What am I doing wrong? scale up and down

ok so I know I shouldn't have...but I weighd in on sunday (my official weigh in is thursdays) and i was 154.2-154.4........i weighd myself this AM and I'm 156.2....What am I doing wrong!?! I had a great 4 days of working out (thurs-sun) including weight lifting/training on sunday. i've been sticking to my calories and started eating back my workout cals bc i don't want to go under. help!


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    It happens. This could be water weight, your monthly cycle, a day of more sodium than usual, your muscles repairing from your 4 good workouts, a reaction to something you ate, etc. There are many reasons for this. Don't let it get you down. It happens to everyone!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I just started eating back my exercise calories and was told there can be a gain at first, but that will change and things will start to move. Hope it happens. Hang in there, I've see the same pound up and down forever now, so I had to make a change. Hope this is the answer! Good Luck!
  • fishes305
    fishes305 Posts: 20 Member
    Read this article about "Why the Scale Lies". http://www.healthdiscovery.net/articles/scale_lies.htm
  • I am going through this also. Thank you fishes305 for posting that article! Excellent Article! It brought back some of my sanity over this issue!