"Fat Chance: An Analysis of Anti-Obesity Efforts"

ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
This is a link to a research paper that discusses obesity in the US and the efforts by various organizations "to improve social welfare by implementing a set of prescriptive policies designed to remedy systematic mistakes made by individuals."

I've read very little that reviews government efforts in this area and I found it an eye opening read.

The summary is at the link below and you'll also find a link to download the research paper.



  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    This is a link to a research paper that discusses obesity in the US and the efforts by various organizations "to improve social welfare by implementing a set of prescriptive policies designed to remedy systematic mistakes made by individuals."

    ahh.. the "you're too stupid to make your own decisions, so we're going to make them for you" approach.

    god i hate that. lol