


  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks everyone for the congrats! i really appreciate it <3

    Ive been eating healthy and drank tons and tons of water since I found out i was pregnant, and I continue on doing so.
    And like i said in my last post, i plan to walk her around town for 30min, 3x a day for exercise for the first 3-4 months.

    I dont know..I hope i lose the weight..Ive gained 50pounds so far. D:
    thats alot!! 0.0
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks everyone for the congrats! i really appreciate it <3

    Ive been eating healthy and drank tons and tons of water since I found out i was pregnant, and I continue on doing so.
    And like i said in my last post, i plan to walk her around town for 30min, 3x a day for exercise for the first 3-4 months.

    I dont know..I hope i lose the weight..Ive gained 50pounds so far. D:
    thats alot!! 0.0

    And yes, ill be definately counting calories using MFP to help lose this baby weight!
    I was on here before and lost 10 pounds in a month from the support of others! :D
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I dont know..I hope i lose the weight..Ive gained 50pounds so far. D:
    thats alot!! 0.0

    You will! Keep in mind a lot of that weight is things like extra blood, the placenta, water and not to mention the baby! I put on 25kg (55lbs) and have lost it all in 9 months, the first 22lbs was taken care of by giving birth! Of course I have big babies and so 10lb 4 of that was the baby :happy: It takes a while for your blood volume to go back to normal so it won't all disappear while at the hospital, but during the first 4 - 6 weeks or so you will get down to your new start weight so you'll know what you have to work with. Don't put too much pressure on yourself in the beginning, it takes a while for you and your baby to get to know each other, but walking is a good thing to do - it isn't too hard on you and the baby will probably just sleep from the movement in the buggy.
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    You'll lose weight if you stick to your healthy eating ;D mfp gives 500 extra cals for feeding full time and I have to say I need those. I use them and I still lose weight.
    Saying that, on the other three kids I gained. Breastfeeding WILL make you hungrier, but if you're good and shovel lots of fruit and veg into yourself rather than what I did - convenient cookies, bars, crackers, cheese, processed foods, takeaways.. - you'll also lose it :)
    Best of luck with the birth and the feeding!! It's magical, there's nothing like it!! :heart:
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I lost a lot, probably all I had gained and a little more. Then I stopped paying attention and started gaining. Ugh!

    This is all 6 years ago. :)

    YAY for breastfeeding, SO SO SO good for both of you.

    Just remember, the first month is REALLY hard, hang in there and get support.
  • birdieintx
    birdieintx Posts: 298
    I gained 22 lbs while pregnant and lost it all while breasfteeding. However I wanted to lose weight before I got PG and wasn't able to drop any of those pounds until after I finished breastfeeding despite a healthy diet and and exercise. Your body tends to hold fat stores to produce milk it's essential so I didn't try hard. The fat content of my milk was more important to me than losing weight.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    My pregnant co worker just told me about this and said you can lose weight (or keep it off) from breast feeding. However, I do not intend on having children for a LONG

