The Biggest Loser workout DVD ....

Anyone know where I can estimate my calories burned doing this DVD? My sister in law gave it to me and I'd like to be able to log it in for my exercise. It is cardio / strength for about 25 minutes.


  • BrandyHeit
  • BrandyHeit
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Short of using a heart rate monitor, I have no idea. You can enter it into the database as circuit training, but MFP's guess at your calorie burn is most likely going to be higher than your actual burn.
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    I would concur with rachmox .
  • BrandyHeit
    Well shucks. That is what I figured and I don't own a HRM.

    Thanks for your help though, both of you!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I know a lot of the MFP numbers are off but in my experience, the circuit training one is pretty spot on. However there are a lot of factors like if you modify to the lower impact versions or the heaviness (# of pounds) of your handweights. When my HRM was busted, I logged a 30 Day Shred video workout as "circuit training, general" and come to find out, it was pretty close to what my new HRM said I burned.

    To be safe, you could enter it it as circuit training with however many minutes you work out and then alter the # of calories that MFP gives you by multiplying the # by 0.75 (usually a safe margin). Example: MFP gives you 260 calories for 20 minutes of circuit training - click on the box where it shows 260 and change it to 195 (260 * 0.75).
  • RunionX4
    RunionX4 Posts: 190 Member
    I am fixing to start this DVD again too. It's a great work out. I was trying to find this same answer myself. Thanks.
  • colintsmith
    colintsmith Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks all - Just getting started again myself.