Getting up for early morning workouts?



  • That's actually an awesome idea! lol I, of course will have to get my clothes ready the night before and keep them in the bathroom to refrain from getting back in my room and "accidentally" lay down and fall asleep again :P
  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    I am a 4:30 am workout girl myself. I tend not to sleep past 6 am on a normal day anyways (young kids!) so once I started getting up to do my workout, it got to be a habit and my body adjusted. Now I wake up before my alarm goes off, and I find that I don;t want to waste being up that early so I get my butt out of bed. I have also found that after about three weeks straight, I WANT to work out to gain some extra calories for the day, lol.
    Good luck!
  • Immediately turn on music. It's the only way I ever have the drive to to ANYTHING before 6am. Too short usually wakes me up in a good mood. No way I could crawl back in bed after singing along to *kitten* betty.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I am not a morning person at all. However, I work late, life gets busy, and I know I won't follow through and exercise in the evening. The choice for me is be a stagnant sloth and lay in my warm bed a little longer or get up and just get it over with. I always feel accomplished after I haul myself out of bed. It really comes down to making a choice. If you really want to exercise, you really need to get your butt out of bed when the alarm goes off.


    It's about making a choice. I get up at 4 every morning to work out because that is literally the only time I have. Would I like to sleep in until 5? Yes. Do I? No, because I am taking charge of my life and making a choice.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I loathe getting up but I think I need to start tossing in some AM workouts to get out of this rut.
    Same thing for me too.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Thanks everyone! I love the water idea. I think a combination of having my alarm clock across the room and REALLY having to pee will get my butt out of bed. Like some of you have said, once I get up and start working out I feel great.. it's just the getting there that's the hard part!
  • mckant
    mckant Posts: 217 Member
    Does it help knowing that once you get up and do it it's done for the day? No dreading an afternoon or evening workout? For me it's more about having the energy to get in a good workout so early in the morning.
  • triadvocate
    triadvocate Posts: 15 Member
    I LOVE my morning workout. The gym is less crowded and there's a certian peacefulness in Anchorage before the city wakes up. Also, not so many people on the road nad my commte to the gym doesn't take as long --even on icey streets. I'm usually out the door between 5:30 and 6 a.m...tell yourself you love getting up that early, you love that quiet time,and you'll be getting up with no problem.
  • Troyeee
    Troyeee Posts: 9
    I have sleep issues. Try putting a dim lamp, on the opposite side of the room, on one of those cheap timers that you can get from the discount store. Set it to come on a half hour before your alarm clock goes off. This will help to gently pull you out sleep, instead ripping you out of REM sleep, like an alarm clock may do. Remember, you are just trying to simulate dawn, so use a dim light. It works for me. Good luck.
  • hotmama1174
    hotmama1174 Posts: 109 Member
    I use to be anti-am workout girl...but then I realized it was either get me a@@ out the bed at 6:30 or my a@@ will continue to get bigger. There is no other time in the day that is dedicated to just me. So I have tried to make it a 'me time' and this has helped me quite a bit. I tell myself I deserve an hr for me and this is the way I get it in. you can do it!!! Good Luck!
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    I am not a morning person at all. However, I work late, life gets busy, and I know I won't follow through and exercise in the evening. The choice for me is be a stagnant sloth and lay in my warm bed a little longer or get up and just get it over with. I always feel accomplished after I haul myself out of bed. It really comes down to making a choice. If you really want to exercise, you really need to get your butt out of bed when the alarm goes off.

    I think I needed this little kick in the rump. Glad for the post and the reply. Thanks y'all!
  • kschmi24
    kschmi24 Posts: 59 Member
    If I ever have to do ANYTHING in the morning, I make sure it is something I like and want to do (that is why I take a fun class in the morning, not statistics or chemistry or something).

    That said, the only way I can motivate myself to get my butt out of bed in the morning is by doing a work out that I really enjoy, like Zumba or riding my bike. If I had to get up and lift weights, run, do p90x, or something that I like a lot less, there would be no way I would get up and do it.

    I've started sleeping in my workout clothes to help with the morning workouts. Then I cut out an extra step and can sleep another two minutes ;)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i do the brainless zombie method.

    Sleep in my workout clothes if i have to. Slide out of bed and make like a brainless undead hot chick. Moan and groan and ***** and whine all I want, as long as my feet move forward and I embrace the Goddess of Zombies - Nike (aka Dont think - Just Do It) If I need to- I get mad and scream at my brain to butt the hell out of my body's business.

    Usually by the time Im awake, Im on the sidewalk.
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    I am in the same boat...I've been really good lately, but when I first came back to work from maternity leave it took some getting used to.

    I was so used to working out during nap time, or taking all 4 kids downstairs to play...I got reaaaaal used to that!

    But after about a good week I was into a routine...I think about if I miss my workout, how bad I might feel during the day :)
  • i've been setting my alarm for an hour and a half earlier... then when my alarm goes off, I reset it for an extra hour.. then when it goes off again.. im completely annoyed cuz I just went back to sleep.. not only am I completely annoyed but I now have no chance but to get up because time is running out.. then i work out and rush rush rush to make it to get showered and ready for work.. (see, I burn more calories rushing ha!) lol

    Sometimes I can't fall back asleep so after a few minutes of laying there, I just get it over with.
  • JenChis22
    JenChis22 Posts: 25
    I wish I could help you, but I can't find it in me to workout before my day starts. I have just come to terms with it and exercise at night after my kids go to bed. LOL.

    hahahahahaha this is what I do!! I have an air raid siren and I HATE it!!! LOL I FLY out of bed to turn it off
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    The zombies motivate me to get up @ 5:30 to run. Otherwise, I'll get eaten.
  • kmbhoya2000
    kmbhoya2000 Posts: 174 Member
    I get up around 5:30, it's the only quiet time where I can really concentrate on what I'm doing. Also, it's the best way to get my stiff sore body going for the day. If I left it til evening I would be too stiff & sore, & I would not get it done, or if I did I would be too wired to sleep, too sore, etc... I also have little ones, sometimes they are my alarm clock! I also have a puppy who had been the alarm clock theses past couple of weeks...

    Careful with the water thing, I don't know if it's my medicine or what, but I drink a glass at night, and I always wake up once if not twice to go to the bathroom...
  • kao1114
    kao1114 Posts: 51
    Get cats. Then get them used to being fed at 5 AM. At exactly 4:58 AM daily, religiously, they will cry and jump on your head until you get up and feed them. They are better than any alarm clock. Best of luck!
  • I wear my workout clothes to bed.

    This is what I do sometimes too. Then I only have to throw on my tennis shoes.