394
    Jane92394 Posts: 74
    Thank you everyone that posted! I'm going to up to 1600 calories and see what happens.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I have a similar problem. I KNOW i am under-eating (roughly 800 cals a day) which i know is way too little. The only reason for it is i don't know the right kind of foods i should be eating as i dont want to have too much fat/sugar....

    Try googling something called Michi's Ladder. It was a food list put out by Beachbody.com in some of their earlier workout programs. It gives you lists of food, borken down into 5 tiers. The top tiers consist of the foods that are considered the most healthy and the lower tiers not so good. It also indicates which foods are carbs, fat, protein and so forth. It may give you an idea of what direction to go. Also check out www.whfoods.com. It's a great site on healthy foods.
    Hope this helps

    Thanks! :)
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    I have a similar problem. I KNOW i am under-eating (roughly 800 cals a day) which i know is way too little. The only reason for it is i don't know the right kind of foods i should be eating as i dont want to have too much fat/sugar....

    Try googling something called Michi's Ladder. It was a food list put out by Beachbody.com in some of their earlier workout programs. It gives you lists of food, borken down into 5 tiers. The top tiers consist of the foods that are considered the most healthy and the lower tiers not so good. It also indicates which foods are carbs, fat, protein and so forth. It may give you an idea of what direction to go. Also check out www.whfoods.com. It's a great site on healthy foods.
    Hope this helps

    This is a great tool I use it as a rough guide. I also like the principles behind the GI Diet which is pretty similar in that it classifies food into red, amber and green sections. Green being best to eat and so forth
  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    Make sure your net is at least 1200..
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    If you posted this and think you are undereating then you are....means you're hungry.
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    Im in the same boat. I eat well, drink my water, get in cardio....and am not losing much, or as much as I think I should be. I never know what to eat to boost calories and limit fat/carbs/sugars etc. Hope you find the balance!
  • JannaKR
    JannaKR Posts: 2
    I am in your same boat. I am 5'3" and 122. I want to be 110-115, but I have been using my fitness pal for almost 3 months and cannot lose. I feel like I have tried it all eating less eating more, etc. I burn 200-400 daily too. I know those last few are the hardest to lose, but if anything I am going up instead of down. I just wish I knew exactly how many calories I should eat?! Right now I am at 1200-1300. I have seen a nutrionist and she says it's stress because I am thinking about it too much. I gave it a rest for a few weeks, but I am not sure what to do. I eat very healthy, maybe one splurge meal on the weekend, but that is usually just a thin crut slice of pizza. I dont eat fried food. I usually have a few glasses of wine on the weekend... Would that sabbotoge it for me?! I am at a loss too. I hope adding calories works for you!
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    i am currently doing jillian michaels body revolution and was limited my cals to 1100 when burning around 250 a day. i was starving and obsessing over food. i've upped them to around 1300 and feel much better... try increasing your cals a little or going for different ratios, higher protein, lower carbs, etc. good luck!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    You should never eat below your BMR, if it's 1600 calories then you should eat that PLUS your exercise calories, your NET calories should not run below your BMR..... otherwise your body will start storing fat when it gets it instead of releasing it.... it will eat your muscles to function....

    just google a BMR calculator and see what is right for your body... ignore what MFP tells you
  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
    I know! I feel the same way! I just wrote a post called "Counsel" but I'm not sure anyone can see it????...'cause I don't see it in Recent Posts (Can anyone see it?)

    I'm 118 lbs (depending on the day...my weight fluctuates.). I'm 5'3" and of a medium build. I'm just trying to lose about 8-10 more lbs. I know that puts me around 108-110, but that's where I feel the best.

    I'm set up on MFP to eat 1200 cal and that's not even losing a lb. a week. I don't really understand that, but hey, I guess the small I am, the less food I need to keep me going?????.... lol..doesn't sit right with me.

    Ok, so I run 7 miles a morning 4-5 days a week. When I do, I try to (and often can) eat all my calories (about 1800).

    Can you guys take a look at my food diary and let me know what you think. (SIDENOTE: I know I had pizza a few times in the last few days, but I was literally out of all cereal, eggs, veggies, fruit, etc. at my house and finances were tough...). Any counsel?