Can someone please give me some feedback on my diet?

I have been working my butt off at the gym for 25+ days and i have not lost a single pound, i do interval training, with weights and my own body weight, my husband says i look more fit and i feel a bit stronger as time passes but arent i supposed to be losing inches too? I havent. I was told to increase my calorie intake since i was wokring out but im a little lost so any good spirited feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please check my diary i have made it public, thank you so much in advance.


  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I can't open it, it's not public.

    So, I will blindly say are you sure you're eating enough if you're working out that much?
  • dasblondie
    dasblondie Posts: 100 Member
    it isn't allowig my to view your diary.....
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    I have been working my butt off at the gym for 25+ days and i have not lost a single pound, i do interval training, with weights and my own body weight, my husband says i look more fit and i feel a bit stronger as time passes but arent i supposed to be losing inches too? I havent. I was told to increase my calorie intake since i was wokring out but im a little lost so any good spirited feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please check my diary i have made it public, thank you so much in advance.

    omg! I have been having the same issue!! Ive been working out for almost 2months straight and no pounds either. check ur inches tho! Mine is cuz I KEPT messing up my diet come every wkend. BUT NOT NO MORE ITS TIME TO BUCKLE DOWN...Just keep doin it. anyways if your smaller and dont have much weight to lose I hear it takes looonger for it to come off.. :( sucks i KNO I have 15-20lbs to lose and it wont budge!
  • saverett
    saverett Posts: 3
    It sounds like the fat you are losing is probably being replaced by muscle, causing you to stay at about the same weight. You hear all the time that muscle weighs more than fat, so you might not be losing pounds on the scale, but they're better pounds to be having anyway. Good job on working out so much! That's awesome :)
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    A couple of things:

    Are you eating enough, or the right stuff?

    Are you measuring yourself -- you may be losing inches but not pounds.

    Do you notice you're more toned? You may be adding muscle.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Is your log accurate? Do you weigh your food? The more accurate you are, in both exercise logging and food logging the better off you will be.
  • miya727
    miya727 Posts: 12 Member
    im sure i made it public but i will double check, someone told me i wasn't eating enough calories because i was at 1200 so i increased it but i'm not sure if 1600 is enough?
  • dougpear
    dougpear Posts: 21
    If you have only been working out for ~25 days you are probably toning up as your Husband said, beginner gains they're called. Also your diet doesn't not seem too restrictive to see huge levels of weight loss. You are most likely reforming your body, gaining muscle while losing fat, if it continues as a trend for the next few months maybe consider calorie cycling?

    Also as a side note when you increase calories while working out it helps you get stronger and recover faster and such, but if you're increasing you calories for this purpose it makes it hard to lose fat because of a lack of a calorie deficit. If you want to continue to do both maybe consider calorie cycling (which I mentioned above) where you eat the extra calorie diet after your workout and on rest/cardio days you eat a lower calorie diet.

    Another side note, your diet looks super clean! Congrats, no doubt you will lose the weight.
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    I was having the same problem and my trainer told me to up my protein, add a day of strength training and use heavier weights on my conditioning days. It worked almost instantaneously. Broke a FOUR MONTH plateau!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I have been working my butt off at the gym for 25+ days and i have not lost a single pound, i do interval training, with weights and my own body weight, my husband says i look more fit and i feel a bit stronger as time passes but arent i supposed to be losing inches too? I havent. I was told to increase my calorie intake since i was wokring out but im a little lost so any good spirited feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please check my diary i have made it public, thank you so much in advance.

    I would say your diary looks ok.
    I think you could be eating more fruits & veggies....and I didn't see ANY water logged. How are you doing with your water? You should be drinking 1/2 your body weight in water (plain water, or unsweetened teas)
    You can add me if you want, and check out my diary. I won't say it's a perfect example (cuz it's not)...but it'll give you some idea of what to shoot for.
    I also think you need a more substantial breakfast. I eat oatmeal every matter what! I may add other things, like turkey bacon...egg whites..greek yogurt...etc.
  • beachbebe
    beachbebe Posts: 47 Member
    I agree with prior responses that you are likely gaining muscle as your husband is noticing a difference. (A better measurement than scale.) I'm sure a body fat measurement would confirm. Your diary only showed one day for me to see, and it looked great. My only feedback is to measure hummas on plate instead of dipping. I found that helped me see how quickly those "healthy" calories can add up. Good luck!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    One think that you aren't tracking in your diary: SODIUM. How much are you consuming a day? This can play a role in water retention, if you're getting too much (anything over 2500 mg/day per the US RDA), which may be why you're not seeing the scale move. Food for thought in regards to sodium, the RDA in the States is 2500mg/day ... in Europe (England in particular), it's 1500mg/day. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm!

