Under calorie goal

hi im brand new here and am trying really hard . Ever since I started ive been under my calorie goal that myfitness gave me. Im not sure if thats good or bad and if theres any amount under that we wont consider under. example my intake cal goal is 1880 calories and i average 1 hr of walking per day that gives me another 250 calories so lets say 2130 calories. so if im around 16 or 17 hundred is that ok? thanks so much. I love this program!!!!!!!


  • mreko2005
    mreko2005 Posts: 56
    it's near impossible to hit your caloric intake setting EXACTLY. As I see it, better to be a few hundred calories under than over. You're taking in enough calories to keep you from going into "starvation" mode, however, try to take in enough calories to get you closer to your setting. Glad to see your taking your nutrition seriously.. That can only mean success!
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Yup. You are doing great!! ;)
  • stevodreo
    stevodreo Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the replies,tho the real problem is latley ive been on metformin and am very nauseous etc and eating only around 1000 calories. Thats around 1000 calories than my goal. Ive still been losing weight but im very skeptical if its a good thing and what my options are to get more calories into my system while im nauseous. thanks again
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Thanks for the replies,tho the real problem is latley ive been on metformin and am very nauseous etc and eating only around 1000 calories. Thats around 1000 calories than my goal. Ive still been losing weight but im very skeptical if its a good thing and what my options are to get more calories into my system while im nauseous. thanks again

    Unless supervised by a doctor the typical minimum calories one should get in is 1200 NET for women and 1500 NET for men (NET includes the calories burned through exercise).
  • Jaffy55806
    Jaffy55806 Posts: 28 Member
    You an always change your calorie intake amount. I was told by my trainer to intake 1600 and MFP recommended more than that. I am glad I changed mine to what my trainer told me because I struggle to meet that 1600 most of the time. I work out and those work outs are good however I also had to change my fat, carbs and protein too which I have no problem meeting my limits.
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    hey, if your feeling sick your too hungry. Try substitutions: eating crackers or GREEN apples when you feel that way, both help relieve that but still keep you under your calorie goal.

    Another thing, if my fitness pal is saying 1880 and you walk 1hr and gain 250 calories, just remember you dont have to use the calories you gain from activities, but I do recommend trying to hit the 1880 goal. getting as close to 1800 as possible. Another thing to consider, if you are only eating 1600-1700 and you are NOT getting nauseas then maybe you should drop your calories manually or change how much you want to lose a week. But always eat when you feel sick, like I said GREEN apples are proof to shave off nausea
  • ginnymilling
    I used to be on metformin and it did the EXACT same thing to me. We tried lots of different doses and nothing seemed to fix it. It was odd because my father can take metformin no problem! My doctor then put me on Janumet, which still has the metformin in it, but for whatever reason doesn't ruin me like straight metformin did. I'm obviously not a doctor, but if you've given it a little time and it's still bothering you, I would talk to your doctor. I remember how awful I felt most of the time (to the point of being sick immediately after taking it!) so don't suffer with it if you don't have to!
  • ebivens3
    ebivens3 Posts: 10
    Thanks for the replies,tho the real problem is latley ive been on metformin and am very nauseous etc and eating only around 1000 calories. Thats around 1000 calories than my goal. Ive still been losing weight but im very skeptical if its a good thing and what my options are to get more calories into my system while im nauseous. thanks again

    Unless supervised by a doctor the typical minimum calories one should get in is 1200 NET for women and 1500 NET for men (NET includes the calories burned through exercise).

    I have been given 1200 as my calorie goal. I have changed my diet to reflect a healthier life style, and can not net that high. I get about 1200 in, but I do not eat my calories back from working out. This post worries me a little, as I thought the goal was to eat as close to what your goal was and let the loss from exercise be the lower amount.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    sometimes it takes your body a while to get used to stuff like that....BUT you should be eating back some of your exercise calories. If you're only eating 1600, and you burned 250, you're feeding your body only 1350 calories, when you've actually burned 2050 calories that day -- that may be too much of a defiict, and not eating enough may be why the metformin is making you feel bad - your blood sugar may be getting too low. eat more.

    Start weight 303.4 (1/1/11)
    Current weight 198.4 (105lbs down)
    goal weight 160
    29 y/o 5'6''
  • chadreb
    chadreb Posts: 1
    sometimes it takes your body a while to get used to stuff like that....BUT you should be eating back some of your exercise calories. If you're only eating 1600, and you burned 250, you're feeding your body only 1350 calories, when you've actually burned 2050 calories that day -- that may be too much of a defiict, and not eating enough may be why the metformin is making you feel bad - your blood sugar may be getting too low. eat more.

    Start weight 303.4 (1/1/11)
    Current weight 198.4 (105lbs down)
    goal weight 160
    29 y/o 5'6''

    thanks im inspired by your starting weight and current. youd be great for a before and after advertisement!!!! keep it up
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    You should try to at least get in your BMR. That will cover all your basic bodily functions so you feel good while exercising and dieting. 1000 is too low. Figure out your BMR and try to get at least this many a day. A protein shake with low fat or non fat milk ad some fruit will give you the extra calories and lots of good stuff to eat if you find you are falling short of your goal of at least BMR.
  • stevodreo
    stevodreo Posts: 8 Member
    whats a bmr level? and thanks for your ideas!! il have to give it a shot. What do you think abt frozen yoghurt with some frozen fruit? is that high in calories?
  • gaboudreau
    gaboudreau Posts: 12 Member
    If you continue to be nauseous on Metformin you should discuss that with your doctor..it shouldn't last for an extended time..also they should be able to advise you on methods to control the nausea symptoms and the best foods to eat. I found that If I stayed within my carb allowences I had tons less stomach issues..when I overeat carbs I tons of stomach and bowel issues when on the med even after 4 years and so does my friend who is on Metformin.