    but I will remember this for when the time comes! :flowerforyou:
  • niknanette
    I have had 4 children and it was different for all of them. My first I gained the least (26 lbs), she was my biggest (9 lb 14 oz), and I lost it all plus 5 extra by my 6 week checkup. I remember eating soooo much during that time, I was starving always! The next two i gained 40/48 pounds and it took at least a year, with at least 6 months of hard work. The youngest is 7 months and this time I'm really struggling. I gained 50, lost half that by my 6 week checkup and them my thyroid went wacky and I gained a bunch back even with diet and exercise. Finally last week I'm back down to that 6 week postpartum weight. We've had to tweak my dosage 3 times already but I hope it's good now so it's wont be so hard. Hoping to lose the rest by his 1st birthday. Breast feeding can help but it also can hinder your progress...the benefits To you and baby are definitely worth the potential slow loss though!
  • SpanishRapunzel
    SpanishRapunzel Posts: 53 Member
    I can't say that I necessisarily lost of weight through breastfeeding. I'm sure it helped, but I also craved sweets right after I had my son, :grumble: so... idk. I was worried about dropping my calories under 2,000 for a long time because I didn't want it to affect my supply. Now that he's a toddler (and I'm probably burning only about 300 calories from bf'ing), I think it's acually helping me lose the weight now. :shrug:
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I gained exactly 37 lbs with both of my pregnancies, both times I basically kept eating like I was pregnant and breastfed exclusively and lost all 37 lbs by the 6 month mark. Unfortunately, I did not have any knowledge at that time of how to correctly adjust my calorie intake, and when I started nursing less b/c of them starting to eat solid foods, I started gaining weight back. With the first one I put on 20 lbs before getting pregnant with baby #2. After baby #2 once again I lost all the pregnancy weight by 6 months but then put on 8 more lbs before finding MFP and getting serious about my weight. You should do really well since you are here on MFP and will have a good idea of what your body actually *needs* rather than doing like me and using breastfeeding as an excuse to eat whatever looks delicious w/o regard for what your body actually needs. LOL
  • briggsy13
    briggsy13 Posts: 161 Member
    I did lose 40 lbs in the first year of breastfeeding, but it came of slowly!!!! Painfully slow in my opinion considering I was counting calories and exercising. It was the same way with both my girls some weight came off but not easily like they say it will, at least not for me. But there are plenty of women out there that the weight just falls off of when nursing. I'm not one of them lol. I stopped nursing my youngest in January after 15 months. The weight is already coming off easier. I still have another 35 to go at least. Good Luck and congrats!!!
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing your expreriences!! i really appreciate it!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I lost 30 pounds in the first 6 weeks after my newest baby was born. Of course, that's normal for me. I lost that much in about that same time frame after my first two were born. I gained 30 pounds with each of those pregnancies, only 15 with this one. So the other 15 pounds I lost were extra, which is awesome. I'm having trouble eating enough so I haven't lost more.
  • jocelynna
    jocelynna Posts: 137 Member
    I was able to get back to pre-pregnancy weight -5 lbs. within a few weeks of giving birth. After that, I just maintained throughout breastfeeding. I gained 10 lbs. back about 6 months after I stopped breastfeeding, and then started dieting again.
    I lost all but 10 pounds of baby weight whilst breastfeeding after both of my children, the last 10 pounds I had to work pretty hard for after they weaned. If you plan to walk with your baby to help lose the weight, carry or wear your baby (you can nurse whilst walking if you have them in a moby wrap or sling), you'll burn more calories carrying them and it is better for your baby to be close to you as much as possible. So, another WIN-WIN! Good luck and great job deciding to breastfeed!
  • penelopiad
    I gave birth weighing 270. I didn't start trying to lose weight until the beginning of January when my baby was 7 months old. I weighed about 245. I have lost 21lbs since Jan. I have lost all my pregnancy weight and now working on the rest.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    For me, I was eating around 1800 calories a day, and I was stuck! I had gotten down to prepregnancy, but was stuck bouncing around the same few pounds. Since I've started eating a minimum of 2300 calories, I'm dropping a couple pounds a week. Also, my daughters weight gain has improved :). It is definitely possible to lose weight breastfeeding, but you really need to eat to do it, and support your child's growth.
  • qkbvoch
    qkbvoch Posts: 3
    I gained 55lb while pregnant. Lost 45lb within the first couple months, then started eating really well, all natural stuff, no sugars, etc and lost the rest by the time baby was 10m old.

    Congratulations on your little one!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i dont know if i lost with my frist, i didnt own a scale.
    but with my second daughter i nursed for 6 months and lost about 30 pounds. i wasnt watching what i ate or trying to lose weight, wasnt even really paying attention to the scale, only knew my weight from doctors appointments. which is why i gained it all back as soon as we stopped nursing lol
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    I lost all my baby weight while breastfeeding, with both of my sons. With my first son, I stopped nursing at 6 months and gained 20lbs back. With my 2nd son, I nursed until he was 14months old, and then started the Couch -5k program, so I didn't gain it back, but I was much heavier to start.