    As others have mentioned, you may be tightening up, so make sure that you're measuring yourself to see if you're losing inches.

    And also, as someone else mentioned, your diary only shows one day, so it's difficult to dissect that or offer suggestions as to what you could change/add/decrease to your diet.
  • lisabruce12
    lisabruce12 Posts: 77 Member
    Sodium is a kicker...gets me all the time!
  • fit4everyoung
    You are incorporating great amound of protein, from two days to compare. I would incorporate more veggies, 64 ounces of water, measure your food (watch your portion control) as you may be overestimating like me, sad to say but true, and great indication is to log for the day wether you are satisfied or going to bed hungry. Hope this helps as this is what I am incorporating back to basics such as measuring food and drinking water.

    Good luck, :flowerforyou:
  • Paolinat
    Paolinat Posts: 81 Member
    Take measurements . You could be replacing fat with muscle, so you lose inches, but scale says zero. Trust your husband or take measurements. I trust both will have the same results.
  • Catz15
    Catz15 Posts: 19
    I have been working out for over a month now and noting everything I eat. I stick to 1200-1300 calories diet. So far I lost 3lbs only but realized that I kinda toned up a bit. I used to wear Large size tights and now I easily fit into Medium. After reading some of the responses, I am not worried about pounds rather concentrate on toning up. Good luck to u :smile:
  • katermoody
    Your diet looks great, keep that up daily it's a huge asset.

    I would do two things for sure #1track your sodium...I didn't do that for the first week or two and thought I was doing so well, oops not so much, I was retaining water like a camel...#2 Track your water intake, I have found for myself that I try to plan my higher sodium meals/snacks earlier in the day and use the water intake to flush it though my system...

    I know everyone is unique but I was in the same boat and after making the aforementioned changes my weight loss is slow but steady, my measurements are coming down also. I feel fantastic...

    And btw I don't detest water like I used to ;)
  • katermoody
    Your diet looks great, keep that up daily it's a huge asset.

    I would do two things for sure #1track your sodium...I didn't do that for the first week or two and thought I was doing so well, oops not so much, I was retaining water like a camel...#2 Track your water intake, I have found for myself that I try to plan my higher sodium meals/snacks earlier in the day and use the water intake to flush it though my system...

    I know everyone is unique but I was in the same boat and after making the aforementioned changes my weight loss is slow but steady, my measurements are coming down also. I feel fantastic...

    And btw I don't detest water like I used to ;)

    When I saaid your diet looks great I meant the detailed entries...feel free to check mine out...
  • AussieMisfit
    AussieMisfit Posts: 78 Member
    I don't think too few calories is a problem as long as you average over 12000. Since you're doing weight training I'd suggest you up your protein and down your carbs. I have mine set to 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat and this seems to be working for me. I'm losing a little slower than I was at the beginning, but with weight training I'm definitely still liking my body shape lots more.
  • miya727
    miya727 Posts: 12 Member
    I think i may not have the hang of this making my diary public like i though lol i went to settings but for some reason everyone can only see a few days? I havent logged for about five but prior to that i was a bit more consistent, i dont log water since its easy for me to know im drinking enough, i drink tons of lemon water and green tea, i have recently started including more egg whites in the am w my breakfast especially since i work out in the morning and i always have a protein shake after workout, tracking my sodium is a very good point i hadnt thought of that im going to change that, i will admit im not a huge veggie, or fruit eater, i tend to eat the same veggies or fruits since im nt too crazy about a wide variety, i figure if theyre veggies why even log them since they arent too high in calories, i try to keep in mind to have no carba after five like ive been told by a few trainers, i do have a hard time measuring my grains and carbs though, should i consider a food scale? Anyone use one? Btw thank you all for such great input