Getting toned and ready for spring break?

Let's start a group! Truth be told, I'm so new here and have no idea where I'm going with this, by here it goes.

Okay, we all know spring break is coming up and that means its bikini season (or maybe not, for all you northerners lol) but we all want that sexy shape right? How about we all try for one pound a week, until spring break, whenever yours may be. let's see, mine starts April 15 sooo

MFP name: aholland757

Real name:annie

Current weight:120

Goal weight by spring break: 112

March 10-
March 14-
March 18-
March 23-
March 27-
March 30-
April 5-
April 10-
April 14-
Final check in-

Just a suggestion--any takers? =)